Aimi, Ryou and the Train

"Ryou, we need to head back."

Aimi said as she panicked and stormed through the entire hotel room, to search for her clothes!

"Huh? What?!"

Ryou, who was laying down helpless and restless along the bed, with Aimi on top of him, panicked with her!

"It's them. The time has come."

"It's who? And what time has come?! Aimi!" Ryou was confused as hell.

"The time, for us to be finally 'officially' be one, forever~" She said in a composed voice.

Chapter 38: Aimi, Ryou and the Train




At Tokyo Station

"Woah dude! It seems Tokyo is just like Anime!" The taxi driver was flabbergasted!

"Shut up." Mai sealed his mouth.

Sfx: Tape

"WHO USESH TAPE- MMH!-" The driver guy muffled!

"I told you I'm a nurse, I can 'fix' things easily~" Mai crossed her arms as she said this proudly.

"Ah, so Aiko, let's not rush. We will take things slow and then make our plan. How's that?" Harold said calmly.

"Hmm, there seems to be an exchange of power between this group. It's quite concerning but knowing Aiko he would never betray us. Has he changed that much from just one trip?" Aiko whispered to one of the ladies.

"Mmm, I don't care about who he is. As long as Ryou is in the business, I'm all in!" Naomi said excitedly.

"Ugh whom did I just talk with-" Lee said in utter disgust.

What he saw was a neet girl, who was a grown up woman with black hair and two braids, with black glasses and almost no makeup, she had eyebags under her eyes and she smelled heavily of this one famous perfume.

"Agh- before we begin, who are these people! Tell us in detail!" Lee was annoyed.

"Ah, alright. I'll tell you everything."

"This is Naomi, my first pawn against Ryou."

"Heeeey!" Naomi waved her hands.

"She is obsessed with Ryou, I don't know why. But she claims she has this one 'surprise' for Ryou that would make Ryou run like a dog back to her. So far it seems she's the dog here, running around Ryou..." Aiko explained.

"Hey! Don't call me like that!" Naomi said with an angry voice and a pout cute face!

"So far, she has told me everything she knew about Ryou, it has helped me gain his history. And why would Aimi murder all those people but not Ryou." Aiko wasn't aware of anything Lee and Harold have discovered so far, it seems.

"There's more-" Naomi said

"This is the Taxi driver, I won't reveal his name because it holds a big importance for the plan." Aiko ignored what Naomi said.

"Hey, what plan?" Harold was curious,

Sfx: smack

"Shut up..." Lee softly smacked Harold's face, telling him to just listen right now.

"So far, the Taxi driver has discovered a massive discovery. I'll tell you that a little later."

"You cliffhanger artist-" Harold was frustrated, his curiosity was beyond the limits!

"Shut up Harold!" Lee was annoyed.

"And this? This is...Mai. a school nurse I found, she happened to have one importance to me so I picked her up in my ride." Aiko explained.

"You're picking accomplices like gems!" Harold was confused.

"Harold SHUT- wait, I agree on him with this one." Lee was confused too.

"Most of you will have the question of why have I joined Aiko, it's because..." Mai said nervously as she touched forearms

"...I'm working for Michael." She added.

"Huh?!" Aiko gasped.

"Wait. WHAT?!" Lee was surprised.

"OW- MY CURIOSITY-" Harold's head was revolving around a trillion possibilities!

"Wait. Michael? What does he-" It seems Aiko wasn't much aware of Michael's relation to Harold and Lee, and this case.

"Ah, Mai! We will Talk about this later! Now now, what was your cliffhanger you left us at, Aiko?" Harold tried taking control of the question, as he didn't want Aiko to know anything half, or anything that wasn't from Harold and Lee's perspective.

"Ah, alright, you treat me with another cliffhanger?"

"We treat cliffhangers with cliffhangers!" Lee laughed.

"Ah okay, so basically, did you know about Ray? He's dead." Aiko said this with a little mix of suspense.

"Huh? We already knew that." Lee and Harold weren't impressed.

"Well, I know who has killed him, and most importantly I have two proofs to support my claim."

"Holy shit. This is the real deal!" Harold was impressed now, his curiosity was about to be served more!

"Well, let's talk about this in a room, shall we?"

"Aww, you fucking cliffhanger artist-!" Harold was pissed off!

And so, they booked a Taxi to return at,

Aiko's Place.




At the Train

Sfx: zip

"Oh my god, we barely missed the train!" Ryou panted as he ran through the train.

