"AH- WHY DO I-" Aimi's heart started feeling a lot faster.
"Aimi! I'm not a toy!"
"We have to keep doing this for the whole night?!"
Ryou's word could be echoing throughout her mind.
And as she lost focus,
Sfx: drop
Her knife fell to the ground.
"Make her sit, Mai."
Aimi became nervous. What was about to unfold on her?
She's a murder who has comitted numerous kills, is this the payback she shall recieve?
"What are you guys...about to do?" She said.
"Oh don't worry, it's a 'little' talk." Harold said.
Chapter 47: Turn of Tables
"Now that you know you're under control, would you mind surrendering yourself, Aimi?" Lee said in a calm tone.
"If you don't, we are here to make you do so." Aiko added.
Sfx: giggle
"I don't think so..." Aimi giggled.
Her hands were still tied to her back with Mai's hand having a tight grip onto her.
"Let's make her do so. By 'fixing' her~" Mai added
"What do you mea-" Aimi was confused
"NHAAAAA!" Aimi's hands were twisted, she exclaimed in pain!
"Hey-" Michael tried stopping this.
Why wouldn't he? His precious employee was being abused.
"Stop it, Michael. You want Ryou, we will give you. But before, let us 'talk' to Aimi." Harold gripped his hands.
As heived forward, he said
"Aimi, are ya ready? For some action?"
"Fu..." A sound came.
"Fufu..fufufufu....~" Aimi started giggling again.
She looked at the ceiling, her eyeballs rolling down as she said
"By law, you can't kill me. Isn't it? As long as I'm alive, you'll not win~"
"Huh? We don't need to kill you though, do we?" Harold said. He didn't lose his composure.
Tsk. That's true. Though you'll still answer some of our questions. Harold thought to himself.
Lisa noticed Aimi's hands behind her back being gripped by Mai, but Aimi's fingers countinued to work behind...her hair?
"What is she doing?" She said.
But then, it was too late.
Sfx: push
"HUH?" Mai exclaimed
"Don't come any closer. Any of you~" Aimi said breathing heavily.
"I'LL SHOOT. LEAVE HER!" Aiko pulled out his gun.
His aim was very vague, he wasn't prepared to shoot!
"Oh my~ charector development I see. The old Aiko couldn't even talk to women, and now he holds a gun?" Aimi said laughingly.
Aimi's voice was pretty thin at this point, her eyes were almost red. She was ... Blushing?
Was she drunk? We would never know.
"Y-yeah! LEAVE MAI! I REPEAT!" Aiko shouted again.
"WE CAN'T KILL AIMI!" Lee jumped onto Aiko, as he threw his gun and pushed him to submission.
"WAIT WHAT?!" The taxi driver was confused.
"WE JUST CAN'T!" Lee shouted once again.
"WHAT DO WE DO?!" Lisa was confused.
In the midst of this chaos, Harold said as he noticed Aimi's finger trembling onto Mai's throat
"Listen to Lee. There's a reason why we can't kill Aimi" Harold said as he took a step back.
"Aimi, we won't shoot you. Now back off." Harold put his hands in the air.
"Wait what?!" Aiko was panicked!
"Heheh...decide for yourself, if it is that you wish to kill me or not!" Aimi's hold onto Mai was still firm.
Harold's eyes met Mai's.
"Don't do this." Mai said as her voice was low.
"Don't move your mouth, fufu, if you're throat moves, it might just 'meet' my needle~" Aimi giggled.
[Harold's Perspective]
Tsk! What the hell is she doing!
There was a huge blunder that just had happened.
By confirming that we can't kill her by the law, she made us think she was protecting herself.
But in reality, she tried turning tables around us, she wanted to bargain for her to escape by putting one of our member's life at risk, wasn't it?
No, no! It doesn't make sense!
Why would she do something so absurd at this moment?!
"Haah..." Aimi breathed.
Knowing this woman, we know she is very composed and can thinking thoroughly through each plan.
She wouldn't do anything out of pure emotions or a last resort either.
Then, what is she planning?
Right, I should bargain for Mai to let go, and Let Aimi escape. We still have Ryou right? She will come back, obviously.
No, that's what she wants us to think.
If we let her escape from this dire situation, we give her time to think. Which is exactly what she wants in this scenario. If she gets time to think, all of our efforts will go to waste for nothing.
And that is why,
"We will wait." I said.
"Wait what?!" Even Lee got confused.
"You'll just let..." Lisa said
"...MAI DIE?!" Aiko exclaimed.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?" The well composed taxi driver was confused st this one aswell.
