139 - Desperate

"Only desperate people who do not care for their well-beings step foot into this wretched place."


Angelique's heart leaped to her throat when she saw Julian exiting the house. Seeing that Julian was only visiting a friend -- a female beta unless her eyes deceived her --, she felt a little guilty for coming all the way here to tail Julian.

But then Julian hailed a cab. Alone.

As an omega.

Angelique swallowed hard.

Her future sister-in-law was rather careless, wasn't he?

Angelique thus started her car and gave it a command, "Follow that cab. Do not lose it out of sight."

"Yes, Angelique, please fasten your seat belt for the ride," came the reply from the dashboard.

Angelique watched the cab in front of her move in an unknown direction. They were not heading to Maximillian's house at all.


Just where was Julian planning to go?