49 - Mia Sanders (1)

Why was she so lonely?


"Seriously, Mia!"

Mia Sanders flinched when she heard the admonishing tone in her aunt's voice.

"I... I am sorry, Aunt."

Mia's aunt, Rebecca, never liked her. Her dislike was apparent from the first day they met. While most adults disregarded Mia's presence, Aunt Rebecca sucked in a deep breath and tapped her foot loudly against the floor at her sight.

When she was small, Mia used to wonder what wrong she did to earn her aunt's displeasure. 

When she grew up, she understood that she did not do anything wrong. It was her existence that grated on Aunt Rebecca's nerves. 

Therefore, Mia stopped asking questions. She just apologized again and again, hoping that her aunt would like her a little bit more.

Of course, it never happened.

In fact, it was worse now that she was labeled a suicide risk patient.