




"AAAAAAA-.....AIMI...!!" They Panicked.

" promised not to...YOU PROMISED NOT TO KILL ANY LONGER?" Ryou was in disbelief.

Was this, the woman, he trusted his life?

And as the bullet reached the very end,




They realised ...

"Oh no"

"Waa...." Aiko shouted.

Because the one who got shot was,








"I-...I did not-"


Ayumi, DID NOT get shot.

Who was it that fell?


" did this-" The Hospital Administrator said with hoarse voice, while he clinged to his doll.

The administrator, fell to the ground.







"I feel...weird" said the administrator.

Turns out, he wasn't shot either?

"I did not shoot any of you." Aimi said with a cold voice.

She put aside her gun, as she explained

"This shot was to just distract you, fufu~"

"What?....WHAT?" Aiko exclaimed,

Is Aimi with Ayumi?

"Oh my, Aiko, do not get confused. I cannot kill anybody, because, you see" she said with a confident yet excited voice.


"My husband over here, will not tolerate me touching blood, umm you know?" She said whilst blushing.

"I am not your husband!" Ryou shouted in embarrassment~

"So, did that scare you Ayumi?" Aimi asked.

"..." Ayumi remained silent.

Smile... Aimi had a huge smile on her face.

Why wouldn't she?

She knew something was about to come up.

[Aimi's Perspective]

Ayumi is my student. And killing my student, especially when Ryou told me not to, is a big no no. Right?

After all, I wish to be Ryou's perfect woman.


This was all done merely to expose the side of Ayumi, the twisted and the one that's messed up inside the brain.

Not as much as me though.

Ayumi will now believe that her own mentor, me, is her enemy.

Which is quite enough, to be honest, because that's exactly what I will need...

To release Aiko, while also knowing a huge secret from Ayumi.







Sfx: laughter


Ayumi laughed

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...." Her laugher only got intense with each second.

"You...y-you think, that is enough to get me scared?" Ayumi said with laughter in her mind.

Slowly, she began revealing her secrets as she said

"Truth is, Aimi, you were my mentor...!"

"WHAAT?" Ryou was surprised!

Recovering from the fear that got him down, the administrator took his position as he said

"Is this true?"

"Yes, all of it!" Aimi smiled.

"And yet betrayed me?!" Ayumi said with an emphasis on her tone.

She felt betrayed, her words conveyed.

"You are amazing!" Ayumi suddenly sprang with her excitement.

Was this... A change of reaction?

Ayumi went from a sad burdened face to that of a happy one as she suddenly felt the joy of getting treated with a real life example, of her own master?

To further explain this, Ayumi asked

"You did all of this...AAALLLL of this, just to get me to see Ryou, isn't it?"

"He's still mine~" Aimi said.

"Ofcourse he is, my teach. But when I asked Ryou to give Aimi to me, it was then he should have understood, right?" Ayumi said

"Huh what do you-" Ryou was confused.

What did she mean?

"You don't understand, do you? This was ALL, to mock you, Ryou~" Ayumi said with a laughter.

"Eh- what?" Ryou still did not get it.

The truth was, Ayumi knew,

"I remember the deal between us." Aimi said.

"Ofcourse, you were supposed to teach me how to love a man, and CAPTURE him! I did the same right here, and to show me the final teachings, you brought him here. Right?" Ayumi said with excitement.

Her excitement matched that of a child

"Yes, ofcourse." Aimi nodded in agreement.



" no, ...this isn't true right?" Ryou asked.

"Aimi, you must have a trick up your sleeve right? You're not just going to let Aiko die, right?!" He said with tears in his eyes,

To which Aimi replied to him

"Ryou, you don't need friends right? You have me, why do you need somebody else? I will do whatever you want, so let's forget them, okay?" Aimi said with ectasy,


She stepped towards Ryou and lifted her heels to match his face.

"Hwaahh..." She opened her mouth and...


"Mmmmff~" Aimi deeply and passionately enjoyed the kiss,

Her mouth forced it's way into Ryou's mouth, as she began licking his teeth and then his tongue.

"MMM! MMMPPH!" Ryou blushed in embarrassment and fear.

He was confused, Aimi betrayed Ryou...and this?!

Ryou's tongue interwined with Aimi's tongue, as both of them shared their salivas to each other. Into this perverted game, Aimi began pressing her lips harder against Ryou as she pushed his head into her face even more~

Sfx: kiss


"Pwaaahhhh" Aimi pulled out from the kiss, string of saliva formed between their two lips~

Aimi turned back to Ayumi, who was throbbing and trembling from watching Aimi, as she said

"Haaah...that was, wonderful~" She complimented Aimi.

While Aimi countinued,

"You see Ayumi, I've won this one over here..."