"Calm down, guys. Notice how Aimi doesn't change her reaction to what I say. Our deal was, if any of us try saving Mai, then only Mai will get hurt isnt it? So to save Mai, let's do nothing." I sat down on the chair next to Michael.
"Aimi! This isn't nice!-" Michael started panicking
"Shut up" I interrupted him.
Now, Aimi, now that you know that I have established the dynamic that I won't fall into your traps, will you stand here all day keeping a hold.of Mai's neck, ready to stab it at any time? Or will you get tied and try running away, which is exactly that we want?
"Oh my...~ you are going to be a good dog and agree to whatever I say, isn't it?" Aimi said in a low voice as she laughed to what she said at the moment.
I realised something,
Why is she staring at the wall?
She's not afraid to make eye contacts. Then why is she doing this? Why isn't she looking at us?
Come to think of it, the wall has electric-
"WHAT THE-" Aimi threw the needle from Mai's neck towards the wall,
Turns out, Harold panicked as he realised
Aimi fooled the him into believing that Aimi wishes to escape this place, no, she doesn't wish to escape, rather,
The wall had contained electric circuit wires,
By throwing a needle very skillfully, at an exact angle it would cause
A spark, that can cause a huge fire. In the entire building.
"THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I HAD THAT FLOOR PLAN!" Aimi laughed menacingly as she realised she has won this battle!
"Nooo!" Aiko exclaimed
"I should have never helped you with the floor plan..." Lisa said with regret.
"Is this the end?!" The taxi driver panicked
"AHHHH!" Lee ran towards the needle, trying to catch it
Meanwhile in the midst of chaos, Harold thought to himself,
How could he save all the others? How would he take control of the situation?
If he was Aimi, how would Aimi save herself from the fire?
How did she figure it all out with just Lisa's floor plan?
It was all so weird. But yet Harold couldn't come to any conclusions, the only result he had come to with intense thinking was
"We all might just die here..." Harold said, with a regretful voice.
"HN! AAAAAH!" Mai released herself from Aimi's grip as she unleashed her skills and captured Aimi in one go
As the needle kept getting closer
"NOOOO-" they all said,
The needle kept coming closer
And closer, and,
THUD! ....
"Augh-..." Michale said as the needle stabbed his cheek.
"You-..." Harold sighed
"NOOOO O O O O!" Aimi exclaimed, as she shouted.
Michael had ran to block the needle path towards the electric circuit, and by running right infront of the needle ,
He was able to stop it's projectory, and instead direct it onto his own body.
He was stabbed, it seems
"Michael..." Harold exclamied, from a sigh of relief to a surprising emotion, Harold had just realised what had happened
"FATH- NOOOOO!" Mai exclamied
"Crap..." Lisa couldn't fathom what she just saw.
"Idiots, he's just stabbed in his cheek, he isn't stabbed anywhere vital, he has literally just fell down due to intense adrenaline rush!" The taxi driver explained.
"Huh? That explained..." Harold said
"It's very similar. If I was there, I might just faint out of Adrenaline too." Lee said.
"Goddamn it..." Michael said before fainting, and he fell down the later moment.
"HOLD HER!" Mai said as she captured onto Aimi's army and forced her to sit on the chair.
"DONT LET HER GO!" Aiko shouted.
"L-let me go!" Aimi shouted.
Grab! Push!
Mai grabbed Aimi's hair
As she forced her into the chair
And so, Aimi was forced onto the chair as she was tied.
Her hands were tied, while her legs were also tied.
Her hair was unpinned, and her bag was checked for any harmful substances.
"Pepper spray, some money, a Swiss knife, a hammer, and a matchstick?" Lisa said as she went through Aimi's bag.
"Is that all?"
"There's also, floor plans which I had given to Aimi. Sad to say this is what has caused Michael to go unconscious for a while now." Lisa said.
"Mmh! AGHH!" Aimi was still tied to the chair, as her lips were also tied shut with tape.
"So, we should begin extracting out information from her, shouldn't we?" Harold couldn't wait more.
"Pwah!" Mai pulled out the tape from Aimi's mouth, as she began speaking
"No! Leave me! I'll not give you any information!" Aimi shouted.
"Uhhh this is going to be hard, isn't it?" Lee said awkwardly.
"Let's begin." Harold sat down infront of Aimi.
The only clear difference was, Aimi was tied, while Harold wasn't
"So, what exactly is your name?" Harold spoke.
"WONT TELL YOU!" Aimi shouted.
"This is hard. What do we do?" Lee said.
