Assassin In The Forest

Mel's horse galloped forward at a slow but hearty pace. He didn't want to wear the beast out before they got close to Konnor and the rest. But he didn't think he'd have to bother with that, anyway.

The white stallion he rode was a majestic creature with a mane that floated as it ran and a long tail that streaked out behind it.

It wasn't a Spirit Beast, but it was a lot more different from the normal horses found on Earth.

Regular animals still existed on Elgross, but they were far stronger than the ones he was used to. They weren't granted the title of Spirit Beast because they didn't have the ability to absorb and use Spirit energy.

That was what set them apart from their monstrous counterparts.

His stallion was most likely able to run longer distances without the need for energy at all, but to be on the safe side, he decided to keep the pace safe and steady at all times.

A few minutes later, the silence of the forest got slightly unsettling.