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"Your debt has been increased by 55%..."
"Ah, I see through their plan."
Aimi's hair flowed as it was guided by the wind, she kneeled down and wiped her tears of blood as she said
"First you took away Ryou from me, now you use this debt to lure me in?..." Aimi sighed, as she let out a little smirk before she said
Sfx: laugh
"..ah..ahahahah...!" She laughed,
It was no longer her gentle giggle, it was laugh of insanity.
"Don't worry, I'll save my master. For a maid, HAS ALWAYS A PLAN."
Chapter 45: Setting the stage
Aimi's Place
Sfx: call
"Hello, this is Aimi...-"
"Yes. What do you want?" Someone from the other side of the call replied in an instant.
"You're quick to reply. Ah, it's nothing, just wanted to let you know, that you're free. I no longer will blackmail you~" Aimi said with a low voice.
She was still confident, though her voice was a little breaking.
Sfx: phone cut
"Fufufu~" Aimi giggled.
"While I may appear very confident from the outside..." She said with a little confidence infront of the mirror...
Bang! Crack! Shatter!
Aimi took a vase and smashed it!
"I DON'T LIKE THIS...!" She screamed in top of her lungs.
"Hff...hff..., Sob... Why did you...-.." Aimi looked at a picture of Ryou,
As she crushed it by clenching her fists afterwards
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME....?!" She screamed as she took a step back.
[Aimi's Perspective]
No why why why why why why why why why WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE ME?!
My words started to break, as I couldn't make sentences anymore.
"Ever since... I was born, I thought I'd be normal! But then, gods took my love away from me! They took my parents! ...I had gotten a second chance at life, and I got betrayed once again...!!"
Sfx: grab
"I WOULD JUST SLAP RYOU WITH THIS-" As I grabbed a belt, I prepared to leash it and-
"But he isn't... here..."
What would Ryou be doing right now? Did he eat? He likes to get to use my body st this time, ah, he must be waiting for me-
"Geez... He must be waiting for me...wouldn't he? I- I have brainwashed him enough didn't I?" I thought to myself...
What's the point of anything?
Is living even an option anymore?
"Maybe I should just..." I take hold off the belt again,
Sfx: tie
I tie it around me, and then-
"Augh- ugh...ish..dish what he felth?" I say as I choke.
I cant- breath anymore-
And slowly as my breath start to get shorter, and my eyelids close a centimeter at a time, I-
"No...Ryou, would never want me to die, would he?" I let go of the belt from around my neck.
"Maybe I must have gotten a little old... Or am I just too young for him?"
Did I ever do anything he didn't like? Was it enough to upset him?
Who could have done this?
If I want to meet Ryou back, I'll have to and meet Huang and his accomplices. Which means I'll fall right into their trap.
"How can I obtain Ryou back and yet not be falling to their plan?" I ponder.
A book falls from the desk to my hands
Wait, that's,
"That's my-...it's my diary. Ryou has left it here, while being abducted, he never thought he'd need it, would he?" I laugh a little.
He's so, cute...isn't he?
Sfx: open, page turn
"These are my little poetries..huh?" I skee through the pages,
I stumble upon one of my lines
"...A rose and a Cactus, what's the difference?
Both have thorns, yet one is violent, other's thorns are in silence...
For rose is a flower, and a flower produced nectar, to attract humans, is a rose perfect at,
But with No nectar, the thorny plant like Cactus could never attract..
In the end, what matters is, a rose attracts one with beauty, and stabs behind the back!
While the cactus looks unattractive, and because of its fierce look it can never a chance to attack!..."
"I was so naive to write this, wasn't I? It's so stupid!" I giggle a little.
"Well then..."
And suddenly,
"That's it!"
"Plan. It's what I have, now~"
And so,
Sfx: stand
I rise from my kneeled position,
Keep the book aside.
And then,
"I'm coming for you. Ryou~"
At Aimi's Special Room
*Creaaaakk, OPEN! BANG! WHAM!
