I have him!


"Hff..." Tears sprang out of Ryou's eyes.

He was confused a little, but he did not know what would happen to him now.

He looked shallow, an utter demonstration of

"What a broken man, have you become, master..." Arisa said, her voice calm.

It seemed Arisa had gained confidence within the presence of nervousness of Ryou, good for her as she could use this to persue her plans further.

"Master..." She says,

Reaching out her hand to Ryou, she takes care of his back as she marches her second hand forward to his chest

"No!...s-stay away!" Ryou jolts back, hitching at her touches.

Arisa remains calm, "I see..." As if she knew what had Ryou gone through.

She then speaks as she takes a sip of breath,




"Ryou, you need to listen..."

His eyes widen,

Not calling him the master?

"W-wha...?" No maid had ever mustered the courage to break the protocol, what was this?

"Aimi is an illusion." Arisa said,

Y-you...You can do this, Arisa! Arisa's thoughts when to get nervous, once again.

She still countinued,

"What Aimi seems like to you, something polar opposite to what she is to us. The different being..."

"N-No you don't mean to-" Ryou stuttered,

"The side we see of her is how she used to be. Until, you ruined her." Arisa explained.

"...what?" Ryou didn't expect such an opinion, he wondered, how could he have ruined Aimi?

It was vague...

Until Arisa explained,

"The truth is... She is what anybody would be, if their greed intensifies and evolves to it's final form" Arisa said.

Ryou hadn't realised it up until now,

Remembering Aunt Ena's words in Kyoto,.

See things from other's perspectives...

He realised it now,

"S...seeing from the other side, am I the one who's at fault for making Aimi who she is, at this point?" Ryou asked Arisa.


Arisa didn't say anything, she just nodded.

She adjusted her hairs around her ear, stopping the audio player in her earbuds.

It was the usual,

"Then...say acc-"

It was the script of dialogues.




"B-but...if that's the thing, th-then how can I be saved...?" Ryou asked.

"Accept me." Arisa spoke instantly.

That- THAT WAS WAY TOO FAST...! Arisa panicked within herself. She didn't expect her words to be so rash and fast!

Ryou stayed silent as he observed her for a minute. It was now a gamble if Arisa would be accepted by Ryou for what she proposed...or if her proposal would turn out to be failure, making Ryou feel indifferent in respect to his feelings for Aimi.

Whatever it would be, things would change for Arisa either way from here onwards. And she eas prepared,

Her hands clenched into a fist as she gulped down the saliva in her mouth.

"Doesn't...it make you the same as hers?"

Ryou said out of a sudden.

"W-what... Do you mean, master?"

"Trying to win me over, isn't it for your own pleasure too?" Ryou called out Arisa.

There was a moment of silence afterwards.

Ryou knew his question had struck deep inside Arisa, and he expected no reply.

I shouldn't have asked that... He thought, knowing now he won't be saved by Arisa either.

But then, all of a sudden, there came a voice.

"Yes." She said.

Ryou's eyes widened.

"Indeed, it makes me no different from A-aimi...then" Arisa says, pushing in her earbuds a little more.

"B-but if that's so...then-" Ryou stuttered, trying to defend Arisa himself.

It worked. Reverse psychology. She succeeded.

"Even so, there is one difference, between me and her." Arisa said, her palms sweaty, grip loosening of her fists. She was relaxed.

This wasn't her usual demeanor.

Audio played on her ears, a usual script:

"Aimi uses you as a toy, with me, I will take account of your desi-"

She then said

"I can liberate you." She said something not from the script?


She ignored whatever the earbuds said, it was sudden.

Ryou saw the change in her attitude, as he adjusted himself a little.

"What do you...mean?" His eyes glew up. As if, he had a hope for Arisa to do so too.

What was the connection here...?

Arisa walked closer to Ryou, as she spread her arms.

"Haah..." He breathed out, a little sigh.

Ryou leaned in for a hug.

"No." She stepped back. Unexpected?

"This, here, is the difference between me, and her." Arisa said, whilst smiling a little.

Her smile wasn't quite a constructed one, it looked ugly but natural. She didn't know how to smile.

Ryou suddenly had a thought, he looked all over his body.

She suddenly started not to look beautiful, but rather... ugly?

"What do you see within me?" Arisa said,


She groped her chest, pushing it out to him.

