The Rise of Cloudtomb

Konnor's hand fell to the table with a loud bang. All traces of drunkeenss faded from his face like they were never there.

"That snake eyed bastard! I already gave specific instructions that you wouldn't need to go through the evaluation processes."

The joyful nature of the Cloud Hunter's had been toned down significantly after Melchior told his story.

From the reactions he had gathered, everything that had happened was out of the ordinary. He had figured as much, but he didn't think it was this bad.

"And he fought you as well?"

He nodded.

Konnor fumed, grabbing another mug of ale and downing it quickly.

"Filthy noble scum. People like him should perish by the wrath of a thousand suns. There is no place in this world for people who behave like that!"

"Is it really that big of an issue? I'm fine, aren't I?"

The large man nodded.