Say my name! (2/2)

"Aimi, what if someone sees us-" Ryou said, as he was concerned.

Sfx: pull

While Aimi pulled Ryou even closer to him, whispering into his ears

"Have I not made myself clear?"

To which, Ryou replied

"Please! Tying my hands with your scarf, I-...anyone can easily see this and get suspicious!"

"fufu~ I don't care." Aimi whispered.

Chapter 35: Say my name! (2/2)




At the Hotel Restroom

Infront of the basin, as all the other ladies washed their hands. One lady stood taking support of a metal rail nearby, as she trembled and looked into herself through a mirror.

"Oh-h oh my god... I-...WE TALKED!-"

Sfx: Phone call

The lady pulled out a phone from her pocket, the man on the other side said in a worried voice.

"Hey! Did you succeed?"

"Y-yes...I did!"

"Where are 'they' heading to?"

"Wait...'they' ? You mean, he found someone other than me?"

"Oh lord, just tell me where he is!"

"I can't think straight right now... I'm overwhelmed by my emotions! Just now I could hear his voice for the second time, and now you speak of him being with someone else?"

Sfx: phone cut

Frustrated man, cut the call in between.

"Ah... He cut the call it seems. I would NEVER let you even suspect him!"




At the street, Near Middle School

Sfx: phone cut

"Ahh got dammit!" He was frustrated


Aiko punched a wall!


Aiko cried in pain, as he held his limo red hand and thought to himself.

"Why can't that girl do anything?!"

[Aiko's Perspective]

Oh else am I supposed to find where Aimi is heading now?

*You have recieved: 1 text message

"Ahh shit! Lee's texting me right now!"

"Hey, Aiko, have you achieved their location?"

He texted it seems.

No, dammit! I haven't!

I'll just ignore it for now!

My decision to contact this ...'Naomi' was a totally blunder! A freaking useless fellow!


Aiko punched a wall again!

"AAAAA IT HURTS THE SAME!-" I exclaimed in pain!

"umm, excuse me. What hurts?" A voice nearby.

"Huh?" Who was it?

"Wait, it's you! AIMI! ISNT IT?!" I pulled out my knife as I pointed it towards my face to defend my life and-

Sfx: cut

Did I...just take a life?




"AAAAA-" The lady screamed in fear






"YOU- PERVERT!" The lady covered her upper chest, because I had cut her upper blouse entirely!



"Is this the time to ask such question?!"

"Yes it does!"

"Right after cutting a woman's clothes?!"

"It doesn't matter in the first place!"

"That suggests you're a virgin!"

OH- how does she know...?


"Because, I'm a school nurse..." The lady got calmed down, as she began covering herself and looked away.

Ah, I get it. So she knows I'm a virgin because she's a nurse! Fabulous!


"Huh? Makes sense. But why did you approach me?"

"Well, umm... I thought why would an adult peek at middle schoolers..." The lady gave me a shy look as she pointed towards the children going inside a school.



"it's okay! It's okay!"


Sfx: run

I need to run! What if she calls the police?!

Sfx: grab, pull


"HUH?" As the lady grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, she said

"Well, it's okay because, you're handsome... You know... That's why I approached you." She said with a blushing tone.


"Not that, fufu~ you just don't have the courage to approach even a toddler it seems.~" The lady said in a gentle tone.


Sfx: Cover


I took of my coat, and covered the lady in it. Wasn't her upper blouse cut due to my knife? I covered her body, see! This is my debut to be courageous!

"Oh my god oh my god I can't think straight I can't think straight I can't think straight-"

"Yup. She's half-insane." I sighed.

As the moment kept a burn in my heart, I saw two adults going near the school gate.

"Some parents of a kid?" I thought to myself.

Wait. No. It's not that.

Why are they wearing 1 big scarf or a muffler thing? And why does the father's hand look tied-

Only one person can do this.

"So umm... What's your num-"

Sfx: grab

I grabbed the nurse's hand and-


"AAH WHAT-" The lady blushed, she wasn't prepared for her first date!