"Ofcourse, I know. I wish to know how you enslaved him~" Ayumi asked as she saw that submissive kiss of Ryou.

Right, that kiss got her thinking about this, huh? Aimi thought to herself.

She said with a quick voice,

"Ofcourse I will tell you."

And so, her answer began.

"Love, is like a gunshot. If it hits, it will pierce through the heart and give you a body only available to you, mhm?" Aimi said with a dominant voice, as she licked clean Ryou's lips.

"Mwah..." Ryou's lips smacked against Aimi's tongue.

"But your love, is like my gunshot."


"eh- what?" Ayumi was confused.

Did she do something wrong?

"It did not hit." Aimi said.

"Your love just now, was proved by how I failed to shoot any two of you" she countinued.

"W-w...what?!" Ayumi couldn't believe it,

What she believed this entire time, was a lie?




And suddenly, Aimi asked with a tone of proposal,

She stepped forward as she said.

"But do you wish to know what will shoot any two of you?" Aimi asked.

To which, Ayumi replied nothing.


Her hands formed a fist, as she looked down..her bangs, similar to Aimi, covered her eyes as they formed tears.

Aimi commented,

"You will never be able to become like me~"




"That is..." Ayumi said with trembling voice, as her hands formed a tighter fist, and veins bukdget out in her forearms, she said-




"WHAT?!" The administrator took a stance-

"HOLY SH-" Aiko turned around to see what happened, but suddenly

As he looked around, he saw-










"I-...I was-..."

Aimi stepped forward, as she looked down on Ayumi, and heard her last words.

Due to the shattering of glass, it became muffled.

While on the other side,

"TAKE COVER!" Ryou shouted.

"Huh?" Aimi turned back and-



The administrator ran towards Aimi at his full speed!



Lisa kicked the administrator in the leg that made him fall.

"Bastard-" Ryou took over his arms and began twisting it without thinking the limits of human anatomy.

Thus, Aimi became free enough to free Aiko.

She stepped forward infront of Aiko, as she said

"Aiko, ever wondered your name is so feminine and yet you're a guy?"

To which, Aiko replied

"A murderer is a murderer."




Here stood Aimi, the one who murdered and killed every accomplice Aiko ever had, and there was Aiko, willing to be saved by Aimi.

What was the guarantee, that Aimi who kills each of Aiko's accomplice, won't kill his last partner, his sister after she free him?

Perhaps it was pure trust that Aiko had this time.

He calculated it with his true feelings, and for the love of his younger sister. He was ready to sacrifice himself if that's what it would take. And so, he decided to gamble his trust onto Aimi, as he said

"Free me."

"You've finally said the words huh?" Aimi said whilst looking down onto Aiko.

And so,



Aimi began cutting off each of Aiko's rope that has kept him under the control of Ayumi, with each rope being cut off, Aiko said

"So, who called you for help, Lisa?" He asked.

"Huh?" Aimi was confused.

"Weren't you the one who called us in the first place?" She said.

"I called only Ryou, ahah..." Aiko laughed.

"So you thought I have been arrested?" Aimi said with a cold voice.

Aiko was shocked.


But Aimi kept her calm,

She leaned onto Aiko's ears as she said

"That's right, I've defeated everyone against me, wether Edrick or Harold... I AM ALONE, THE ONE WHO HAS RYOU~"

Aiko understood one thing,

It has been long since Aimi lost her sanity. And so, he made a promise

"I know what you think of me right now Aimi, but for the sake of a happy life with my sister, I will go far away after this is done." Aiko said as he stood up from the chair.

"Very well." Aimi nodded with a smile.

And so, Aiko was set free.


Chapter 65.5: Gunshot, The Finale of Volume 1

"BROTHER!" Lisa shouted in excitement,

Her brother, her love, was right infront of her.

"Oh... Lisa, look what has happened to you-" He said with a calm voice.

"E-eh?" Lisa said with a confused voice.

"You turned into a killer, to just save me?" He asked

She replied

"Yes, brother!"


"Oh my~" Aimi commented.

Lisa hugged Aiko with a content face, as she said with excitement,

"look! I will do anything for you, so don't get away from me ever again, okay?" Lisa said with excitement.

To which Aiko looked at Lisa, and thought

He said

"Oh my... Lisa you've really..." He fell into Lisa's arms as he said,

His eyes closed a second by second, whilst Lisa held him in her hands, he said the final words

"You've really become like Aimi...Lisa"


"AIKOOOOOOO...!!!!" Lisa shouted.

Aiko had fainted.







[Aiko's Perspective]

This is it huh?

I have managed to see the face of death and yet escape many times,

To come think of it what was the last time I was ever safe?

"Aiko, you are a disappointment!" I remember these words from my mother.

"How dare you call my son like this? You fucking pig! WHAM!" M-MOTHER?

