
"Um, excuse me, are you there?"

"Oh shi-" Ryou panicked, at the sight of being caught.

While Aimi ignored every knock on the door, thrusting Ryou's thing inside her with rough force to pleasure herself, she moaned

"Nnh! Ahn!"

And suddenly, Ryou did the unthinkable-


"NNHH AAH!" Aimi moaned loudly as Ryou picked her up, while she countinued to meet his thing.

"Ah, I'm just having a bad stomach!" He shouted outside the stall, hoping the person would go out.

"I won't fall for that." The person said in disappointment.

Wait. The voice was... shrill?

"'re-" Ryou was terrified.

"You're in a unisex restroom!" Lisa said embarassingly!

"Nnh ahn!" Aimi countinued moaning.

Without a second thought, Lisa barged in-

"WAIT NO!" Ryou, who had accidentally unlocked the door in the heat of the moment, panicked!

Chapter 29: Investigation




Near Ryou's Mansion, at a street

"Hello, gentleman."

"No need for formalities." Harold waved Lee.

"So, I have figured out the second phase, of your plan." Lee shrugged.

The two walked near a fast-food restaurant.

"Wanna have something while we discuss?" Harold invited Lee for a treat.

"Your treat." Lee accepted the offer.




Ordering counter

"Two burgers for us, I think one with cheese and one with no pickles. That would do, you can keep the change." Harold ordered, and he gave the money as he had no time for much waste of time.

"Ah, got it." The counter-girl went back to bring their meals.

After a moment, Harold looked with a weird face.

"Uh, you got out orders messed up, you added cheese in both and gave us no pickles for both, I think I asked for only one with each case..." Harold sighed.

"Ah, chill, not a big deal." Lee was still happy.

"Ahn, I'm sorry!" The counter girl bowed countinously.

"Ah, alright." Harold smiled, and turned back.


"Wait, you look familiar. Who are you?" Harold was in suspense.

"Chill! It's a part-time girl, not everyone is a killer, ahah!" Lee laughed it off, in deep,

He was also curious of who this person was.

"Ah, I'm, Nina."

"Oh, okay. No worries." Harold turned back.

Sfx: walk

Walk walk walk walk!

"Harold, you're walking faster than usual, what's going on?" Lee said with a shaky voice, as he walked faster aswell.

"Oh no..." Harold's voice shaked.

"She's here. She's close." Harold added.

Lee trembled in fear along with Harold, as he exactly knew what's going on.




At the Movie, Restroom

"AHHHH!" Ryou put on his pants quickly, and hid his face.

Meanwhile Aimi sat on the toilet seat, with hair covering her face.

"ugh....." Lisa looked disappointed. And angry.

"Ryou, you horny bastard!" She screamed.

"I wasn't!"

"Don't fool me, why did you force Aimi in here-"

"Do you think I have the guts?!"

"Oh well we know you're the killer-"

Suddenly, Aimi whispered with a disappointed voice

"I didn't even get to finish..~" she sighed.

Lisa's face looked horrified, as she just discovered that it was Aimi who forced Ryou into this.


"Now do you get it?" Ryou crossed his arms, and looked at Lisa.

"This is just too embarassing! Use a condom or something!" Lisa rushed out of the stall!

"Hey wait-" Ryou ran behind her, and suddenly


Aimi grabbed Ryou's hands, as she said with pure jealousy!

"We aren't even done yet..."

[Ryou's Perspective]

Shit shit shit shit shit...SHIT!

This isn't the time. This isn't the time...!

Oh god! What the hell has just happened!

This is so embarassing!

I am glad I was able to hide my shame.

Sfx: hand grab

Ah, and there's that, this woman, who's still half naked, and half-finished aswell.

Sfx: pull


Aimi pulled my violently closer to her

I knew what was going on

"Eheh...hehe...Aimi, can this, at h-home..?" I said with fear.


She slapped me, and bent me over to the toilet seat.

"AUGH!" She smashed her feet into my torso, bending over as she said

"The real game, is about to begin~ fufu~"




Near Ryou's Mansion

Sfx: run run run

Huff! Huff! Huff!

"Where are you running! Harold! Answer me!" Lee ran along with Harold, as Harold trembled in fear.

"THIS ISN'T SAFE!" Harold shouted.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Haah..." He panted.

"The burger will get cold..." Lee looked at his precious burger, as he took a bite.

"I know exactly what she's doing now." Harold had a change of mind.

"What do you mean?"

"You see, she has installed spies everywhere. We need to find, ALL OF THEM." Harold put his hand over Lee's shoulder.

"It could be..." Lee guessed.

"That's right, IT COULD BE, EVEN THE POLICE AT THE MANSION!" Harold shouted.


After a while



Sfx: walk

"The police, how long have they been investigating Ryou's mansion?"

"Ever since Ryou has ran away from the police." Lee informed.

"The thing is, why are they even taking so long, what have they found that makes them take even longer?" Harold questioned.

"And that's exactly why you suspect the police aswell?"


"And the girl at the counter..."

