79 - Abuse

"This alpha wanted to hit me."


Greta shivered from head to toe. Standing in front of her was one of the senior researchers who once made fun of Julian. His name was Matthias Weiss. At that moment, all traces of ridicule were wiped off the alpha's face, replaced with pure fury.

"What the fuck is this?"

Matthias slapped Greta with a bunch of experimental results, prompting the female beta to shriek from fear.

"I am sorry!" she cried out. "I will redo them!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Matthias snapped. "I know that you are dumb, but I never expected you to be this dumb. Do you think that this is a leisurely experiment with no deadlines? Do you think I have the luxury to allow you to repeat the experiments again and again?"

Tears started streaming down Greta's cheeks as she fought to defend herself.

"I... But I... I did everything as you told..."