"What's all that noise coming from the outside...?" Aiko wondered.
He was locked in Aimi's 'Special' Room, along with his sister, or his love, Lisa.
"I-...water..." She moaned.
"Huh?" Aiko was caught off-guard.
[Aiko's Perspective]
"Water...I need...water..." Lisa kept begging.
H-how do I get water here?!
"L-LISA! ARE YOU O-OKAY..?!" I ask as my voice shakes
Sfx: turn
As Lisa turns to my side, her eyes open a little as her lips drool, she says in a weak voice...
"Ah-...you're here too...huh?" She speaks.
"Guess I'm in a dream...then..." She adds.
"No! Lisa! Stay with me! Don't close your eyes! You need watery right?!"
"It's true? I'm not... ...seeing things?" She open her eyes a little wider.
"water...brother..." She begs for water one more time.
B-but, how do I do that?
"If I could just-"
"Shit! The door doesn't open either?!" It's locked.
I have no choice...
How do I feed her with water?
Lisa, give me your hand, can you move?
Sfx: touch
"Nnh..." Lisa trembles.
I check her pulse.
It's not good.
If I-...
If this works, then I'll be the most grateful man ever!
"Could you be okay if it's just preventing your throat from drying off...?"
"I-...ah, how does that...haah..work?" Lisa was confused, yet her voice remained weak.
"I will show you ..." I say in a low voice.
I'm prepared. I'm prepared.
Let's do this
I lean in closer to my sister, as I lift her chin
"Huh ...?"
I grab her closer to mine, as I cup her cheeks I to my hands, I open her lips with my tongue and
I violently rush inside her mouth, gathering all my spit inside my mouth, I began delivering it through her mouth to mouth feeding it all...
Sfx: kiss break
"Haah...geez, you're a pervert, aren't you?" Lisa giggles a little!
"I'm trying to save you-" I as I tremble from breaking the kiss
"So, don't transfer your juices to me! Instead, let me take the initiative and just suck into my tongue! Got it?" I command her as I hold onto her shoulder.
"Fufufu~ oh my~ I-...just thought I could atleast service my brother...in my-...ending, last moments..." Lisa says as she almost closer her eyes.
Sfx: kiss
"Mmh-" Lisa comes back to life as Aiko exchanges his saliva with her.
"Aff..ugh" he countinued his work into Lisa's mouth.
After a few moments later, Aiko begins calling out to Aimi, hoping she would atleast release him.
Sfx: scream
And so it seems, thirst, is the greatest weakness when it comes to making someone die with lots pain.
How about fire? We would know, in future.
"She isn't replying to our screams..."
"It seems she has left, hasn't she?" Lisa sighed.
Is this it? Is that how would they die?
Aiko refused, he began searching for all the clues in the room..
He lokked under the bed, as he gasped and said
"There. That's the cellphone I had given Ryou. It's still here?" He picked it up,
To his surprise, the cellphone's battery was dead. He couldn't use it to call others.
He turns around to see a broken mirror
"Pretty creepy, for someone to keep a broken mirror in their room." He thought a little about it, suddenly, Lisa spoke
"According to what I study, she must be using a broken mirror and more srtifacts like these, to discourage Ryou from ever gaining confidence in himself..." She added.
"Huh? Why would she do that?" Aiko was confused.
"To simple out it, love." She answered.
Aiko still wasn't convinced with the answer, he asked again,
"Huh? But still? Explain!"
"You see, Aimi's love is twisted. She believes her Lover, Ryou, is only her's. And if Ryou has any good qualities in him, that would only make him likeable to other girls too, isn't it? So she devised a plan that she would rip off Ryou of all his good charecteristics, which would make Ryou have only one person like him..." Lisa explained. She spoke a lot, for a person who was in near dehydration a moment before.
"And that is..." Aiko tried guessing.
"Aimi." Lisa finished.