"Let's try once again."
"Aimi Inoue. Is that your name?" Harold spoke once again.
"It might be, it might not." This time Aimi's answer was different.
[Aimi's Perspective]
Yes, I have got it!
Even though I have failed to rescue Ryou, this might be my single chance to victory!
At first I was panicking, which is why I twisted all of Harold's advances onto me.
But now I have realised,
They are thinking I will still be resisting them.
Which is quite natural to think, of aswell
I can't blame them for thinking that, fufu~
[Harold's Perspective]
Huh? An answer?
How did she stop resisting so suddenly?
A little while ago, she refused to answer any of the questions, hell, she wa even making us have a hard time with her.
And now suddenly, she's trying to co-operate?
No no, this is very fishy. There's something going on that we are not aware of.
What do we do in this situation? Oh Edrick, if you were here...
And so, Aimi had succeeded in doing some reactions which would make Harold overreact perhaps this was the plan all along.
"So, could you tell me from the very beginning, how did you meet Ryou?" Harold asked.
"Perhaps fate? I don't know, maybe it was a meeted destiny, or an awaited journey, quite hard for me to speak~ fufu~" Aimi said.
"What is she talking about?" Lee and the others were confused as ever.
"Huh?" Harold noticed.
Yet still, he tried asking another question.
"What is your exact age? The records don't matc-"
"Oh my, asking a lady for her age? Quite troublesome of a man you are~" Aimi said in a gentle yet ironic voice.
"Yes that's it. She's not answering anything I've got to know what's she's trying to do now. Aimi, even after you've lost everything and are in a position infront of us that you should beg for mercy, you're still trying to put up some tricks and a fight against us, aren't you?" Harold said.
"Oh my~ you see quite through me, don't you~"
[Harold's Perspective]
I can see what she's trying to do now.
Basically, she knew that by law we can't kill her,
So she assumes we won't hurt her either.
And by that, she's just trying to waste our time through giving nonsense answers and making us impatient.
But little does she know, what could unleash with this simple mistake of hers~
And suddenly, Harold ordered
"Mai, I request you to 'fix' her."
"Huh?" Lee was surprised.
"Ofcourse. A pleasure for me." Mai cracked her knuckles as she took a baseball nearby and-
"AGHHHHHHH!" Aimi screamed in pain.
Why wouldn't she? She was hit in the head so hard that her head violently shaked to the swing of the bat.
"Ow! We can't watch this..." Lee was disgusted with what he saw.
"Watch my death..heheh.." Aimi giggled.
"We are leaving, after you finish your interview, call us back, if she is okay, that is..." Lee said.
"Are we showing a mercy to a goddamn killer?!" Aiko was mad.
"Look at how she is after just one swing of the baseball bat, and then tell us." Taxi driver I dictated.
As Aiko, saw,
The look was horrifying.
Aimi's head was bleeding, and she was still tied to the chair so she couldn't move, she was hissing and crying a little, as her hands trembled. Most importantly, her eyes still had the glow in her, because of which it would only get harder for her.
The more glow there is, more there's left to break the spirit inside Aimi.
"Agh shit." Aiko left the room, as Lisa and the others followed.
The only ones remaining in the room were,
Mai, Harold and Aimi.
"Now's answer my questions accordingly or you will face this one more time, okay?" Harold said.
"..." Aimi was silent.
"AAAAGH!" Aimi cried in pains.
"I-it hurts!" She added.
"Sure it does. Now answer my question, or else you will suffer even more." Harold added.
"When did you meet Ryou?" He asked.
"I- I won't tell you!"
Wham! BANG!
Mai hit onto Aimi's nape, and then her collarbones
"AHHH- STOP!" Aimi cried in excruciating pain.
Though the killer was cold-blooded, it still wasn't used to normal beating? Quite ironic, if anything else.
"Mai, next time, if she doesn't answer, shove this bat inside her."
"W-what...?" Aimi looked at the bat in a terrific way, scared of what will come next.
"So now, answer this-"
"On that day, why did you kill Rosa?"
At the storehouse
Sfx: stroke
Something was stroking, as Ryou moaned.
But it was affection, and not disgusting lust.
"You like me stroking your hair, isnt it?" Miko said calmly.
"Yeah, it's been a while hasn't it?" Ryou said.
He was supposed to be a hostage, but he's clearly enjoying his time over here.
"Say, what have you done when I was gone?" Miko asked with curiosity.
"I won't answer that, unless you tell me somethings about yourself..." Ryou said in a demanding and spoiled way.
