Trip to Narita

"What do you mean Ray isn't here in Tokyo!" Harold Argued.

"We do not have any further information sir, please visit Narita for more info on the person you're looking for."

"Shit! We are already behind Aimi on this!" Lee was furious.

"Wait, Aimi?"

"You didn't guess? By her spies, she could have easily gotten the information!"

Chapter 32: Trip to Narita




In Aimi's Room

"Narita, hm? Oh brother, how on earth did you end up so far?" Aimi pondered,

She sat on the bed, on her lap was her diary, her pen spinned onto the page as she wrote number of days...again?

"To think of it, with this another day will come." She said excitedly.

With her excitement, her pen flew from her hand!


"OW-" Ryou gasped as he got hit in the face!

"Hey, could you please... lower your hand? I need more massage there~" Aimi said seductively.

"I'm literally massaging your shoulder right now, any lower would be your chest-"

Aimi grabbed Ryou's hand, and looked over him

"That's exactly what I want...~"

"Ugh. Fine." Ryou's hand began reaching downwards,

It got to her upper chest. "Lower." She demanded.

His hands got on her mind chest, the thing started gotten softer~

"Uhh...I shouldn't go-"

"Even lower." Aimi said shankingly as she let.out small moans.

Ryou went to her chest, where it was the softest and the highest, and began lightly tracing it around.

"Hm..." It seems Aimi wasn't just happy with this either?

"Squeeze it." She demanded.

"Ah." Ryou says,

He let out a small squeeze but suddenly-

"wait WHAT?" He realised what she meant!

"That wouldn't be a massage-"

"Since when did toys start talking?"

"You're wicked."

"Love me the way I am, won't you?" Aimi said cutely.

"Witch." Ryou wasn't happy.

And so, his hands started kneading onto her breasts, as he went clockwise, and then the opposite, squeezing each bits of chest as she commanded.



She let out moans, each time, it would only get louder.

Sooner, her hands started shaking and trembling, as she lost her mind to the unbelievable amounts of pleasure she had gotten,


The book fell of her hands, as her grips gotten weaker.

"Ah, I'll pick it-"

"Don't. Keep squeezing it. Ahn!" Aimi looked at Ryou with warm eyes.

And so, Aimi leaned down to reach her diary

Sfx: squeeze

"Ahn!!!" She let out a big moan, as Ryou kept squeezing onto her even when she leaned down.

"Thats- DONT- AH! HA!" She moaned loudly.

"Hey! Don't make it seem like I'm forcing-"

Sfx: grab

As she picked up her book, she changed her minds and threw it on the bed, she suddenly grabbed Ryou's hands and stopped him.

"Well, if you're not forcing it, do so, NOW." She said commanding tone.

Sfx: slip

Without asking it even once, Aimi slipped Ryou's hand down her sweater, having no clothes but just her underwear underneath~

"Hey- wait!"

"You don't have the right to refuse me~"

And soon, Ryou's hand struck the gold.

"Uhh... How do I unclasp this thing?"

"Ah, let me teach you~"




At Harold and Lee

The two ran on their way to the office, as they discussed.

"Shit! Aimi could get a lead on us! This is bad!" Harold panted as he ran.

"Hey! Get slower! I'm not..ah, atheletic! Please!" Lee was already exhausted.

"Ah, by the way, why would Aimi still want to do anything with Ray?" Harold asked.

The two stopped suddenly.

"You see, the cashier we that day, and the middle-aged woman throwing trash on us, they all know WHO WE ARE!!" Lee said with widen eyes of horror.

"But, I did tell you she could be using spies. But how do YOU have the proof to support my claims?"

"Well, it's this."

Sfx: ring

Lee got a phone call

"This person, is the source of direct information from Aimi!"

"Pick up the call!"

Sfx: pick up

"Hello, this is Lisa..."

"YES! Could we know where is Aimi right now?!"

"Well, she..."




Outside the building

"Hey, it feels weird how you're grabbing my arm so hard-"

"Don't be shy! It's how couples walk!"


"Relax, you're not used to it. You were isolated, right?" Aimi assured Ryou for everything to be fine.

"Ah, yeah." Ryou felt a breeze of air, as he got relaxed thinking Aimi would finally understand him.

"And you still are... Isolated. You know? I would drain you of any good qualities that you contain, so no human would ever want to be next to you except for me. And this way, you'll be relied on me for everything. You'll have noone except for me. And then, we can be finally together in our love nest trapped with each forever.~"

Ryou's eyes widened in horror, as he gasped and re-claimed his composure, he said

"Ah, yes. Ofcourse. Totally." Sarcastically.

"I'm going to pick some food for us, be a gooood boooy and wait for me, okay?~"

"Uh, okay."

"Don't dare to talk to any girls- no. Any humans at all. Remember, the only entity you're allowed to interact with IS ME." Aimi's eyes gotten cold as her tone was unsettling.

"Ah right! Ofcourse! Now please go to the fast food area!" Ryou became pushy and encouraging.

"Alright~" Aimi left.

"Goddamn she's really overprotective." Ryou out his hands on his chin as he wondered

"Will I ever, you know, BE FREE?"




