Not The Whole Truth

Mikael POV:

"So, what do you want to know, Dr Isla? I will try to answer it as much as I possibly can." I said with a faint smile.

"Very well. Then, tell me about your wolf. Caleb told me that your wolf is a Beta but I doubted that because you see, my wolf have the ability to look through all wolves. She said you're not ordinary. Your wolf are supposed to Beta but there's Alpha traits and possibly Omega traits too. That would explained why your scent were too strong than normal shifter. So, my question is who exactly are you, Mikael Jensen?" She asked with stern look and serious voice.

"I don't exactly have the answer for that but it must have something to do with me waking up at the forest before. By the way, Dr Isla, do you believe in reincarnation, transmigration and rebirth?" I look straight at her to see any reaction but all I see is just curiosity in her eyes.

"I do believe in that. I do believe that everyone will eventually rebirth and restart the cycle of life. For as long as the soul exist, the cycle will never ends. Albeit, I have never seen it happened before." She smiled as she gave her answer. I took a deep breath before I continued.

"Then, you are looking at it now. I'm the proof of transmigration do happened." I said after a few minutes of pause.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused and disbelief to what she just heard.

"I mean I am not exactly Mikael Jensen. I woke up in his body but I am not him. I was dead on the same day Mikael Jensen chose to killed himself." I explained briefly in hope she would not ask more but I can see in her eyes that she needs to know more.

"To be honest, I never tell anyone else except my wolf about this. I haven't even tell Caleb either. I will tell him when the time comes. So, do you believe me?" I looked at her to search for any doubts or at least a hint of trust that shows that she do believe me but as far as I can see, it was all just doubts. It is understandable since it was not something that can easily be accepted by anyone. Now, I am worried about how am I going to tell Caleb the truth when the time comes.

"I don't know. I mean I do believe in reincarnation, transmigration and rebirth but it's hard to believe when it's really happened. So, if you're not Mikael, then where is he?" That is a good question and a valid one too. However, even I do not really know where he is but my guess is just as good as the answer I gave her.

"He's dead. He really is. He died the same time I died. The only difference was I never want to die and don't want to give up my life whilst he already lost his will to live and give up completely." She nodded after hearing my answer. I can see in her eyes that she still have tons of questions in her mind that she is organizing to see which one is more important to be ask first.

"Is it okay if I want to know how you die?" She asked carefully and that question brings back bad memories but I tried to control my expression and too deep breath before nodding my head gently.

"I was betrayed by my mate, tortured to death by a man that my mate hired. I literally begging the Moon Goddess to give me a second chance because I refused to accept that was the end for me." I tried not to show any emotions even though I was feeling anger boiling up in me. I am not afraid of the memories but I do afraid of somehow being taken back to that horrid place again.

"That's horrible. Is that why you're wary of Caleb, almost to the point you seems want to reject the bond?" Her question made me understand her concern. Who would not be concern when the fated mate of their Alpha who also happened to be the King of Alphas seems to look like rejecting the very idea of mate bond.

"Yes. That's one of the reasons. Dr Isla, are you close with Caleb?" Somehow curiosity piqued within me makes me wanting to know more about him.

"Yes I watched him grew up. I know since he was born. Mikael, may I know the nature of your wolf before you died?" Her answer briey before continued with her next question making me smile at how curious she looks.

"Will you tell me more about him after I answer?" I asked with a chuckle and she nodded her head hastily as she seems to getting impatient.

"Nikolai was an Alpha. I was in training to take over my pack when I was stabbed with a dagger laced with wolfsbane and what I think some kind of black magic because as soon as I was stabbed, Niko disappeared and never come back to surface even when the wolfsbane was gone from my body. I never get to talk with him even on the day I let out of my last breath." I explained to her despite the pain of losing Nikolai still strong in my heart. I could feel Kyle stirring in me. He probably wants to comfort me as he must have known how it felt to lose someone so close to you in a blink of eyes since he also lost the real Mikael and ended up with me who is a fake and fucking amazing pretender.

"You're not a fake or pretender, Raphael. You're Mikael now. You're my human. You are who you are. I never forget Mikael but you are also someone just as important as him. Never forget that we are one. I will protect you for as long as we both breathing. I will help you get your revenge for it is my mission to avenge Mikael and you too, Raphael. So, never think of yourself as fake or pretender." Kyle suddenly pushed through our mind link as if he heard my thoughts and tried reassuring me and his words does gives me comfort and makes me let out a breath of relief.

"Wait! Black magic?! Seriously, Mikael?" Dr Isla's voice pulled me back to reality and her shocked face tells me that being stabbed with black magic dagger is something very serious.

"Yes. Is it something serious? Is it dangerous?" I tilted my head as I don't exactly understand why is it so serious. I know black magic isn't something to look down but I never dealt with it before in my life. Well, before I got stabbed with it.

"That's explained why your wolf is changing. Why you were able to survived such high dosage and potent wolfsbane in your system before. You need to tell Caleb as soon as possible. This is not something you can hide from him. It's far too dangerous to be dealt all alone." She took deep breath as she seems panicking and I can see sweat on her forehead as she massaged her temple.

"I don't understand. What do you mean, doc?" She sighed before she answer my question.