"I don't have any assets to impress you. Not any good personality either." Arisa listed her flaws.

Ryou still, was eager to listen... atleast one quality of hers that Aimi did not possess.

"What I do have, is something she could never offer you." Arisa said,

Suddenly, she started-


"AGHHHH-" She screamed

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" Ryou lunged forward,


He fell to the ground, as he was chained.

Arisa had stabbed her finger into her chest, as she said with a sadistic smile,

"I-i...I can offer you my heart!" Tears sprang out of her eyes.

"NOT LITERALLY, DUMBASS!" Ryou said in panick, his care for others finally showing up.

Something which was dead, back when Aimi killed over twenty people.

"You don't get it... Fuufu..." Arisa giggled to herself a little as she said forward,

"While Aimi wants you physically, I can provide you..."

"Emotional love."





Outside the Gate, at the Hall

"So, in what state do you think will you find him inside? Fufu~" Yui said, a wide smirk appearing onto her face.

Aimi didn't listen to her mockery, instead upon unlocking the gate,


She ran through inside.

"Oh my, what an obsessive girl..." Yui commented on her leaving.

"Well for my plans though..."

"This is well." Yui smirked, holding up her phone to her ears as she said on a phone call,

"Yes. It's done."




[Aimi's Perspective]


Haah ...haah...

Where can he be, where is he?



My breath becomes ragged, my face becomes hot. My body is all sweaty, the panick, it's too much!

At my pace, I make the first appearance to the first room,

"So there it is..." I said to myself.

The first room arrived.

Aikawa Private

"He must be there..." I said with huge gasps, as I lunged my hand forward to open the gate,

My hands came closer to the knob and..




"It's...open?" What?




The door was open. But that wouldn't stop her,


"Haah..." She began her leap towards the second room. Had she anticipated the first room to be opened?

Nevertheless, she countinued forward. Her breath ragged. Her body becoming hotter and hotter with each moment, and until...


"Ahgh..." She grabbed her left breast, squeezing it tightly.

"This is nothing..." She said to herself, as she countinued forward.

Nothing's happening to me, Nothing...! She convinced herself.

And as she reached towards the second room,




"The nameplate...it's..."

"Scratched?" She gasped.

What could've been done to it? Thoughts ran through her mind.

Still, that did not matter to her, for she grabbed the knob and

"Let's do this." She said,


She slowly opened the door,

And what she saw, infront of her eyes...





For each life you spare,

I surrender myself to you for the day.




Chapter 78: I have him!




Oh my, Aimi, so naive...? Well used, Arisa! ...Arisa?







"Pwah..." She threw the ashes of the cigarette, as she lit another of the kind.

Bringing it to her mouth, she kissed it brightly.

"So easy, hm?" She said to someone else.

She sat on the front of the car, her legs swinging to and from, as she took view the cliff beneath her.

"He looks like he just fell from the cliff, isn't it?" She laughed.

"S-Saki...you're crazy.."

"Shut up Bastard, I asked if he looks like he just got jumped or WHAT?!" Saki asked.

"I...I..." Sounds of sobbing came to audibility.

"The hair... And chest, eyes and legs...even the height... Brother looks beautiful when he's dead off the cliff, isn't it?" Saki asked.

"Y-you... psychopath..!!"

"Me? Oh cmon... Don't worry, he was just being hurdle in the way." Saki explained.

"If I remove the source, the products should be erased easily, atleast she convinced me of it..." Saki said.

With a sigh,

"I don't give a shit though...!! I just want some money, and after that..." She threw the cigarette.


Lighting up another ciggerate, she got it closer to her lips, as

Chuuu! She gave it a chaste kiss.

Saki then took the cigarette, gesturing for the other to smoke it too,

"We can have tons of stuff like this, haha! I heard Columbian is expensive, we can have even that!" She exclaimed.

"Don't you think, brother?" She forced the cigratte into his mouth.

Daiki, with a shivering voice, low and scared, said...

"S-saki...y-you are insane...please...stop this!"


"Shut up...lazy cow, just play along!" Saki said.

"Doesn't mother look exactly like you with the all the assoceries I put onto her? She looks even more Daiki than the original one!" She pointed to her brother.

"You're... you're sooner going to pay for killing our mother! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" He lunged forward,


"AGH!" He flew backwards.