"Hmph. My sexual relief was more important." Aimi said as she wiped her mouth, entering the train.

Sfx: fall

"KYAA-" Aimi's bag fell out of her arms.

"nnn!" She tried to pull it back, but it seems it was too heavy for her.

Ryou's eye shined as he thought to himself,

"Yes! This is it! I can impress her!" He said excitedly as he suddenly-

Sfx: pull

"Huh? It's not even heavy?" It seems Ryou wasn't impressed with what he picked up.

"This could be barely just 5 kilograms?" He sighed.

"uwaa....." Aimi blushed as for her, she witnessed the strength of her lover!

"Why? This isn't even impressive."

Sfx: hug

"Huh?! It earned me a hug?!" Ryou was satisfied with what he has achieved, it seems!

"Fufu~ please carry the other bags for me too~" Aimi said as she buried her face into Ryou's chest.

"Ughh...fine. if it earns me more hugs, I'll do anything!" Ryou said as he picked up all the four bags!

Sfx: crack

"UGH-" It seems,

Ryou has cracked his back!

Overconfidence is always a loss!


"Is your back fine now?~" Aimi said gently.

"Stop teasing me for it!" Ryou was embarassed.

"How much will it be? Good sir." Aimi turned to her left, as she took out her wallet to tip the person who helped her carry it all.

"Ah, it's not a problem!" The person shrugged off!

"By any chance, ah, are you two married?" The one was curious.

"AH N-" Ryou suddenly turned back as he was flushed-

"YES! Ofcourse! Yes!" Aimi blushed at the question!

"Oh, okay!~" The person walked off giggling.

"you didn't have to say that!" Ryou dig his face into his hands as he flushed through embarassment.

"Why? Aren't we married?"

"Obviously we are not!"

"Geez, why are you so angry about this?"

"I'm not!"

"Or are you, perhaps... Jealous. Of the man who helped me, and it wasn't you?" Aimi teased Ryou.

"Shut up!!" Ryou was embarassed.

"Fufu~" Aimi giggled.

"I'm glad." She added as she put her hands on the other, blushing lightly.

"Huh? Of what?"

"That you- are jealous, ofcourse. I love the fact that you are posessive of me~" Aimi's blush deepened.

"Huh? But it isn't nice-"

Sfx: lean

Aimi leaned over Ryou, as she touched his lips lightly, saying

"Aren't I posessive of you too? And that of an even greater extent, isn't it?"

"I mean it's different when you do it-" Ryou started blushing too.

"Why is it so?" Aimi was almost putting her fingers inside Ryou's mouth.

"Mmh! Aimi, shh, somebody might see us!" Ryou panicked as his lips wrapped around the finger.

"Do I look like I care?" Aimi leaned even further,

She used her own seat to lean over Ryou, while she used the armrest to stand her arms as her mouth was meeting with Ryou's.

"B-but... The t-train!" Ryou panicked, as he whispered.

"The train... It's empty." Aimi said.

The turn was indeed empty, there were barely a few people but in a distance so much that it would matter much.

"Hyah! But still I-" Ryou panicked.

"Wait. It is empty!" Ryou looked around him, as he shaked his head around to check for anybody that could potentially see him.

Sfx: grab


"HUSH!" Aimi grabbed onto the back of Ryou's head, gripping his hair as her nails slowly digged in.

"AGH- IT HURT-" Ryou blushed even harder!

"Don't look at others. Look at me~" Aimi said as she leaned in further for a kiss.

Sfx: pull

"Wait...Aimi...this is a little, too much! Please! Let's not-" Ryou panicked.

"We can do it in the toilet!" He suggested.

Sfx: stare

"Don't test my patience." Aimi said as she pushed his head to her lips even closer.


"Mmh! Mmf!" Ryou moaned though his sealed mouth, as his voice muffled.

"Haah...mwuu~" Her lips entangled into Ryou's, it would occasionally swirl around with Ryou's tongue,

Sfx: pull


And occasionally pull back to her own mouth again.

She would then gather saliva around her mouth, and engulf it into his mouth all at once!

She would use her tongue as a wiping tool, as she felt each of Ryou's teeth.

"Pwaah...saliva exchange, complete." Aimi smiled as she already


Unbutton all of Ryou's shirt.

Sfx: touch

Her hand ran through Ryou's bare skin, as she felt each fibre of his muscle.

Sfx: dig

She dug her fingers into Ryou's chest, as her long nails did it with ease.

"Ahh! Aimi! It hurts!"

"I'm glad~" Aimi smiled.