"Every black magic spells left trace in the soul of their target. It's like a tracking device for the witch. So, no matter where you go, what you do, how many times you died, how many you reborn, reincarnated or anything, the witch will always be able to find you. Which means it's possible she knows you're very much alive. She just doesn't know where you are but she will surely finds a way to find you. Believe me. Caleb need to know about this. It's the only way he will be able to protect you." She explained to me and it made me stunned as to how serious it was. I come to realized that my past will never let go. My nightmares will slowly becoming true and it might hurt Caleb in the process.

"Dr Isla, please don't tell Caleb anything. Not until I'm ready. I need time before I can spill everything to him." I begged her to keep this secret as it is not the time yet. Kyle still not fully healed either. I need to be in my fully healthy and strong self first before I can tell Caleb the truth. He might throw a fucking tantrums once he knows and might go out for blood.

"Very well. It is your secret to tell anyway. I will not say anything to Caleb for now at least. I wouldn't want to make him sad after seeing how happy he is around you after so many years. That kid never cling so much like that even with me." I frowned my brows when I heard 'that kid' out from her mouth but I chose to ignore it.

"Does he really not cling so much with anyone else? He always tried to finds way to cling to me and always stared so much at me." I chuckled when I remembered how he was despite the short amount of time we spends before I felt unconscious for 3 months.

"Of course not. He lost his parents in very young age. He had to leave the pack in order to training with his late father's friend. Asking his uncle who is also his father's Beta to help take care of the company and the pack. He's the type to keep all his feelings bottled up. That's why he and his younger brother estranged with each other. Not to mention the age gap between them is quite big too." She explained as I listened carefully.

I love hearing about Caleb right now. It makes me feel closer to him. I realized now that my rejection to the mate bond was just my way of not getting hurt if he ever betrayed me likf how Clark did before but he seems to proved that he is far from being that way. He ways always there when I needed him. I chuckled as a certain memory from the past came in mind.

"Dr Isla, I'm so happy to hear a lot about Caleb. It's funny though because I suddenly remember a memory in my past life. I always caught this one guy---." I stopped my sentence and come to a bigger realization that got me stunned with how foolish I have been. How can I did not realized this before.

"Mikael? Are you okay? What are you going to say?" Dr Isla look at me with concern and I took deep breath to calm my heart.

"I'm okay. Just feeling tired all of a sudden." I lied to her to hide what I truly felt.

"I think I should leave now. I will keep the rest of my questions for another time. You should get some more rest." She got up from her seat and pat my head before making her way out without waiting for my reply.

I let out a breath of relief and let out a muffled scream as I covered my face with a pillow. I understand now why I feel the way I feel now. Moon Goddess wants me to be happy. Thank you for giving me this second chance. of tears fell down on my cheeks as all the memories of my old life came flooding in my mind. Memories of one particular guy who was always around me but I have never paid any attention to him. A guy who I always caught staring at me and awkwardly look away whenever he got caught. This must be fate. To think that I was able to meet him again.

"Kyle, how much longer is it takes for you to be fully healed?" I asked between my sobs as I need to be fully healthy both me and my wolf before I can do what I have in mind.

"Soon. Why are you crying? Raphael, are you okay?" I can hear how worried he is in our mind link that makes me sobbing more as the memories just keep on coming in my mind.

"Kyle, I'm okay. Stop calling me Raphael. I'm Mikael now. Kyle, I have decided to accept Caleb and Alaric. No more running away from him. This is fate. That's why we felt the mate bond the very moment our eyes met. Kyle, I found him. I found the one who truly loves me." I keep on sobbing as I hugged my pillow to muffles the sound.

"Mikael! Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Before Kyle able to say anything, I heard Alec's voice who came running to me and hold me in his arms and patted my back to calm me down.

'I can't believe I'm crying like this in front of Alec.'

"What's wrong? Do you want me to call Alpha Caleb?" He asked in a rush as he took his phone out of his pocket.

"No. He will come running and leaves all his work. I don't want that. I'm okay."

I stopped his hand from dialling Caleb's number even though I'm curious. That is another thing I just realized. I never know his phone number or even own my own phone. I took deep breath and pushed Alec gently and leaned back to the bed's headboard as I finally calm down.

'I'm glad that memories came back. There's nothing for me to be afraid of him now.'

"That's good. Have you eat?" He asked with relief in his eyes as he got up from the bed. I shooked my head a little with a faint smile.

"I will go make something simple for you then. I hope I can find something seeing the state of the mansion. I'm impressed it's still standing considering the damage inside." He clicked his tongue as he shooked his head gently.

"By the way, where's Chris?" I asked as I did not see him with Alec when they usually always together like a conjoined twins.

"Huh? Oh he's a bit busy." A frown form on my brows as I noticed Alec seems flustered at the mention of Chris' name. I wonder what happened.

He did not wait for me to ask anything else and quickly make his way out of my room. I let out a sigh as I think of what to do next. I wonder if I could talk to Caleb somehow. So, I took deep breath and tried to focus my mind and think of him very hard.

"Caleb? Can you hear me?" I asked hesitantly as I am not sure whether I was able to connect to him through mind link since we have not officially mated and he have not mark me yet.

"Caleb? Can you hear me?" I tried again but it was still silence. I sighed as I closed my eyes and giving up on trying again because it would only make me feel down if he still could not hear me.

"Mikael?" I sat up straight as soon as I heard his voice in my mind. I was stunned by the fact I was able to somehow established the mind link with him. I could not stop myself from smiling wide.