
Melchior had no idea how situation.

On one hand, it had been a while since he received a thorough beating such as this one, so he was frustrated about it. On the other hand, it made him return and view all of the mistakes and bad habits that he thought had disappeared.

In truth, they hadn't and had only grown worse and worse as time passed by.

But it was embarrassing. The voices around were too loud to ignore, and he could once again hear every mocking chant, whisper and word said to him.

"That's really the guy that wiped a whole Zatanian squad out?"

Another joked, "Hey, maybe we could wipe out a few ourselves!"

"If that's Priority S, I say we all become Priority S soldiers as well."

Vepas himself wore a smug grin, as though he had predicted the outcome from the very start. His slit eyes curled up even more as he looked at Melchior from where he stood.