81 - Bitterness

"These days, I can't seem to shake the bitterness that's festering inside me."


Shock was written all over the beta mother's face. She slowly backed away from Mia. "I..."

Julian narrowed his eyes at the exchange.

Second of all, he gained a heightened awareness of her location and emotional state. This link even allowed him to influence her mood to a certain degree.

The omega felt an iron fist clench around his heart, tightening with each invisible pulse of aggression radiating from Mia. He did not need a readout of her surging adrenaline level and erratic vitals to know that her mood had soured drastically.

Third of all, and probably the scariest one, was the absolute control his blood granted him.

"Mia, stop," Julian commanded.

Just like Rex, Mia could not help but bend her head to his express commands, regardless of the nature of said commands.