"This handsome young man... All for me, helpless in a train, relying all on me. Say, if I left you right now, you wouldn't even be able to move on your own. That's how much of a toy you are, all mine. You're all mine." Aimi said with a look of satisfaction.

Ryou laid helpless infront of Aimi's as his face was red a little tear formed at the corner of his eye due to the pain. Yet he couldn't complain, for he liked it aswell.

"I don't think I'm that dependent-"

"HAPH-" Aimi suddenly went for another kiss, this time her saliva exchange, was even more intense!

She would bite her own tongue and draw blood out of it, then bite Ryou's tongue and mix their blood with their own saliva sauce that they would keep ready. Aimi would skillfully divide it with her tongue as both of them gulped the sacred liquid,

Her lips were moist while Ryou's were a little rough, it contained a perfect balance as those rough lips would pierce into the soft skin of Aimi.

Sfx: slide

"Mmh! Ai...Aimihh...pleash..mmh, no..." Ryou tried refusing, as his body trembled from the kiss.

Aimi ignored his request, as she slid her hands into his jeans.

Sfx: stroke

She started stroking it, but suddenly,

"Mmhhhh!" Ryou felt what she just did

On Ryou's thing, she pulled the skin to the base of the shaft, liking her nails into his bare thing, with the skin pulled back.

"Affhhh!" Ryou reacted to this with deep moans, which only turned on Aimi even further!

"What are they doing?..." A few people at the train, who were sitting at the distance wondered.

As Aimi heard what they said, she suddenly pulled back her mouth, but not the fingers~

Sfx: pull

"UWAAHH!" She blushed as she was too embarassed with the realisation of what she had done!

Her hands were still on the thing though.

"Aimi...ugh... Please, do me." Ryou, who laid all helpless, begged for Aimi to countinue.

"Oh my~ is someone getting needy so suddenly?" This request of Ryou was more than enough for Aimi to dig into Ryou!

[Ryou's Perspective]

Haaah....I frankly don't care about who sees us, and thinks about what will happen at this point.

"Aimi...please..." I begged for Aimi to countinue doing so, what she did.

"Oh my my~ you're so needy~" Aimi heard exactly what she would have wanted to hear in an ideal condition, and so,

Sfx: lean

She threw herself at me, as she began stroking my thing intensely!

Sfx: stroke slop

"Mmh!" She gave me another aggresive kiss, as her hands countinued to work my thing even intensely!

Sfx: crouch

With the little space that was available on the seat, she crouched to the floor and pulled down on her neckline, sticking out her chest as she said

"Bring your thing here. And beg me to use my chest to satisfy your perverted desire."

Huh? Do I have to do it?





Oh well... If she doesn't do it, I'll be pent up as hell!

"Mmh...please use your chest, to fulfill my perverted and degenerate desires!" There, I said it.

Will she do it atleast now?

"Good boy, now bark for me~" Aimi patted my head.


"Why, is it a problem for you to obey 'me' ?" Aimi said as if it was quite weird for me to not obey her. Or as if it was a norm for me to do whatever she says...

But the way she said it... It's enough to make me tremble!

"nh- woof!" I barked as I blushed in embarrassment.

Sfx: thrust


As she heard my bark, it excited her so much that she immediately thrusted my thing between her chest in one, and began moving it up and down at an intense pace!


"Ahn! Haah! Aff! Aimi! I have came already... please! Let go!" Ryou was exhausted, and why wouldn't he

For the entire ride, was drained out!

"The real game hasn't even began yet~"


"I know right? The real game, is down there~" Aimi pointed at her bottom, as she said this.

"Insert it in." She commanded Ryou.

And so, just as Ryou was about to insert

"Don't be gentle, okay?" She commanded

"Okay." Ryou submitted.

But then suddenly,

"We have reached Tokyo. Please leave the train if you're aiming for Tokyo."

And so, Aimi looked at Ryou, while Ryou trembled with fear.

"Oh no..." He said, as he knew what was about to come!

"OH....MY GOD!" Aimi at the peak of her fury!




At Aiko's place

"She is always leaning onto you, it seems." Harold teased Aiko.

"Brother...sob sob..." Lisa cried as she kept hugging onto Aiko.

"It's embarassing, stop!" Aiko blushed!

"What an interesting bro-con!" Naomi was impressed!

"Could this be...INCEST THAT I AM WITNESSING?!" The taxi driver said as he put his hands on his chin.

Sfx: smack


"Shut up, pervert." Said Mai as she smacked the driver into his senses!

