Killing Serpents With A Single Strike

Melchior was the last to go into the slit, falling into the dark cavern. Instantly, it felt like all his senses were dulled.

It was a lot less hot, but at the same time, there was no light. He landed on his feet, and then his activated Spirit Mind's Eye bombarded him with information automatically. This was something he'd anticipated based on what Sylvester told him. The quality and quantity of the spirit energy in this Nest were a lot higher than anywhere else in the Sands.

He extended his range to its fullest, which was 200 metres, allowing him to sense everything in the area quite clearly.


'We're completely surrounded!'

As soon as he noticed the hundreds-no, thousands of beasts surrounding him, a loud, humming slithering noise appeared from the ground in front of them.

The group of six looked up into the darkness, alarmed. Dark red glowing orbs blinked in the darkness. Thousands of them, blinking in utter synchronicity