At the middle school date

The two couple walked as they kept a close distance. It almost looked like as if they weren't a married couple if not parents!

While Aimi blushed bright red with each stro only making her blush even more prominent, Ryou seemed to be in conflicted thoughts!

[Aimi's Perspective]

Oh god oh god oh god he's going to see my middle school I can't think straight will he like it what will happen-


Think Aimi, Think!

How to make the most of my current situation?

I'm glad I took permission to come here for a survey as per a representative of the company I work for in a Part-time.

This helped me gain connections and plan the date alot before!

On top of that, it seems the teachers haven't changed all, they remember me!

It will be a bit of a hassle though,

they would remember the massacre.

"Hmm, but it depends... They must have seen the eighth version of the day, where I killed the shooters! They wouldn't have seen my other early seven repetitions, so they couldn't have grasped any idea of what had happened onto me. Isn't it?"

I put a finger on my lips and look up in the sky, while I hold my future husband in my hands tied with a scarf, a sign of our love!

"Aimi...eight versions of a day? Repititions? Killing ths shooters? Is this another of your kinks?!" Ryou seemed concerned!




[Ryou's Perspective]

I sometimes don't understand people at all!

And this, is exactly one of those times.

I'm currently tied to Aimi, and she walks me towards the school like a dog, while I'm crowded by...


" are so handsome...!" A child squeaks!

"I'm not that old am I?" I panick to the compliment!

" nee-sama isn't uncle....????" A child gives a pout face.

While all I could see was Aimi to be blushing heavily onto each compliment passed to us!

"Yet." She said in a low voice.

"aaa! Onee-chan! You are so pretty!" A little girl chuckled.

"ahah! Ofcourse, we are trying to be parents sooner."

"Waaaaaa~" the children's faces glowed!

"Idiot! They are children!" I was to embarrassed at myself!

"One day~ we will have our own~"

"Maybe but right now could you please not talk about-"

"How many would we have? I think two is fine, if you force me..umm, I can try for three too~" Aimi said as if she was a newly wed wife!

Is she even listening to me?!

"Are you even listening?!"

"I would probably want a daughter, I'll teach her to love her father just like how I'll love my husband!"

Agh, she isn't listening. Guess I got to use my advantage-card.

You brought this onto yourself, Aimi.

I use...


"Ah is that so? If you want to love me properly, why not say my name?"

"Ah-" it worked! Aimi was caught off-guard with this one question! She was blushing to her limits!

Suddenly, Aimi turned around behind the gate-

Sfx: pull, grab, twist!

She grabbed my hands and pinned me to a corner of the gate, where the children weren't going to-

"Someone can see us!" I panicked

"And now~ our real date, begins~" Aimi licked her lips, as she leaned further for a kiss.


Before I could speak anything else, I was ambushed by a kiss!




At the school infirmary

"Don't look in, I'm going to change!" The lady went in to change her clothes, it was obvious. For her blouse was cut, by the panick minded Aiko!

"It's not like I'm interested anyways!" Aiko was angry as his cheeks puffed while he crossed his arms.

He expected to be spying onto Aimi, but due to school restrictions,


Made the principal assign the school nurse to be with him!

"I should probably send this information to Harold and the others. Lee asked me so it should be fine."

But as Aiko pick his phone up, he got a phone call!

Sfx: phone call

"Aghh! Whoooossseeee nooowww?!" He said with his anger at its peak!

"It's Aiko, who is it?!" Aiko said with an angry tone!

On the other side of the call, came a weak and drained voice. Someone it seemed was on the verge of dying, it was only their voice, ofcourse.

"I-...I might," Said Lisa.

"WAIT-" Aiko panicked and suddenly-


"LISAAAA!" Aiko panicked!

"Ah- it was just me..." Lisa regained herself.

"Are you alright there? What has happened?!"




At Aiko's bedroom

Lisa was on the bed as it was her second day of skipping classes,

Sob.. sob..

Her eyes were all teary and black eye-bags followed her face.

Sfx: crack!

Whenever she tried to get water, her hand had become so weak that her grip caused the glasses to drop and shatter to the floor!