"Well, ah, We would need to get Lisa out of the room if we were to discuss the plan. Isn't it, Harold?" Lee said with a slight hint of concern.

"Yeah, that's right. Aiko, please make Lisa sit out of the room."

"And you think that's possible?!" Aiko said as he tried to let go off the tight hug Lisa gave him!

"No! You're not going anywhere!" Lisa said with tears in her eyes.

Sfx: pat

"Mhm!" Lisa giggled as she enjoyed the last she recieved from Aiko.

"Such a nice brother you are, Aiko!" The taxi driver was impressed.

"Let's hope you don't do know..." He added.

Sfx: smack


"Shut up. Pervert!" Mai smacked Driver again!

"Listen, Lisa, if you let go of me right now, I'll give more pats, or something even more- okay?" He begged Kids to go out of the room for once.

"Is that a deal?" She looked upto him.

"Yes. It's a deal." He shaked her hand.

Sfx: walk

" she left the room." Naomi seemed relieved it seemed.

"Why do you have so many idol figurines in your room, Aiko?" The taxi driver asked yet another oerveterd question!

"Hey! Don't touch it!" Aiko panicked!

"Well well, let's get onto the main topic." Lee clapped his hands to gain everyone's attention.


"Okay so, first of all, Ray was killed by Aimi." Aiko revealed.

"Wait what? But we thought... It's Inoue?!" Lee and Harold were yet confused again!

"Who's Inoue?" Aiko was curious.

"It's the person who's been running Ryou's company in behalf of Michael, as he recently acquired Ryou's company." Lee explained.


"Inoue is a part timer it seems. And we discovered that Michael is involved in a human trafficking case, isn't it how Ray was caught? You know the case I'm referring to, it seems." Harold guessed Aiko knew that Michael had a motivation to hste Ryou.

"No, I don't know. Enlighten me."

And after half an hour of explain from Miko's abduction so that Michael can buy Miko for his son Yuuki, to Inoue's reason behind killing Ray, Aiko and the others came to one conclusion.

"Inoue is Aimi. Aimi is Inoue." Aiko, Harold and Lee said together.

"And this is why Aimi would send so much money, just to help Michael buy Miko?" Aiko asked.

Upon hearing the name 'Miko', Naomi flinched a little.

"Uwah!" She squeaked.

"What happened?" Aiko asked.


"Okay." Aiko ignored and moved on.

"So, what's our plan?" Aiko asked.

And to which, Harold took a breath as he said

"We are going to abduct Ryou. And do exactly as Michael told us, since Michael or Huang has already increased the debt rate, Aimi would come to meet the three of us, Me, Lee and Michael. This is where Michael would expect Ryou to come with her, but he would be surprised when he doesn't show up. Because we have already taken him under our custody."

"And then?"

"And that exact moment, we will arrest both of them! We have more then enough evidences against both Michael and Aimi at this point!" Harold seemed excited to what he said.

"Ofcourse, I have proof on how Aimi killed Ray. First of all I have recorded all conversations The Taxi driver had with Aimi, as I was on call with the taxi driver the entire time. Secondly, this recording, where Aimi gives Ray a bento. And when he eats it, he suddenly collapses and gets a heart attack." Aiko showed the clips.

Sfx: video play

"Oh my god... So that's how he died, huh?" Harold started to finally get it all.




Outside the room

"So this, is what they are planning, did you get it?" Lisa said in a shaky voice.

"Hmm, that's enough for me to know." Aimi said in a confident voice.

They were in a call it seems, the entire time.

[Lisa's Perspective]

I'm sorry brother.

But in order to protect you, from ever facing that Album of mine,


Sfx: cry

"Sob... sob..."

"You can cry now, bye."

Sfx: hang

She cut the call, it seems.




At the Taxi

"We are going straight to your place?!" Ryou was confused.

"Yes. Don't question any further. The moment we go in, we will do it." Aimi said as she put her phone back in her purse.

"It seems, they have began their move, isn't it? That bastard Aiko." Aimi said in a fit rage of voice.

"Aiko? What did he do?"

"Ryou, can we stay tied to each other for the next few days? I mean literally."





At Aiko's room

"So then, we shall abduct Ryou soon. But how will we do it?" Aiko was confused.

"Hmm, that's a big question." Harold was confuse too.

Out of all the people, Naomi suddenly rose up, and said-

"Hey! I can do it ..."

"Huh?! What?" Everyone was confused.

To which, she smirked and said.

"Well, let me tell you something~"