At the counter, Fast food restaurant

"Good morning, welcome to-...oh wait, it's you again." Nina have a slow greeting.

"Mhm! I'd like to order this... us."

"Ah, that's a meal for 2 though, you sure you could eat it alone-"

"Who said I'm alone?"

"Well whom are you with?" Nina was curious.

"I could be with, umm, anybody?" Aimi blushed.

"To think anybody would even want to touch a disgusting killer like you- wait. By 'anybody' you mean...?"

"Why? Are you going to steal my dear love, my husband, my everything from me? Try that and I'll make sure you're dead in a heartbeat." Aimi warned Nina.

"You were the worst maid out of all of us." Nina said with the little courage she has.

"Hm? I was the most efficient~ I cooked the best, I did all chores as fast as possible, I- I even satisfied my love with everything he needed. To think of it, aren't you the one who's incompetent infront of someone who's literally made for him?"

"Whatever, here's your order."



[Ryou's Perspective]

"Why is she taking so long?"

I am pretty confused, just as anyone who is waiting randomly on the street FOR 15 MINUTES!

"Probably got lost? I think so." I talk to myself.

Sfx: walk

"I should probably guide her." I walk into the restaurant.


"Who's she talking with?"

The cashier, why do I remember feeling like I have already saw her before and felt like this once again?

Has Aimi interfered with my memories?

I need to get in the bottom of this. Perhaps this will do.

"Ah, I'd like to order something different."

"Ah wait you-" Aimi tried keeping me at a distance.

Sfx: grab

I put my hands over her waist, and look over her with eyes of assurance.

"Don't worry Aimi, I'll only be yours."

"That's not the concern but-"

"Ah, Welcome to our Restaurant. What would you like to order?" Nina says in a generic voice.

"Yeah, just change this to a meal of 3. I'll have 2 for myself."

"Oh, alright."

Sfx: slip

"Here's your receipt."

She gives me a paper, it looks half torn. It's not a receipt!

"This isnt-"

Sfx: headbang!


Nina bumps into my forehead, and in the split second she whispers-

"This is my number. Call for help-" She pulls herself away.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I sneezed and did this-"

"Ah, no worries." Got it, Nina.

"You're having quite your time with the waiter, aren't you?" A lady clenched her fists, she her bangs covered her hair and she said with a low tone.

"No no! You misunderstood! I'm just here- well, ah, thanks for the meal. We'll be leaving now."

"Make sure to come by again!" Nina have me the eyes of hope.




At the Train Station

[Ryou's Perspective]

Throughout our entire path, from taxi to side walk


Sfx: grab

"Aimi we are-"

"No. Shut it." She said a colder tone.

And so, we sat on the train.

Sfx: Train moving

And so, we got on our seats and journey to Narita began.

"I was wondering if you had hotels and stuff arranged-"

"..." Aimi was silent.

"Why are we even going-"

"..." She didn't speak a single word.

Aimi's kept sitting and crossed her arms and folded her legs. And kept staring into her phone, I could see it was a photo of me. She was wearing earphone, so I couldn't really hear anything that she was lisrening to.

She would occasionally chuckle, or make a pouting face at whatever she listened.

Sooner, I would lose my patience.

Sfx: grab

I grabbed her shoulder and asked her

"Why are you ignoring me-"

Sfx: hand on lips


She put her palm on my lips, blocking whatever I said, as she stared into my eyes looking directly into my soul.

"I thought you- s-shtopped...loving me-" she said with a submissive voice.

What is this sorcery?! Wasn't she the dominant one?

Taking advantage of the situation

Sfx: grab pull


I grabbed her earphones and plugged it into my ears


Sfx: audio noises

As I plugged it into my ears, I heard noises of...





"Ahah! Yeah, Aimi, you're a good maid!"

"Ahn! Aimi! Go slow-"

Why are these...voices of me interacting with her, WHEN DID SHE RECORD THIS?

I look into her eyes as I ask

"Why do you have voices of me. This isn't even interesting-"

"Shut it!" She squeaked as she blushed.

Sfx: grab!

She pulled out the earphones out of my ears,

As she held her hands cutely she said with a low blushing voice

"When..I feel like...l- like you're away from me... Or that, that y-you're tired of me, I turn back to the digital version of You I have saved over days worth of data and listen to him..." She says as she shake her hands shake and she tried stopping herself from imploding.

"Didn't know you could be so cute-"

Seriously, was Aimi always so cute like this?

I think it's better, the way she is, right now.

I wonder what made her so insecure and overprotective.

Guess I'll keep wondering

Sfx: lean


Aimi leaned over me, and whispered

"I can be cuter, you know~"

"Ah, no! Thanks! No thanks!"

Sfx: unbutton

"Wait! Aimi! We are in public-"

"Doesn't matter, I'm in the mood."

She starts unbuttoning my shirt from...the bottom?

And she slips up a blanket, reasoning about the cold as she slips her hands into my pants.

Sfx: stroke

"Ugh!" I lay in discomfort as she countinued stroking my thing to her pleasure.

"Be a good boy, and release a lots into my hands, hm?~" She says with a seductive tone.

Oh god, we are in damn public!

