The Trial and the Invitation

The journey was particularly stale and uninteresting, for the most part. After the conversation about the Dead Strip and the Grave Sentry, they'd mostly stopped speaking, aside from the occasional word or two here and there.

It didn't help that he was particularly unacquainted with the people he currently sat with.

So it was just that for the several minutes that passed in the annoyingly empty carriage.


That was until Sylvester abruptly broke through the thundering nothingness.

"How long do you plan on staying in the military?" he asked, directed at Melchior.

Their staring contest resumed.

Melchior shook his head quickly after.

"No idea. I just plan to work my way up and see what happens from there."

That was a lie. Melchior did have a plan, and it wasn't to stay in the military.