141 - Apologies

Florian, the ingrate, had spat on Julian's face and trampled all over his generosity without a flicker of remorse.


"He did what?"

An aura of icy disapproval radiated from Maximillian. 

In response, Angelique whipped up her phone and showed the active chat between her and Florian.

"Look at this, Max."

Terror locked Florian in place. His eyes widened in horror as he watched Maximillian read through the messages sent between Florian and his sister.

He even played the audio clip of Julian talking on the phone. The one detailing the address of his rendezvous with an unknown person.

Maximillian furrowed his brows when he heard the full address.

"Did you go to visit Mia Sanders today?" he asked his lover, who was hugging Rex close.


"Mia Sanders?" Angelique's gaze flicked between her brother and Julian. "So you know that woman, Max?"