My mother was abusive, and so was my dad.

There was never a time in our life, that we were happy, and it all was because

"Honey, I have earned more than a million yen today!" My father had begun gambling.

Eventually, he lost all his money, which was inevitable.

To recover from his losses, he also began drinking.

"Ah fuck this child, get me another glass of beer hun~" He would abuse my mother everyday.

And then, a day came.

"No- PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME! HELP! HELP! I-IS SOMEBODY HERE?!" My mom was, forced on.

The result of this came none months later.

"Uwaaah-! Uwaaah-!" A child, newborn, cried in my mother's hands.

Normally, a parent should be happy and cautious of their child.

"Mommy, can I hold my new sister??" Young me had asked.

She handed me over the child, and said

"Do whatever you want with this child, I don't claim it as mine." She said with a regretful face.

To come think of it, this was strange.

She once told me, at the time of my birth, that she wants a daughter.

Yet, she looks unhappy with a daughter?

Growing up, my sister was named entirely different from that of our family.

"Why do you try to argue with me brother, your name is literally like a girl! Hmph, Aiko!" My sister Lisa would use this to her advantage in arguments.

Infact, it was mother who gaslighted herself into believing I am her daughter.

"Aiko, when you grow up, I will find you a good man..." B-but, mother, I AM A MAN!

I never had the guts to ask her about Lisa, any why would I?

"WAAA! MOTHER, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" As a punishment, mother would loco down Lisa in a dark room, while she argued with our father.

In the midst of this, I used to sit in between and think,

Does mother even think of me as her son? Or does she fulfill her fantasies of me as her daughter?

That made me wonder, If Lisa was not born because of how my father forced my mother. If Lisa was born normally,

Would she still love me?

And that's when I realised,

"Mother, I am leaving."

Mother loves Lisa, through seeing Aiko as Her.

"NOOOOO....! Aiko...!" Obviously, she was devastated.

But somebody who seemed more in pain,

Was my sister.

"Waah-...waa...kuu.. w-w-w-why a-are you..l-leaving...big brother-" she cried as she wiped her tears in depression.

I did not have a reply for her at that time, infact, I pondered here aswell,

Why do I feel sorry for you, if you were never born,

Would my mother be disapointed that she never had a daughter?

Even if you took birth, is it right to say mother is happy?

I knew that Lisa was the root of all problems. But still, I couldn't bring myself to ever hate her.

Just w-what feeling is this?

And so, with a cold heart, I left that abusive household.







"Good day Young man!" Landlady Carla wiped off her sweat as she I carried my luggage into this new apartment.

Time went good, I met a senior

"Hey, I'm Lee, your name is like a girl?" Lee was my senior.

He always told me about his allies, those were Edrick and Harold. Who were in Jail for some reason.

And suddenly, one day,

I met this girl.

Sfx: doorbell

Ring ring....!

"Who's there-"

"I've come, brother."

That was Lisa.

That was Lisa....









"You''re back, Lisa?"

"Yes brother, I am back!"

My eyes...mmh,

What a dream.

At the hospital, seventh Street.

[Aiko's Perspective]

T-that...that was a dream all along?

"Here's your water~" A nurse put the tray on my table.

Wait, a nurse?


What if it's Ayumi again?


My hands began shaking as I start getting sweaty all over, my forehead forms drops of sweat as-

"Are you okay?"

"UWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH DONT TOUCH ME....!" I flinch from her touches, IT'S AYUMI!

"What are you-"



"you need to listen-"




Ayumi pins me down to the hospital bed, as she covers my face with her hair she says

"Brother, look at me."






"LOOK AT ME!!!!"


I-i see it...

"Wait. You are..."

"I've really come back, brother~" It's...





"waaaah...waaah..." I break down infront of my sister as I hug her tightly,








"Kuuu...kuuu... I love you, Lisa!"

"It's okay brother~"

Aiko cried in his sister's arms, as Lisa comforted him throughout. She told him,

"Because of Aimi, we were able to succeed."


"In return, she asked us to not interfere with her ever again..." Lisa said with a hint of disappointment.

But besides, she was still happy to have her brother by her side. And so, she said

"Well, I don't have any problems as long as you are by my side brother!" She pushed his head deeper into her chest as she patted and stroked his hair.

Aiko blushed, as he said

"If I..."

He countinued,

"If I had the chance to only...thank Aimi, ah, Thank you Aimi, for everything you've done."

He looked at Lisa, saw her lips drooling as he said

"Allow me to be a little-"


Lisa pushed Aiko as she blushed heavily, she said

"No! Not here~ this place is-"

"Mm? I could not care any less~" Aiko replied in arousal.

His thing was hard, it poked Lisa's thigh.


Aiko got frustrated as he said

"That mouth of yours, ugh-"


"mm? mmmph...MMMH!"