Stroke Stroke Stroke

"Hmm, it's so hard. But you'd need a material to look into, isn't it?"

"..." I speak nothing, instead, I hide my face with my hands in shame.

She leans closer to me,

"Aimi, someone can watch us-"

"I'll just shoot them~"

She grabs her neckline and pulls it to show bits of her chest.

"You're a pervert, you like nothing but me. Isn't it? You need my body to be satisfied, that's what I think you feel." Aimi says in a seductive tone, almost convincing me what she says is very true.

And so, for next almost 2 hours, she would countinue using me like a toy. Until, we reached Narita.

Sfx: grab




At the Station

"It seems we have reached out destination, haven't we?~"

"Please stop grabbing my hand..."

And so, the two had reached Narita!




But it seems, there was another duo, that had reached the station.

"I thought it would take longer-"

"Lee, it took us 2 hours! Do you have a sense of time?!" Harold scolded Lee.

And so, Harold and Lee were also at the station as they walked past by a couple.

"Ah, look at these youth these days."

"Back in my day-"

"No Lee, I do NOT want to know your days."




[Aimi's Perspective]

Now that we have reached out destination, what should we do first?

"I'm sure I have plenty of time before meeting with my brother- Hey!"

Sfx: bump

Who just bumped into me?

"Ah, we are sorry." Two middle aged men bowed countinously.

Perhaps, they deserve death?

How dare they touch me, I'm reserved for my dear future-husband. I'm only his. Don't you fucking touch me again.

"Try it again and you'd be in jail."

"Ah no! We are sorry! We truly apologise!"

The two men walk away.

At Harold and Lee

"Goddamn! Whom did we bump with? That was scary!"

"I know right? The youth is crazy! Earlier the men protected the women, but look at now! The girl looked at us as if SHE was the police and WE were the criminals!"

"To think of it, why did she look familiar..."

Wait. Both Lee and Harold gasped.




At the Taxi

"Yes, that's it. This is the destination. Thank you." Aimi said in an elegant fashion.

Sfx: door open

"So, this is the hotel. huh?" Ryou looked upwards, and upwards. For even he couldn't expect such a fancy hotel, even though he's as rich.

"Ah, this is just the starter. We have more."

"But why so much?"

"You wouldn't be used to middle class standards of living would you? I had to work hard for this-"

"Oh god. I'M NOT USED TO BEING RICH EITHER!" Ryou shouted as he wanted to break the stereotype.

Sfx: grab

Suddenly, Aimi grabbed Ryou's hand and wrapped herself around him, pressing her chest purposefully against him.

"Could you ever be used to this richness?" She said.

"Maybe I will.. I don't know."




At Narita Jail, At a cell.

Sfx: door open

"You're up for Interrogation, someone has came to visit you."

"Huh? Again?" Ray was frustrated.

His cheeks were hollow, all his bones were visible. He looked weak, I'm the jail uniform with numerous scars, he could barely walk.

Sfx: sit

"So, pal, what is it?"

"Oh, don't worry. You might get freedom sooner."

"Oooh~ fancy words."

"Well, I'd like to ask you something."

"Man you're the 2nd person to ask me anything today."

"Second? Well, it doesn't matter. Anyways, Brother to Aimi, am I right?"

Ray lost his guard on this one

"Eh...? Yea. Why?"

"Oh, don't worry."


"Could you explain to me, where is Miko as of right now?"

"That hottie? I probably sold that bitch for a million!"

"Lies, she was set on a price of fifty thousand dollars. Where is she?"

"Ah, you see through me. Well, she's..."

After a minute of conversation, the man said something.

"Death of my son mourns me. For I shall have my revenge sooner or later. Ryou Aikawa, if only you had not been back to Japan at the first place ever."

"Scary words man, what happened to ya?"

"Ah, I forgot. You're the killer of my soon. Keep the regret."

"Yuuki was pretty heavy to carry aswell!" Ray said as if he hid something.

"We never met. Okay? This conversation has no proof of existence."

"Ah, got it. Bribe the police for not recording any of it, I guess."

"Anybody related to Kaito and Yuki would obviously do, those who remember him are already bribed by me."

"Woah man, so you mean you bribed their accomplices police officers?"

"None of your concern. And oh, if somebody ELSE, comes to visit you, do NOT tell them about me. And modify 'some' of the information they would ask you."

"Well, as you speak. I shall do. But guarantee my freedom, okay?"

"It's guaranteed."

Sfx: leave

The man walked, as he put a cigar in, wrapping it with his lips.

He let out a smoke and said

"Ryou Aikawa, huh? I'll get you soon, bastard." He crushed his cigar.




At the hotel room

"Haaah..." Ryou laid on the bed, as he was exhausted.

Why wouldn't he be? He was drained dry by Aimi for 2 hours straight!

Aimi sat naked, as she still held a light grip on his thing, she dialed on her phone.

Sfx: phone call

"Hello, is this Narita Police?"


"Oh, okay. I'd like to meet my brother, when can I have an appointment?"

After getting an appointment,

Aimi gave out a smirk, as she said.

"Oh okay, I'll be coming to visit him, Ray."