119 - Power

"So this is Drug X."

Hong Yunran and Hong Yunjin fixated on the chilled vial, their gazes locked on it with predatory intensity. A covetous, barely suppressed hunger flickered in their eyes, a silent battle of wills waged over the precious item that lay before them.

Hong Yunyi, the one who brought said drug to his brothers, watched the changes taking place on his two brothers' faces with a lot of interest.

"Well, Brothers, now that Drug X is here, let me notify Father about it."

Before Hong Yunyi left the room, he cast one last glance at his two elder brothers.

Almost as soon as the door fell shut, Hong Yunran lunged toward the vial of Drug X.

"Big Brother!"

Hong Yunjin slammed his body against his elder brother's, pushing him away from Drug X. "What the hell are you doing?"

Hong Yunran licked his lips greedily.

"Yunjin, ah, I am your Big Brother. Listen to me. We will split everything 50:50. Now let me get the drug."