Aiko who sat on the hospital bed, grabbed Lisa's waist as he poked his fingers into her stomach with same hand. He took his tongue as he rushed towards her mouth, kissing her roughly yet passionately~

"MMMM! ....ummmf~" Lisa moaned in unison, as she accepted her brother's perverted request~

"Pwaaahhh..." Aiko drew his tongue out of Lisa, as he gasped for a sip of breath,

And before he could lean onto Lisa for another kiss, She said whilst blushing

"This hand, should go here~"

She grabbed Aiko's hand and~

"UWAAAH-" Aiko blushed in embarrassment as

Lisa made Aiko play with her chest~

And so it was, the two kissed passionately as if they starevd each other's gaze, whilst touching each other everywhere.

Lisa got a hold of Aiko's thing, as it got hard and began throbbing, she also began her work around it~

Stroke stroke stroke schlop!

", let's do it~"

And so, the two leaned onto each other,

Before finally giving it to the lust, and slowly


Putting it in...





Outside the hospital room, the corridor



"You know, we can hear their voices even outside the hospital room~" Ryou blushed in embarrassment.

"Fufu~ let them be, shall we?" Aimi said whilst smiling.

"Besides, we have also yet to do our share, isn't that right?" Aimi said with a posessive tone, as she grabbed his hand.

"You're still as wicked, huh? ...and cute" Ryou said with confidence.

"Fufu~" Aimi nodded. She blushed.

Both Ryou and Aimi had suffered alot, but after finally defeating Ayumi,

"We have erased everyone related to Edrick from our life. And with this, we should be to live a life with the only two of us, right?" Aimi asked Ryou curiously.

To which, Ryou replied

"Yes, ofcourse. Your diary says so."

Truth is, that day when Aimi punished Ryou for getting persuaded by Naomi,

Ryou had looked through Aimi's diary.

All he thought he would expect to see, would be days.

He was wrong.

Instead, Aimi had an entire life planned with Ryou.

Ryou knew, that when Aimi meant a day, she meant how she would spend it with Ryou.

And thus,

I achieved my goal of successfully hiding the fact, that I kill one person to pass a day. Aimi thought to herself.

The path was clear for Aimi, There were no interruptions.

"Except for one thing." Aimi said to Ryou.

"Huh? Ryou was confused.

"Back when I looked over Ayumi's body, her last words were..."










The glass kept breaking. Ryou was fighting with the administrator.

Before reaching upto Aiko, I saw at Ayumi as she said

"Oh dear Master, you were right a-all along..." She was panting, it was as if she knew,

Her days were coming to an end.

I lifted her chin up as I asked her

"Oh my~ do you have any wishes?"

To which, she said

"My wish was... To save myself from her debt... By taking Aiko's inheritance he was about to receive from his dying father..."




"I see, she was after his property after all, huh?" Ryou said whilst thinking hard.

"That's not all, she took another name." Aimi said with a concerned voice.




"Who's debt? Whom have you taken it from?" Aimi asked in the midst of that fight,

To which she, Ayumi, replied

"Now that you've killed me, my problem is over...thank you, ah, master..."

And before she could close her eyes,

Ayumi revealed something

"The debt was...from ..."








to which, Aimi said







After a few hours, at the car.

Ryou drives at a moderate speed, While Aimi sat beside Ryou holding his thighs.

"So, it is decided, hm?"

The car stopped.

Sfx: door open

The door opened,

"Good evening Master Ryou, and..."

Yamamoto said.

"Mistress Aimi."

Aimi and Ryou blushed at the sight.

"Before we walk any further..."

They arrived at the gate of their mansion.

"Let us declare to ourselves..."

Ryou was thrilled, while Aimi was determined.

That name, alot of questions were needed to be answered.

"The answers to our questions..."

How did Aimi get this curse?

Why did Seiko give debt to Ayumi?

"All of this..."

Who was that woman buying the mansion?

Is Aimi's mother, like her father did, somehow Alive?

To answer this, Aimi and Ryou had no choice, but to say




"All our questions, will be declared by you-"

"SEIKO!" They said at the same.

And so,

They had set a goal for themselves.

A new chapter that awaited their lives,

A journey, to find Seiko, and ANSWER all questions Aimi had!

Within 15 days, their journey had begun.

"If only I realised it back then..."

Ryou and Aimi, were prepared.

Sfx: door open

The mansion gate opened.

"Welcome back both of you~"

Aimi and Ryou gasped at what they saw


The new challenges to face, were welcomed.

Because this time,

Aimi, is not alone.






Volume 1: The End






At somewhere, a person to themselves thought,

"A new toy, Aimi? I wonder which time is it for you now?"

"I hope you find me sooner than I expect."




To be countinued.