"You know, Lisa, you just finished us solve the last piece of our puzzle." Aiko added.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Lisa wass confused.
"Did you know that Aimi is a killer in the past?"
"Umm... Yes, I did." Lisa confessed.
"Exactly. This is the reason why Iami was able to get a hold on us and kidnap you in the first place. If you had never lost to Aimi, she couldn't have ever captured is in the first place..." Aiko explained.
"But i- .."
"I trust you enough, Lisa, there must be a reason for her to blackmail you." Aiko explained.
"Well, umm, she blackmailed me through those albums, and she gave me a job to do for her in return ..."
"Which was?" Aiko was curious
"It was...to impersonate Aimi, when she was gone to Narita, and figure out the floor plan, of this one place I don't know..."
"Huh? A floor plan? Which place was it?" Aiko was confused
"I said I don't know! I- ...I just was required to keep getting information of each thing that was present at the floor, she apparently said she would need it for 'future plans' but she never said anything further." Lisa explained.
Aiko knew Lisa couldn't do all this alone, especially in a few days. Which means
There were others, too.
"Lisa, by any chance? Are there any more people working Aimi?" Aiko asked.
"I guess so. Carla, the landlady is also directly under her..." Lisa explains.
And as the conversation goes on, Aiko keeps in his attempt to find anything that can be used as a way to escape the hell of a room they were stuck in.
But to their surprise, THEY FAILED AT EACH TIME!
"Ah, there's nothing..."
"I'm glad..." Lisa giggled.
"Fufu~ if we are going to die, atleast we are alone and together..." Lisa added
"Damn it! This isn't the time!"
"ARE WE GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS?! SOMEBODY, HELP!" Aiko cried for his life...
After a few more minutes, Aiko sat with a blank face, while Kiss was taking a nap.
"Huh?" Aiko heard a noise.
Sfx: run
"Who's there?" He was concerned.
"Ah, why am I concerned when I'm at someone else's house?" He added.
"Are you stupid?! We are kidnapped!!" Lisa woke up from her nap.
*Oh yes, I forgot." Aiko started feeling uncomfortable once again.
"Did you hear that?" Aiko was concerned.
"Yes I did!" Lisa agreed.
What was the noise?
"Is anybody in there?!" A faint voice came from the hall.
"The voice... The pitch is too high to be Aimi's, who is it then?" They both thought to themselves.
sfx: key
And suddenly, the door opened
"Wait what-" Aiko couldn't believe his eyes!
What had just happened?!
"Are you guys okay?!"
"Who are you?!" Aiko was more concerned.
"I-its...ITS LISA! ARE YOU OKAY?!" She hugged Lisa.
"UWAA-..in getting ignored here! Who are you!" Aiko stood on his question.
"HA! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! IM, IM NINA!" Nina spoke nervously.
"Wait- who?" They couldn't remember.
"Now's not the time, we need to hurry!" Nina picked up Lisa, and indicated Aiko to get ready, for what's next.
And so, All three of them got in a car.
"Wait, you're not on the driver's seat? Ah, Neen?" Aiko was confused.
"Neen? What the hell kind of name is that? I'm Nina!" Nina said as she got mad.
"Still, who's going to drive it? Where are we going? Who are you exactly?!" Lisa had questions.
"The driver is ..."
Sfx: sit
A middle aged lady came in and sat on the car.
"I'm going to drive you guys for one time only."
"Thanks, aunt Carla."
"If this helps us find that bastard criminal Ryou, we will do anything."
"Wait...AUNTY CAN DRIVE TOO?!" Aiko spoke as he got flustered.
"Yes! Idiot!" Carla shriged off.
Sfx: engine start
"But where are we going?" Lisahsd still questions.
"Most importantly, why are you helping us?" Lisa asked.
"Well Lisa, I'm a victim, just like you. A victim of, you know who." Nina indicated the person, but didn't take her name.
Because infront of Carla, Aimi is still in ocent and Ryou is the criminal.
