Underworld Gate


Melchior didn't know how to react. Was Elias really in the area? How long had he been there? What had he seen?

No answer came in the form of words, but a second later, the earth rose up slowly, revealing the familiar rotund figure. Elias looked as detestable as always, but Melchior's rage was even more knowing that he had been there and decided not to help.

Even if there were enemies, it wasn't just him at risk here; it was the entire town. Their friends and family. His son.

There was no look of remorse on the man's face. Instead, he looked vaguely irritated.

"How did you discover where I was?"

Circe scoffed, tapping her feet against the floor in the same rhythmic pattern as usual.

"Basic Watcher martial arts. It doesn't help that you chose to hide below ground, which is where the technique works best."