"Oh gosh!!! Okay! I'll the questions at me!" Miko prepared herself.
"Aaaahhhhhhh" a distant noise came from the main room.
"Huh? Is that aimi-" Ryou panicked.
Sfx grab
"Don't worry, let's focus onto her. Shall we?" Miko turned his focus back to her once again.
"Ah, okay... So as I was saying... On that day, to whom were you going to that hotel with?" Ryou asked as his fists clenched into Miko's dress.
Miko understood the reaction, she was aware of the fact that Ryou was jealous and probably upset from that day onwards.
"Ah, it was a bastard named Ray.* Miko said as she clenched her own fists remembering that day.
"Wait. I remember that name." Ryou said.
"From where?"
"He's the brother of Aimi, if I remember..."
"Huh?! Do you even know what has he done?!" Miko was confused.
Miko knew Ray was the brother of Aimi's but she wasn't aqare that Ryou had also this knowledge.
She thought to herself, why would Aimi allow this information to be leaked?
"Ah, what has he done? I'm aware he was a human traffickernand has helped Aimi to break me through jail..." Ryou said.
"That day... He tried to convince me that you don't love me, and that he was a better fit. The stupid and retarded version of me had also accepted that you didn't love me anymore. Who would have told me that he is a human trafficker? It was until..." Miko said with regret.
"Until..?" Ryou was curious.
"Until we came to this Motel, and he started calling Somebody." Miko explained.
"The first thing he asked that person was, that if Yuuki would pay 100 grands for the fresh girl he's buying her." Miko added, as an expression of horror took over face.
"Wait what?" Ryou was confused.
"Yes, if you don't know, Yuuki liked me. He wanted to capture me through a professional human trafficker and then buy me through his father's money." Miko added.
"Wait, what?! MY FRIEND YUUKI DID THIS?!" Ryou couldn't believe what Miko had just said.
"Did you know who funded all of this?" Miko asked.
"Who was it? Don't tell me..."
"It was Aimi." She added.
[Ryou's Perspective]
I can't believe this.
My friend Yuuki, would do this?!
What Miko is saying right now...
Could I believe her?
From the Aimi I know, and what Miko is telling me right, it's all so different!
"Master...wakey wakey~"
"Ryou, I love you! You aren't going to leave me ever! I will make sure to spend the rest of my life with you and only you..."
Some of Aimi's words echoed through my ears.
It wa as if I couldn't decide whom to believe and whom not to.
Until, I got flash back
Sfx: stroke
Stroke stroke slop
"Mmmh.." Aimioaned as she broke the kiss.
They, Ryou and Aimi were in the special room currently.
"Do you know... That there might be people who try to convince you my love is fake?" Aimi said randomly.
"Huh?" Ryou was confused.
"Isn't it stupid? They think I am taking my love for you, when I literally take so much rissk just for you.."
"I don't eat steak, yet I cook it for youz I don't like to wash clothes, yet I do it daily for you, I don't like to best people, yet I always discplone you..." Aimi added.
"Are you trying to say I'm too demanding?" Ryou was confused.
"No dummy! I'm just saying, sacrifices are what makes a relationship strong."
"Ah, I see."
"And our relationship, has tons of sacrifices dont you think? Just ditching it without thinking all of the effort been put into this, is so unfair, isnt it?" Aimi said calmly.
"But I've been so useless, I-.. I haven't sacrificed anything have I?" Ryou was confused.
"No silly!" Aimi hugged Ryou as she said
"Will there be any day that I have to demand something from my toy just so I can love him? I don't think so~ regardless of what happens, I'll save you~"
And after that in the storehouse, with Miko,
"Will there be any day I have to demand..." Those words echoed into Ryou's mind.
"Miko... I don't understand, what should I do? Was I well with Aimi, or should I be normal with you guys again?"
"Whatever makes you happy. I will anyhow." Miko said happily.
"But... I can't choose!" Ryou said.
"You will have to, and so, now, tell me..." Miko was about to ask something Ryou.
At the Main room
"I-... I killed her because she was talking to my previous master Ryou! That's it nothing more!" Aimi panicked as she said the answer.
"AGHHHHHH WHY NOW!!!!" Aimi scream in pain, as the bats kept hitting her!
"You haven't told us something, oh have you?" Harold said.
And ask Harold took a pause before asking
Sfx: breath
He took a short sip of breath as he asked
"Now then, Aimi, tell us about, Your curse."
At the Store house
Miko asked Ryou
"So Ryou, tell me...," She said
"What is it, that you truly want...?"