Nodor City

The gates creaked open slowly, revealing a bustling city. It was only still early in the morning, yet the city was already up and active. The shops were already opening, attracting lots of people who were doing their shopping.

For the first time, Melchior saw a wide variety of items that he'd never seen before. He was still tired, yet he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Everything from the original Melchior's memories was limited to the things he knew from Blackmount and what he had read in books. Elgross was a planet that was far larger than Earth, so even reaching a city this close to Blackmount made him experience a complete shift in perspective.

Many different people from all walks of life stood together, in attires from seemingly different cultures.

It was an amazing thing to witness personally.

As they rode into the city, a voice called down at them from the top of the gates.

"Konnor, who's the kid? Recruit?"