"Please...come back..." Lisa said in a sore voice, hoping for the best.

"Oh I would, but please tell me what the hell happened to you?!" Aiko panicked.

Oh brother... How can I tell? Its impossible to be without you any second longer now!

To protect you from Aimi, I must lie. Only then can she let us be forgive me this time. I'm going to lie to you, Aiko.

"It's...I fell sick and I can't recover..." I lied.

"Don't worry! Ask aunt Carla to assist you, she should do so as she's the landlord."

Who will tell you dear brother? Aunty Carla is also working for Aimi. And she shall not move a muscle without Aimi's permission.

"I don't need any medicine...oh brother, could I just stay on the call with you? It'll be enough..please.."

"Lisa we aren't kids anymore. So-"

"Please...I beg you..."




At the school infirmary

[Aiko's Perspective]

Dammit, my sister is sick and I need to send the information about Aimi to Harold! What do I do?

"...please..." Lisa said in a begging voice.

Shit! I can't let her be down either!

I think...





It's time to prioritise family over work. I will save Lisa first, and work on catching Aimi as I save my sister!

"Okay then. Stay on the call. Don't worry Lisa, your brother will protect you. Even from people you don't are hurting you." I indicated onto Aimi, who will cause trouble for the both of us.

[Lisa's Perspective]

"Oh brother... Thank you."

Sfx: kiss

I kissed the phone mic, as I thought to myself.

'to people I don't know, who would still hurt me'... Brother, have you any idea about Aimi blackmailing me into working for her? We are already in danger!




At the school corridor

Aimi gave a presentation in grade six, about child safety and much more. It was what she came to Narita for, according to her part-time company.

The two walked through the corridor, for Aimi was now about to leave the school.

Geez...we haven't even did anything yet. Aimi thought to herself. Suddenly, she got an idea.

"Ah, it's grade sixth, 12 year olds eh?" Ryou joked around.

"Yes, ofcourse." Aimi walked elegantly as to set up an example for the school.

"I would need to use the bathroom." Aimi blushed as she tried to excuse herself.

The both were walking through the corridor, Aimi was set to leave the school after her presentation to the students was over.

"Sure, I'll wait here." Ryou stood like an obedient dog, while suddenly-

Sfx: pull


"EH-" Ryou panicked, as Aimi grabbed his shirt and tied his collar with her scarf!

"How dare you stand here?" Aimi said with a passionate and cold voice. It seemed she would jump in a kiss at any moment!

"EH- Then...what am I supposed to do??" Ryou was embarassed and yet blushing.

"Come with me, to the toilet." Aimi gave yet another command!

But wait, this time, how would Ryou go through a ladies' only washroom?!

And so, the two walked towards the restroom.

"Aimi, I always wondered, what's your story to this school?" Ryou wondered.

Aimi blushed at the question, but at the same time maintained her orderly-fashioned behaviours.

"Hm? How did you know I have a history with this school?"

"You weren't nervous at all! As we arrived to the gate, my heart thumped back and forth while you were chatting with the children. It could only tell me you saw them as one of you which meant you were a native to school?" Ryou explained.

"Oh my god~ my husband is so smart!" Aimi out her hands together as she blushed with a cute face!

"I'm not your husband!-" Ryou blushed.

While suddenly, he remembered his own question.

"Ah well, I won't go the toilet with you. I refuse to hey you unless-"

Aimi was caught her again off-guard! She could no longer withstand the same excitement she possessed, for her entire body jolted and anxiety ran through her bloods.

"Wait. You won't...? My brainwashing failed?!" Aimi stepped back as she prepared a cutter knife with her, ready to abduct Ryou at any given time!

"NO- it's not that. It's, say my name..or else I won't go." Ryou stood confident in his stance.

Sfx: lean

Suddenly, Aimi got calm, as she felt relieved to the question.

"Ah, it's all?-" Aimi felt a sigh of a relieved breath. It wasn't something crazy like Ryou leaving her, isn't it?


"Hold on. Say your name??!?" Aimi panicked upon what she has heard just now!