Her trauma she has recieved from the death of her husband and daughter has caused her to believe Ryou is the one who has killed them, do telling her that it's Aimi wouldnt really do much. As she's not into this plan alot.
"B-but .. how did you break-in Aimi's place?"
"Ah, it was pretty easy. Aiko, you never asked Aunt Carla if there are 2 or more sets of emergency kits for each floor, have you?" Nina explained.
"Exactly, I have more than 3 sets of spare emergency keys of every floor. That's why the limit of people staying in a rented place is also around three and four, one key for each person. That's what would make the most sense." Aunt Carla explained
"So, you used the emergency keys to break into her place, but Aimi was not around?" Aiko was still confused.
"Yes, Aimi wasn't around. It's because he has already been abducted, no?" Nina said casually.
Carla didn't mind what they were saying, she assumed it's about catching Ryou.
"Yes! You didn't know that?" Nina was surprised.
"I mean... You knew the plan right? Wasn't it supposed to go like, Lisa would distract Aimi and then Naomi who's actually Miko would abduct Ryou?" Nina added.
"Yes, so it was successful huh... But why did she, capture the distractions and not the main thing?" Aiko thought carefully,
Until, he reached a conclusion.
"So she made a mistake then, I see." Aiko thought.
"Right. She assumed I am the one who's going to capture Ryou, and that was her first miscalculation, it seems." Lisa added.
"Huh, 'first miscalculation ' you say, are you sure there would be a second?" Nina asked.
"Well I provided her with a lot of floor plans during my time being blackmailed by her, I suppose she would use that. Let's hope there's a miscalculation with that in the future." Lisa prayed.
And so, The three of them also driver to this place that they were supposed to.
At the Abandoned Factory
"Ho ho ho!" Michael laughed.
"See? I'm sure a hundered percent Ryou will be given to you and we will be able to catch Aimi!" Harold said.
Bastard, I'll arrest you along with Aimi today. Ryou will be given justice and you two will be rotting in the Jail is what Harold thought to himself, but didn't say it.
"Ah, so, Harold, could you tell me why have you brought this pendrive with you? What will this do?" Michael asked.
"Oh, ofcourse. All our evidences, against both Aimi and Ryou are in here. We are planning to lure Aimi in, and when she brings Ryou with her, we will capture them, and call police after you isolate Ryou. We will show them this pendrive to solve this case for once and all!" Harold exclaimed.
"Say, who is this Aimi after all? I don't know her properly, I feel like I know her from somewhere. But I still can't recognise who she is!" Michael was confused.
"Well, for starters, Aimi is a cold blooded serial killer who's currently keeping Ryou with her." Harold explained.
Michael still didn't quite get it, though he was confused, he pretended he had understood whatever Harold told him.
Suddenly, Harold got a text message from Mai
*You have recieved 1 notification
It said
"As per our promise, I won't let Michael know, that we are bringing Ryou here as we have captured him first. He will still believe, that by luring Aimi, we are bringing Ryou"
"Hmm, good." Harold sighed.
"What's good?" Michael asked.
"Oh, nothing! I think they are coming..."
"Okay!!" Michael exclaimed.
Knock knock knock
A sudden and faint knock came from the door of the abandoned factory, the door was far so the voice wasn't loud but it was loud for the others to know someone was knocking on
"Who's there?"
Michael and Harold both asked.
But after knowing, what the other person has said, Michael's jaw dropped.
"It's me, Inoue!"
[Aimi's Perspective]
This is the best!
I have figured out,
Since I'm the part-timer CEO at his company, Huang, or whoever the accomplice is related to Michael, will be surprised!
I can expect myself to not be capture this way.
Besides, this floor plan map that I have...
[Michael's Perspective]
What. No way.
don't tell me, Inoue, who's an efficient employee at my company, IS ALSO AIMI?!
And so, Aimi came inside and said
"Hello, I am Aimi Inoue. Let's talk about my debt~"