The First Person

Stein wasn't a bad guy. That was the first impression Melchior had managed to get from the tall man. But he was cautious, and he cared more for his well-being than he did for the well-being of most others'.

That made him come off a bit as a bad person more than anything else.

However, that was merely the first impression that Melchior got from him. He could be wrong after having the conversation.

They stood opposite each other, watching the other's moves carefully. Neither wanted to take any chances in the off chance that they were wrong about things.

Melchior started, "From your statement before, you're not the person that's been taking people."

"I'm looking for the bastard that has been," the other man said, snorting.

That added up to the previous statement.

"Why did you insist on remaining inside during our inspection?"