31 - Desire (NSFW)

"If you don't want this, push me away."


Stretched out on his stomach across the couch, Julian halfheartedly tossed a rubber bone for Rex to catch. Despite his age, the dog displayed an enviable burst of energy. Julian, however, was utterly drained. A hollow pit of exhaustion gnawed at him, physically and emotionally.

"What do you think, Rex," he murmured, dangling the bone once more before the excited dog. "Am I cheap...?"

As an omega with undeniable allure, Julian had never had to exert this much effort to capture an alpha's attention. Traditionally, alphas were the pursuers, the ones to shower the omegas they desired with familiar courtship rituals.

In the several occassions they crossed each other's paths, Julian was convinced that he captivated Maximillian's heart. So what's with the alpha's laissez-faire approach and cold indifference?

If, after today, he still refused to make a move, Julian was not going to lower himself further. He just had to give up Maximillian for good and focus on getting another access to Atticus Bates.

The thought barely crossed his mind when three sharp knocks were heard at the door.

Julian hoisted himself off the couch, his heart skipping a beat as he peered through the peephole. There stood Maximillian, his usual impassive facade etched on his face.

With a click, the door fell open and they looked into each other's eyes.

"You are finally here," Julian remarked, his tone carrying slight indignation.

"I am sorry," Maximillian raked through his hair.

It had been a tumultuous day at work, what with Bruno Cadwick running amok in broad daylight and meeting with Augustin Haberkorn and Julia Schindler to discuss the next course of action following Julia's findings.

Yet, even amidst the chaos, Julian lingered in his thoughts. Whenever a spare moment arose, his mind drifted back to their short conversation earlier that day, the omega's captivating presence, and the lingering warmth from their tender embrace.

Maximillian's hands cupped Julian's face, his thumbs tracing the soft contours of the latter's jaw. He leaned in, their breaths mingling in an exchange of pheromones. Julian felt the heat radiating from Maximillian's body, his own heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Only a whisper of space separated their lips from each other.

Maximillian's voice was a husky sigh against Julian's mouth. "If you don't want this, push me away."

The challenge hung heavy in the air, but Julian met it head-on. "I do," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. In a single, fluid motion, he closed the distance, his lips meeting Maximillian's in a kiss that was both hesitant and hungry.

In a swift motion, Maximillian cupped the back of Julian's head, his other hand finding purchase on Julian's rear end. A gasp escaped the omega's lips as he was lifted effortlessly, his legs instinctively wrapping around Maximillian's waist.

The alpha carried him into the house in a whirlwind of heat and desire, before lowering him gently onto the couch.

Maximillian loomed over Julian, his larger frame a delicious contrast to Julian's slender build. Their lips met in a heated collision, a tangled exploration that spoke of urgency and pent-up desire. Hands roamed, igniting trails of heat across exposed skin as they sought purchase beneath their clothes.


A moan escaped Julian when Maximillian tilted his jaw and allowed himself access to Julian's nape.

"So good," Maximillian whispered against Julian's scent gland. "You smell so good."

"Um... Ah..."

Maximillian bared his teeth and gently took a bite, infusing his pheromones into Julian's system.

The omega hooked his arms around Maximillian's neck, his face burning hot from embarrassment. He had been locked in intimate encounters with other alphas before Maximillian, but he had never felt this way for the other alphas.

Maybe it was because they were his age. Immature, clumsy alphas who were still green behind the ears, Julian told himself.

Not so with Maximillian.

His kisses and touch hailed from years of experience. The pairs of strong and sturdy arms held the bodies of at least two or three lovers before him. The tongue that gently pried his mouth open ravaged the lips of more men or women before him.

For some reason, the discovery did not make Julian happy.

An inexplicable need to mark Maximillian rose in Julian's heart. He tugged the alpha's collar open before sinking his teeth into Maximillian's pheromone gland, returning the favor.

The alpha winced from the sting, but he uttered no objection at all.

Moans, soft and breathy at first, escalated into a heated chorus that filled the air. Entwined on the couch, they chased each other with their sounds, a decadent counterpoint to the usual quietude.

After some time, Julian's body shook violently beneath Maximillian's, and he came in his underwear. On the other hand, the rock-hard bulge in Maximillian's breeches was far from being relieved. It pressed against Julian's stomach, aggressively demanding Julian to take responsibility for the stimulation.


Julian's misty eyes flew open. His gaze shyly dipped downward when he spoke, "You haven't yet..."

"Don't worry about it," Maximillian pressed a kiss against Julian's right eyebrow. "I will take care of it. Can I borrow your bathroom?"

Maximillian climbed off Julian's body, but the omega grabbed the alpha's wrist to pull him back to the couch.

"Wait," he said. "Let me go with you."

Maximillian's lips curved up in a smile. He squeezed Julian's hand in return and rubbed their noses together affectionately.

"You are more than welcome to join me."