Strange Rules of House Parth

"Greetings M'lady, I have returned." Valery said, falling in a slow bow.

Melchior followed suit, despite the fact that she couldn't see him. It was only courtesy… especially when that courtesy was being awarded to the wife of a powerful noble who could perhaps end his life without much problem.

"Is he the one Syl invited over?" the blonde-haired woman asked, without turning once.

Her voice was soft, yet Melchior couldn't help but frown upon hearing it once.

He had grown used to it over time, and now he could confidently say he could pick out certain emotions. No matter how well the person tried to hide them, he could always pick them out amongst the discord.

In this case, it was simple.

Disgust and disdain.

Sylvester's mother did not like him.

Valery seemed to have expected this would happen, and bowed in response.