"Yes, say my name, it's not a big deal isn't it?"

"How are you so sure it isn't a big deal?! It is!!"

"It's not a big deal idiot! Just say it!"


"C'mon! Good progress, you can do it!" Ryou felt a rush of excitement within him, as Aimi tried to pronounce his name!


"YES! YOUCAN DO IT!" Ryou felt even edited!





But then-






Sfx: grab, run!

"HEY WAIT-" Ryou panicked as Aimi grabbed his hand, and ran towards the washroom!

And so, the two ran towards the washroom, with a new adventure awaiting them inside?!




At the washroom stall

[Ryou's Perspective]

Sfx: unzip

Ofcourse, how couldn't have I guessed?

It's her horny kinks again. That's why we are here.

"I won't take much of your time..." She said as she yanked my pants towards my ankles


She started stroking it slowly, and she touched my lips a little.

"You don't seem much interested today, hm?" Aimi sounded still unbothered if I wanted to do it or not.

"Whatever, just do it."

She started increasing her pace, and naturally some moans came.out of me.

"Ahhh...ahh..!" I moaned a little.

"Don't worry, to keep you interested, I'll tell you my history related to this school." Aimi said as she took my thing inside her mouth.

"You'd do this while giving me a head?-" I was embarassed!

"Yesh" Aimi moaned.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I was one of the brightest students in this school. On average, all my grades were always an A, I never got anything below. How could I? My parents came from a middle class background." Aimi said as she pleasured herself using me.

"Can confirm." I nodded my head.

"What?" Aimi was confused.


"Yeah so," Aimi countinued.

"My father may be middle class by money, but he was a rich man by heart. He always provided me everything that I had asked for." She countinued

"Ah, then?"

"It was all going well until that one day, I went to debt myself I'm inter-school dance competition hosted at my school."

"Oh-" before I could say anything, she countinued.

"And that day, everything changed. As I danced on the stage, with my father and mother cheering up for me. Two school shooters came and killed everyone in the crowd. I was mercilessly abused, and at one point I got broken so much that I killed them with my own bare hands."


W-..what? H.. I don't understand

How could she say something like this so normally?

What the ...

"How can you... Be so normal about this?"

"Ahf...your thing went limp? It was throbbing just now! Why did you stop?" Aimi sounded unbothered.

As she bobbed her head forward and backwards,

Sfx: grab

I grabbed her head to stop this, and asked

"No. Reply to me. Why are you so unbothered about your OWN PARENTS DYING?!" I exclaimed!

"Hmph.." she pulled out her mouth out of my thing, and sat on me.

Sfx: thrust

"Aah!" I moaned a little, but still waited for her reply.

"Ahn!" As she jumped on me with my thing deep inside her, she said

"Well...ahh, it's because, ever since I was adopted by old master, I came to know you, and ever since, I need not my parents... But you!" She said as she cupped my chik with her hands.

And for the rest of the time, I remained speechless.

At the hall

"Is this souvenir good?"


"Does this suit me?"


My mind kept wandering about what she had said. It was until-

At the ground

Sfx: grab

"What happened, hm?" Aimi looked back at me as she excitedly walked out of the school.

"Aimi, to tell you the truth. Even after so much you have done, want to know why I still love you?"

"Hm, sure!"

"It's because...I went to the same school as you, and witnessed the murder of the shooters which you had done. eight times."

Aimi was shocked....

"E-eight...?" Her eyes widened as she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"And so, I want you to embrace me the same, and say my name. Let us remark this as a beginning, of an even love." Ryou put his hand forward.

For support, as Aimi squeezed onto Ryou's hand, she started attempting


"Yes that's it..."





[Aiko's Perspective]

Sfx: running


Lisa is still on a call with me, I lost hold on Aimi and Ryou!

As I ran to the ground, I saw these two...standing and holding hands?

What are they doing?




At the ground, Aimi and Ryou.


"RY.." "RYO-.."

"Aimi, I love you! Do it, for me!"

As Aimi trembled, for she did something she had never done before... She said

"RY..." "RYO-" ... "RYOU!"