The Drifting Shepherd (Part 2)

All of them jumped down from their horses and to the ground in a single synchronized movement. Melchior noticed but followed after a second later. They moved quicker than he could react, falling into places like pieces on a chessboard.

Then the squad fell into a strange formation, with Konnor at the centre and the rest of the soldiers in a circular position that curled inward and ended with the man.

The soldiers that formed the circle slammed their fists into the ground, then pushed some Spirit Energy into it. It came out as visible wisps of energy that floated up into the air and rapidly congealed to form a translucent barrier.


All of a sudden, the bats that shot at them crashed into the barrier and fell to the ground, dead.

Melchior reeled back slightly, as he expected the swarm to crash into them. He and Konnor were at the centre of the circle, although he looked far more out of place than Konnor.