"Her too."

Sfx: touch

Lee put his hands over Harold

"You're crazy. Just like Edrick."

"Not again-"

"And I love it. I'm glad youre carrying his legacy." Lee smiled.




At the Mansion

"We will finish what officer Kaito has started." An officer said.

"Yes, Minoru. Along with Yuko, aswell." Another said.

Sfx: doorbell

Ding ding

"Ah, Alice, Open the door."

"Who could it be?" Officer Alice wondered.

Sfx: door open


"You're-" Alice gasped.

"DONT LET THEM IN-" Minoru gasped-

"This is Japanese Detective Harold along with Undercover Agent Lee. We are here with a warrant for search."




In the movie theatre

Lisa sat down with a huge blush over her face, with she has seen in a while, just now.

"What happened Lisa, what's the silence? Where are Ryou and Aimi-" Aiko wondered.

"Stop firing questions at me!" Lisa shouted.

"Ugh you're being angry as hell, nust tell me where are they?!" Aiko was furious.

Sfx: touch

"What are you-"

Lisa out her hands over Aiko's hands, and brought her face closer to whisper.

"What do you think of all the scenes in the movie?" She went bold with the question.

"Uh, it was quite sexy- WAIT. YOU PERVERT!" Aiko shouted back!


Sfx: thud!

In the midst of fight,

"AGH!" Aiko screamed

Lisa fell over Aiko, right there on the movie theatre seat, as Lisa's body pressed all over Aiko.

"Well this isn't too bad-" Lisa blushed.

"MMF- YOU'RE KILLING ME!" Aiko cried for help.

"OH GOD GEEZ!" Lisa quickly realised what she had done, and blushed along as she got up!

"Well, it was quite good-" She whispered-


In the stall

"uh....I hope you'll be gentle-"

"NO." Aimi replied coldly.


She violently took of Ryou's pants, as she began stroking his erect thing.

She stopped for a moment, looked at it, and said


"Ah that-"


She took a grip on Ryou's thing, and gripped it violently

"Aimi- ugh! It hurts!"

"HOW DARE YOU FOLLOW OTHER WOMAN?" Aimi threatened Ryou!

"FOLLOW WHO- AUGHH!" Ryou moned as he endured the pain.


"You're jealous of...YOUR OWN FRIEND?!"


"Oh" Ryou's face got smaller as he blushed realising he's so valuable for Aimi.

Aimi countinued stroking him roughly, she got up while still gripping on his thing, and said

"Mine are even bigger than hers!" As she forced Ryou to peek at her chest.

"I didn't even mention-"

"AGH!" Ryou's face was smashed in Aimi's chest

"Ever since you know me, you wanted to touch me, isn't it?" Aimi said while she kept stroking it.

"I- I'm sorry!" Ryou gasped as he kneaded her chest.

"That's not the case! You should have asked me way earlier!" Aimi was angry.

"We were literally teenagers back then! And you were a new maid-"

"So what?! I loved you the moment I saw you!" Aimi said angrily, as she fastened her pace of stroking!


"ANSWER!" Aimi was angry

"It's because! Y-you.. if- if I loved you back then, I would miss you when I went to foreign country!" Ryou finally confessed what he had in his heart!

"Ah- umm..." Aimi's place went slow, as she became sensitive to each touch on her chest by Ryou, and started blushing while covering her eyes with her one hand.

Quickly, she got back to her dominant self back again.

"Well- that doesn't change anything! You're mine now, and mine alone!"

"Yeah yeah got it... Could you put it in you now?" Ryou begged for Aimi to countinue.

"AH-" Aimi blushed at the thought of being commanded, but she had to take the charge, isn't it? Or else, would her precious Ryou be bored of her?

"Well, ...I'm actually sensitive so-..." Aimi started making excuses, as she was too shy to take any initiative.

Ryou, who knew this, had a trick up his sleeve.

"Right... Any other girl like Lisa..would..."

"GRRR! DONT TAKE HER NAME!" Aimi got jealous, and thrusted Ryou's thing inside her in one go!

"Agh! You're being too rough!"

"Shut. Up." She said coldly.

And so, the two began dancing in their own pleasure, los tto all thoughts and reasonings.




Aimi moaned with a sweet voice, letting it out each time Ryou went deep in her!

"Hey...just stop focusing 'there'.." Aimi indicated for Ryou, to not just massage her chest, but rather kiss her aswell.

"You're jealous of your chest too?"

"I'm jealous of it! Give it to me! Be all mine!" She said in a proud voice.

Aimi brought Ryou's face closer to her lips, as she stuck out her tongue, waiting for her's to meet Ryou's...


"Mmf!" Aimi's tongue swirfled around Ryou's, as she battled inside their mouth for dominance, with their tongues.

Ryou, who had already surrendered, let out his saliva, waiting for it to be sucked by Aimi, who eagerly kept humping onto Ryou, enjoying it all with each thrust.




At the Movie theatre

"The movie ended fifteen minutes ago, what the hell are they doing?" Aiko said.

