Maiden's Date (2/2)

"...right now, I held your hand, but..." She said worriedly

"Aren't we, IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?!" She started a play of worry.

"Maybe you should agree when I suggest, I should lead you the directions..." Ryou said, jokingly.

Chapter 14: Maiden's Date (2/2)

"....that Silhouette, it seemed Ryou!" Miko said, panickingly

Suddenly, she felt a grab on her shoulder

"We are literally here, to take a break from him!" Ray smiled, and forced Miko into the nearby Cafè.

[Ryou's Perspective]

So we ended up, choosing a very expensive Cafè,

Money is not the problem here, it's just how maid-like Aimi is!

"goddamn just come inside don't bow!"

"No master~ it's embarassing!" She stood where she was, crouching and holding her position like a pet dog.

I was on peak of my patience.

I pinned her to a wall, and our faces got closer, until all we saw was each other.

"Tell me, what's embarassing?" I stare deep into her eyes.

Aimi broke the eye contact, looking everywhere but me.

"Umm...uhm.. it's....umm" She nervously shivered.

"And so I win!" I suddenly grabbed her waist, and forcefully pulled her into the Cafè.

", what a lovely couple..!" A lady saw us, and was embarassed.

"UMM, WE ARE EXTREMELY SORRY!!" Welp, that's what I get for forcing on Aimi.

We run into the cafe, and choose a seat.

"Umm the floor here is-" Aimi checked with her maid eyes


"But how will I sit here then?" She looked confused, and tilted her head.

" Giggles... You'll sit on the chair, dummy!"

To which, she blushed. I think she got scared.

We sat on the chair, While Aimi was still figuring out how to sit on a chair that could make me stare her only.

Sigh... Being a master is as hard as for the maid!

"Ah, one Cafè Au Lait for me." I ordered for me.

"And what for this beautiful mistress?" The waiter assumed she is my girlfriend, judging by how she wore same color dress as me.

"umm..." Aimi was in deep blushes. I think she got over-stimulated upon hearing 'Mistress'.


The waiter giggled and whispered to me.

"I can understand, I'm giving you guys a discount for a nearby love hotel we run-"


"hahaha! Okay!" The waiter ran away, igniting a fire inside Aimi.

"Umm..what's a love hotel?" She asked this to me, in utter confusion.

Sometimes I forget, she's an 18 year old newly Adult lady. She's as simple as us.

"It's a place where you most likely do whatever you do with me all the time." I explain her, with lots of sighs.

"Hmm" her eyes glowed with a fire.

"Say, shouldn't we live in a love hotel then? Master can't refuse me then~"


[Miko's Perspective]

*You got 1 message

Unknown Number: Heyyyyy

"You're right infront of me, stop messaging me with new numbers idiot."

"But you won't stop using your phone!" Ray said, playfully.


"And that-"

"Hey wait!" He grabbed my phone, and kept it in his pocket.

"It's expensive!"

"I know, right? And so, if you want it back, let's properly date.."

"Wait, what, this is a date?-"

Somehow, I couldn't refuse. I could easily just stand out and go, right? I don't understand, is this what I wanted?

"Ah, 2 Esperessos for us."

"Wait I wanted-"

"We aren't here to drink, are we?" Ray explained me.

He kept one of his hand on mine.


"Say, aren't we here to talk? Start speaking, I'm here to listen it all."

"Geez, first of all stop being forceful, maybe you can begin with..... And ..." I kept on talking for minutes and more.

Deep inside my heart, this was how our first date was like.


"Ryou, you're a totally pervert! I have told you to never-"

"Hey, are you even listening?"

"Keep speaking, I'm gonna just stare those lips and make up my own words~" Young Ryou said, with a flirtious voice.

"Uwa!!!" I was in blushes..

Suddenly, I felt a touch on my cheek.

"You're tearing up while scolding me?" Ray was concerned.

I shook off his hand.

"No I wasn't!"

"Atleast stop crying yourself when you're scolding someone else huh?!" Ray scolded me instead.

All of a sudden, this seemed so much fun to me.

"Oh I am the one to scold you!"

I was somehow, somehow, having fun in this?

I thought to myself, is this okay? Am I loyal?

"You're a very worthy woman, aren't ya?"

"How did you know what I was thinking-"

"Just chill!"

"Ah, wait! Ryou-"

I saw a man with black long hair walking hurriedly, I was sure it was him.

My head was turned with a force.

"Uhhh-" I was breathing closely to this man, Ray.

"There's a love hotel nearby-"


"I was just kidding!"

[Ryou's Perspective]

"Get this, Aimi, you will stand like a good girl here. And if you dare move, I will kill you!" I warned Aimi, before I got into the dressing room.


"Shhhh! Aimi! They can hear us!" I whisper to her.

It had, exactly zero effects.

"Sir, we have a joint dressing room if you'd like-" The assistant was quite suggestive.


I go inside, and check out the new T-Shirt I'm buying.

Aimi on the outside, was knocking the door every 5 seconds.

"Master? Are you done? You didn't die, right? Masterrr~"

Ah, classic Aimi. Suddenly, the Noise stopped.

[Aimi's Perspective]


Well, I think that was enough.

That's a nice looking lingerie section, wonder if I should, mmm....I would surprise master with this!

I run towards the lingerie section.

"OH MY!" The prices, it's too expensive!

"How do I use this card-"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed me from behind.

Sfx: slipping out a knife, and CHOP!