"Just keep quiet...the drug won't let you move anywhere my sweet chicken..~"

She check her wrist watch, the clock was ticking the right time, almost...

"Hm, the call should come any time now..." Saki sighed.

And she was right,


"Yes, this is Saki." She took the call,

"I believe if she, if she is reported dead it would seem your brother can easily testify that she died because of you, and then connections can be traced back to me, hence why.."

"Your mother should NOT be reported dead any time sooner. Do you follow?" The voice was authoritative.

"Yes, I got it. I have made it look like this one.." she fondled her brother's her hair—

"..Like this one fell off the ground."

"I see, Your brother?"



"I don't want fucking compliments, what's the amount? And where is it?"

"It's coming sooner to you, do not worry."

Saki's eyes brightened up, her face glew with happiness as she asked,

"Oh wow! How much am I getting?"

"Oh you? Well...you're getting more special things than just money..." She said nonchalantly.

"Oh c'mon Seiko, just tell me what the fuck is that I'll get? Is it more drugs ..? Tell me, is it something regarding moving international? I'm so thrilled!!" She said like a child.

"Spoken like a true child..." Seiko giggled.

On Seiko's side

"Well, I am a good child isn't it? Just send me the money fast...!" Saki giggled back.

"Ah, yeah, the money is coming to you. Why don't you take a look around you?" Seiko prompted.

"Okayyy...I'm doing just that..-" Seiko turned around.




Then, a frightened voice came—

"Hey wait-...why—the police? Seiko what's happening?"





"Oh my..." Seiko sighed.

"This is Kyoto Police taking over the call. Ma'am we have caught the murderer."


"Spoken like a true child...huh?" Seiko mocked Saki.

Soon, the call hung up.




Seiko stood up, her robes falling,

Her curved figure came to life as she said,

"I will do anything, to end the damn curse." She sighed.










"Haah...haah...." Arisa pulled back from the kiss, her grip like a gentle spider on top of Ryou.

Ryou turned his head to the side, he just realised that...





"I regret everything..." Ryou said to himself.





Aimi lunged forward with as speed as she could have,

She spinned herself to land on Arisa—





The earlier spike in blood pressure had an effect on Aimi, a weakened Aimi is worse than a dead one.

She was pushed back, as she got hold of her breath, Arisa still on top of Ryou.

"GET. OFF. HIM. NOW." Aimi said, her hand reaching to her waist-pocket.

"No— I won't! You can't just-"

"GET. OFF. HIM. NOW." She repeated herself.

The argument was intense,

But Arisa was not ready to back down,

"Oh yeah? Get off him? Watch this-"


Arisa digged her feet into Ryou, though Ryou didn't flinch.

The fear of Aimi catching him into the act was greater than any pain inflicted by Arisa right now.

"What you seek, is just his body. You like the idea of Ryou, while I... I LIKE THE ENTIRETY OF HIM!" Arisa shouted out loud.

"Just who are you?! I was reborn with a life full of him, I grew up serving him, you're not even a filth of dust compared to me!"

"That's right, you're as dust. While I, ...I am the one that was planned to marry him!" Arisa says,

Aimi's eyes widened.

"The Old-"

Arisa interrupted,

"Yes, the old master had closely observed my birth. He asked my father to reserve me as a girl for Ryou. Who the hell are you barge in between us?" Arisa said.




There was a loud silence between them.

Silence caused greater pain to Aimi than the violence occured post-argument.

But still, she covered her feelings with a mask,

"I'll just do, what I have always done..." Aimi said, reaching for her waist and...




his voice unheard.

Arisa crossed her arms, she covered Ryou first as she screamed—


"WHAT?" Aimi stopped in between,

Step step step...

Yui stood proud, as she held a gun in her hands, aimed to Aimi.

Arisa shouted,

"END AIMI, NOWWW!" this was the lpudet she ever has been.

Yui began pulling the trigger slowly,

Slowly and...








"Officers, there she is."

Clak Clak Clak!



A bunch of officers suddenly barged into the scene, they rushed to grab...

"Wait.. I'm...I'm not Aimi, you've got the wrong person..."

"Yui, shoot her! Yui...why don't you shoot? YUI!"

"Ma'am, know your rights. You're allowed to remain silent." The officers grabbed...