"Mmm..." Lisa moaned, as she slept on Aiko's lap, recieving numerous pats.

"HEY! don't make it seem like- we are doing something!!" Aiko shouted.

"Why? Is incest too bad for you?"

"Don't say it out so casually!"




At the Mansion

Push! Push! Push!

"!" Harold smashed against Minoru, as he pushed Minoru, while he revived numerous pushes from Minoru aswell.

"Don't blame me, Harold is half-crazy as late Edrick. I'm sorry." Lee apologised.

"Ah, it's not a problem." Alice recognised the situation.



Both Harold and Minori brushed against each other.

"Why won't you let us in?!" Harold shouted.

"Because, this isn't your case anymore!"

"Oh yes it is!"

"Where's your warrant then?!".

"'s.." Harold got nervous.

"Here." Harold put forward his burger.

"HUH?" Minoru was furious with this disrespect!




A few minutes later

Sigh.... Both Minoru and Alice sighed.

"Policemen, welcome the two 'detectives' who are here for a search." Alice said to the other policemen.

Sfx: stare stare silence

"We are getting quite the stares" Lee sighed.

"That's what we get for being related to Edrick, ugh..."

"Well, let us begin our work, then."




At the street, Near the movie theatre

Amidst the chaos between Aiko and Lisa, Ryou and Aimi came out from the restrooms with Aimi looking very satisfied and Ryou's red as a tomato.

"Ah, let's go home then."

And so, the four walked on the street.

"Can't we hold hands too?!" Lisa demanded of Aiko's hands.

"That's incest, idiot!"

"Brother what the hell!"

"Fufu~" Aimi leaned her over Ryou's shoulder.

Ryou looked over, trying to understand what she meant.

"Want food?"

"Yesh" Aimi said cutely.

At the fast food counter

"I'll order for you~" Aimi said gently.

"Ah, you don't have to." Ryou sighed.

"Ah don't worry I'm you mai- umm, I mean...-"

"Huh?" Ryou got curious.

To this, Aimi blushed and rushed inside the restaurant

"AHN!" she blushed and ran in.

"Hello~" Aimi said gently.

"Welcome to- ah, ...hello." Nina said excitedly, and upon seeing who is she talking to, her face went dull.

"Somebody, you know it very well, is coming for an order. If you dare reveal your identity, or even tried being nice, I will kill you." Aimi said calmly.

"Don't try to seduce my man, you bitch." She added, in a gentle voice.

"Ah, g-got it." Nina said in a trembling voice.



"Ah, what's taking her so long?" Ryou waited in there.

"Nevermind, I'll just barge in."

But for it was too late.

"Wait, the cashier...she looks...familiar." Ryou noticed whom Aimi was talking to.

And by what he sees next, he's horrified.

"Oh. My. God.*




In the Mansion

"So, this is Ryou's Room." Harold said.

There were alot of documents kept on the table, and the bed looked messed, on the other table, there was a glass of water.

"How long was this glass of water kept like it?"

"We don't know." Alice sighed.

"Wellz we have to be careful, there could be many things Edrick had placed of framed on his own to show us who the real culprit was." Harold indicated, as he didn't wish to reveal the culprit to the other police officers.

"Agreed, these documents seem to be of the company, regarding a big money contract between...this company?" Lee was a knowledgeable person when it came to finance, and that's why he was chosen as Huang, the money-lender of Aimi.

"Wait, this company, I know of it." Lee's eye widened.

"What is it?" Harold flinched.

"It's owned by this man named Michael, why was Ryou engaged in a deal with Michael?" This was the first question Lee had.

"Hmm, good question. Well, let's move onto the next room."




And so, they searched many other room, finding even more evidences related to many other things. But none of them came as important as the ones related with Michael's company.

Finally, they reached this last room they had to search for.

"It's a maid's room, do we really have to search this one too?" Alive asked Harold and Lee.

"Yes, why not?" Lee answered

"Have you guys opened it ever before?" Harold tried opening the door, but it didn't seem to open.

"Ah, this, I- don't..." Alice looked down on the floor, as Minoru countinued.

"We didn't and that's none of your business."

"Well, that just shows the police's incapabilities to solve this case." Harold and Lee sighed.

"Well, let's open this up." Harold indicated for violence to open the door.



Harold used his strength and muscles to bang himself on the door, and the door finally opened!

*Creaaaakk..... Open

Sfx: door open

And by what they see next, they are horrified.

"Oh my god." Harold gasped.

Alice put her hands together and put it over her mouth. "Oh no..."

Minoru was in shocks, he couldn't speak anything.

Meanwhile Lee, said "Holy..."

They were all shocked.

For they discovered, Maid Aimi's Room.

The room had a shelf infront of it, which had Ryou's souvenirs or things.

And there were many letters that Aimi wrote, it seemed she never sent any of those to whom she meant to.

Out of all evidences they saw in this room, one name always popped up, Ryou.

"Gentlemen, we now know, the motivation, behind Aimi's kills." Harold said, in Lee's ears.