"OUWW!" I slit his hand. Who the hell was it?

"Is this your way of confirming it's you damn wicked maid?"

"So it's you, here's her photos."

"Fucking hell she's wearing clothes on this one!"

"After you succesfully drive her away from, you know... Then you'll get the real meat."

"You think I'm a Loverboy? It's quite hard to control yourself on the urge when you're infront of a bitch you wanna use so bad~"

"I'm not interested in hearing what you will do with her. Just get her away, sick bastard."

"I'm on it, go fuck the boy you're with or something-" "OUWW!"

I slit his hands again. Making sure he has atleast one damaged artery.

[Miko's Perspective]

"Why the hell are we in the lingerie section?"

"And most importantly, did you just cut yourself, looking at bras?"

"AH HAA HA HA!" I laugh myself so much out!

I forget how stupid boys can be!

"Well, um, yeah, ofcourse. I was looking at the right size." Ray was blushing.

Somehow, this date was fun.

In the midst of this, I think I forgot I originally loved someone.

"Say, I'm gonna buy this one. Got the money?"

"Nope" Ray was straightforward.

"Ugh..." Well, I do have my Credit Card.

"I felt like, a lady is rushing over there. I should check out-"

"NNH!" Ray grabbed my hand, and most importantly, somewhere else too- on my chest.


"Geez. You're dirty."

[Ryou's Perspective]

At the end, she was right. I literally can't select anything for me. Being a human is hard!

"Master, turn this side, hmm, the side profile of you looks good with this color, but with that one-" Aimi was confused.

"Aimi let's just buy both.."

"Ehh..? But-"

"Why are you compromising so much?"

"But...what if.." she tried hiding her face.

"We.. out of money? Because..umm of me?" She was blushing.



I cheered her up.

At the Billing-Counter

Sfx: Two ladies Playing Rock Paper Scissors?

"I got paper and you got rock so I win!" Aimi cheered.

"Ma'am that's not how the store policy works.." The staff sighed in disappointment that she lost.

"Whatever, give us the 20% discount now!" So here's Aimi, the bargaining master.

I can't believe, Maids have such a simple mind, and yet I was afraid of one. Haha.

I step in between.

"So, you're her husband? Explain she can't bargain in malls!"

"Ah, you're right. Here's the card, we are paying full."

"But Master!"

"Master?" The staff giggled.

"Hmm it seems she's submissive." The staff whispered among themselves.

I wish they knew how dominant Aimi is inside the Mansion.

"UHHH-" I awkwardly pay, and we walk out, while Aimi is chasing me in a walk.

"Call me my name when you're outside the hell!"

I stand, and turn back.

"Now, say my name."

"Umm...uhh" Aimi, who was so confident right now got in blushes.


"My name isn't a R. Say the FULL!" I grab her shoulders.

"Uwaaaa! So manly~" she was impressed with this too?

"Master...before that, could"

Was she about to propose something big?

Don't tell me, oh god, I wish she isn't pregnant.

"Could we hold hands?... Like interlocking fingers-" she said in a fast pace, blushing as she says so.

"Huh? That's it? You're quite simple."

I interlock my hands with her, with shopping carts in between. I still did feel her small, gentle and thin white hands. Against my, big callused hand.

"Ahh nnnh!" She moaned out of just a hand touching? Woah!

"Alright... I will begin... R... Ry..."

That's it. That's it. That's it.


Hold on, behind her, I see two people. One is, I don't know. The lady, she's... She's... Miko...? MIKO?!

I run towards her, leaving, or more like, ignoring Aimi over here.

"Hey- wait!"


I keep on running. I don't care about her. Who is she with?

"Wait.. Ryo..."

"RYOOOUUUUU!!!!" I heard Aimi's voice.

But I, I couldn't care less.

At a near distance

"Stop...ugh.." Miko was drunk over.

"Hey.. it's just a love hotel...!" Ray was convincing her of something.

"Get off me.. ah." Miko wasn't walking properly.

"We will just go there once, and get out. Good deal eh?" Ray was being suggestive.

Ryou ran in a distance.

"Hey! Miko!"

"Huh?" Ray looked back.

"Its-" Miko tried looking backwards.

Ray forced her to look forward.

"It's, It's a nobody. Let's go to the hotel then."

"I think so..." Miko finally lost, and agreed.

"MIKO! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! STOP THERE!" infront of Ryou, his eyes finally saw clarity.

He ran and ran, trying to get attention, of someone he actually loved.

But to his tries, his love didn't even look back at him.

His bubble finally shattered, and he knew what he had done was utter wrong.

While at this, there was a maid, a young and naive, standing with air flowing through her body. Observing how she can become worthless, in a moment, when someone with a real worth kicks in.

Ryou started walking back to his mansion.

"Master.. no.. Ryou... Please, what did I do wrong?" Aimi looked concerned.

"Just fuck off. Don't show up tomorrow." Ryou was in pure anger.

"But.. our contract."

"Go kill whoever the fuck you want, I couldn't give a lesser care."

This was the first time, Aimi saw this side of her Master, of perhaps, this was Ryou?

As Ryou walked towards his Mansion, with tears and anger in his eyes...

And here, the maiden's date, ends.

A white and gentle, with a black dress, young and attractive, youthful, wavy long hair flowing with each breeze, such a lady smiled and wondered.

"Perhaps, I made a blunder, my love." Knowing, she would never give up.