203 - Memory (2)

"Daddy is going to give you the most precious gift he can give."


When the monsters arrived, his parents flew into a panicked state.

"Maria, you have to leave with Laurent," Heinrich grabbed his wife and squeezed her upper arms.

"No... No!" Maria's tears fell across her cheeks. "What will you do? What is going to happen to you???"

"They are here for me," Heinrich snapped. "It has nothing to do with you and Laurent!"

"But I... I am so scared... Heinrich, I don't know what to do!!!"

Heinrich whipped around and stared at Laurent, who, for once, left his own little world and stared back at his father. His round eyes narrowed, his brow furrowing in annoyance at the sudden racket.

A torrent of thoughts flooded Heinrich's mind, each a churning current with its own potential and pitfalls.

At last, Heinrich made his decision. He should have done it months ago.
