Arrival at Cresthill

The group ironed out the plan a bit more and continued on their way.

Luckily there were no major disturbances that forced them to waste any time. In about three hours, they stood at the foot of the hill that people of Cresthill town called home. 

It was a mostly free area. The tall trees of the Black Mountain region had naturally ended at the point just before the hill, whcih meant that it really was true.

He mused to himself. 'Any further than here and I'll be in a whole other Region of the kingdom entirely,'

Melchior stared behind the wide hill. For people coming from the other regions, they would have to climb up the hill from the other side before seeing Cresthill town. Going around the hill was much harder and would take far more time.

He marveled at it all for a few more seconds, before facing the real issue; the town itself.