Virginity Barrier

'I am royally screwed...' Onille stood up and exited the internet cafe after his time was up, he then jogged back to his crummy Penthouse and locked the door.

Inside, Onille had a mental breakdown as he screamed, punched the walls and threw his stuff all over the place. Onille totally lost his cool and just went ballistic on everything inside his room, which isn't much considering he has no stuff.

Knock... knock...knock...

Onille heard a knock on his door, he breath in and out, calming his ass down. "Who is it?"

"Ummmm.... Its Ebina... from room 15"

"Oh... Im sorry did you perhaps hear all that? I was just letting off steam thats all, Haha... Its embarrassing, actually can you act like it didn't happen?" Onille forced out a laugh, this is actually the first time he let go of all his pent up feelings. In his younger years he was always the cool and calm person...

"Ummm Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something" Ebina said.

"Ok but my room is a mess, is that ok?"


Onille hesitated for a second but he still slowly unlocked his door and let a short haired girl in, she had nice braids and she wore a one-piece dress.

"Umm" Onille gulped and sat down on his mattress while shaking his head.

"Well, I've been in worst rooms" Ebina said. Onille didn't take that so well and hurriedly questioned.

"What did I broke during my tantrum? If you want me to pay for it, tell me how much it is and I'll pay up." his voice seething.

"That's new coming from someone who doesn't have a job" Ebina smiled. Although she meant no ill-will with her words, it pissed the already angry Onille so much that he wanted to crush something.

"Actually I'm here for something else" Sitting down on Onille's bed she continued. "If you're not busy, can we go out and have some fun?"

Onille kept a straight face and looked at her smiling face. 'This wench, Do you take me for a fool? You have a fucking boyfriend for crying out loud! Im a pure lover of vanilla and netorare but I'll never fall for this honey trap!' Onille calmly spoke after scrutinizing her actions. "What happened with the other guy? Did you two break up?" Ebina nodded and held her head down, she stared at the floor in silence.

"And you expect me to accept your pent-up negative feelings by going out with you in a one night stand? become the rebound guy?" To Onille's question she merely nodded, so he continued...

"And what will I be, if I do go out with you today?"

"My new boyfriend, You see I've always liked you, but you didn't like me back so I..." Ebina stuttered.

"I'll have to stop you right there, tell me the truth, are you pregnant?" Onille stopped her sickening lies and put up his Virginity Barrier. Hearing no answer Onille now knew where this was heading, he will become the scapegoat and act like the childs father, he will probably be introduced to her parents and make him feel responsible for her child, make him pay child-support, she'll probably continue seducing, exploiting and making him think she loves him, when she obviously doesn't... She didn't even make eye contact... and once all is said and done she will make him care and be responsible for a child that isn't his and probably leave him afterwards.

'YOU think all my doujinshi knowledge is just for show! F*k you wench!'

"But..." Ebina was at a loss, this wasn't in her script and she didn't know how to reply to Onille's sudden question.

"Im spot-on aren't I?" Onille smirked.

Ebina gritted her teeth, She couldn't hide her irritation and instantly exploded. "I'm calling the police, and tell them I was raped by you... That'll teach you" She grinned and dialed 911.

"Go ahead" Onille wasn't spurred, the wench finally showed her true colors to him, even if the cops come he has a hidden camera installed in this room.

Onille was never too fond of NTR... in fact, once upon a time he used to hate it, but then he was shown how reality works and all that accumulated anger and regret resulted in Onille's mentality.

A man that has closed his heart to women but still gains satisfaction through cheating porn. That's why he was so adamant in playing the game, at least he can let loose in the game and probably find a beastkin lover or just frequently go to a brothel without suffering the consequences that comes after the deed is done.

Before playing the game he would've entertained the idea of being the rebound guy for such a hot babe but his priorities made a 180° shift, his Virginity Barrier upgraded into an Ultra Virginity barrier.

So a couple of minutes passed and the cops came in Onille's room and was about to apprehend him in, but then he pulled out an antique TV and played the video of him and Ebina just casually chatting recorded by the hidden camera.

"Officers, If I really did rape her... Do you two think I'd let her call you guys? She can't even overpower me if I really did do anything to her."

"But what's up with this room then?" The officers questioned, although Onille proved his innocence that he did nothing to the caller, they still suspect him of illegal activity with how destroyed his room is..

"Oh that... Hahah I had a very veryyyy bad day... So can you guys please drag that wench out of my disgusting room?" Onille had a mocking gaze directed towards Ebina. The cops nodded and left along with Ebina in tow.

Onille continued the day just contemplating, he went out and headed towards the city park and swung on the swing for hours... He neglected his daily exercise and just sat on the swing like the lonely virgin guy that he is.

Onille wasnt always like this, he used to really like someone but she left him for another guy, maybe its his fault for not giving her enough physical attention. Or maybe she was just a b*tch who leeches herself to the popular athletic school kid. But he never blamed her, he couldn't even bring himself to do anything to her when they were both alone. Their relationship was static to the point that she even suspected him of impotence but thats not the case. Onille has some unresolved trauma that keeps tugging at his sleeve and he could only angrily grit his teeth when they're about to do the deed, his extremely hard rod suddenly turns limp whenever he thinks about it.

Onille is a perverted and pent up guy that hungers for nothing more than a good lovemaking but what happens afterwards scares him. He was certain that he'd never let his child suffer the same fate as he did... Abandoned or perhaps given to the orphanage at the tender age of three like him... Then what if he does it to his child too? The future is uncertain... no matter how confident he is about raising a child he can't promise to himself that he wouldn't do what his parents did to him too.

PERSONALITY is HEREDITARY! What makes you so sure that you'll be able to financially support your child? such words screamed at him, they clawed at his heart with fear making his self-control blast through the roof. If he didn't have such strong self control he'd have four children right about his age.

Finally deciding to go home, he left the park and let his thoughts wander to the distant past... Where all his joy and regrets were made. He wondered, would his life be any different if he did somehow changed his break up?


April 10, 2023, 4:58 P. M

Insania's body was materialized at the same place she logged out of, then she slowly walked towards the Leather-shop.

Going back in the Leather-shop she saw that frail beastkin again, when she entered she saw the shopkeeper prostrating in front of her.


Insania was at a loss. 'What the f*ck is happening right now?'

"Stand up tell me why are you doing this?" she said in a stern voice.

"Ah" the shopkeeper stood up and dusted himself.

"It's my way of repaying my gratitude miss you see my wife and child were extremely sick..." He went and explained the part about how they got sick and how much the medicines cost she handed out fifty gold coins which is just the right amount to buy two medicines that can cure any disease. Now his wife and daughter were feeling much better. In short Insania overpayed and the actual price for trimming that item was just 30 gold coins. Insania already knew she couldn't ask for that money back glancing at the shopkeeper's face there is no money to give.

"Fine! use materials with value the same amount of gold I paid you, and make my set better than it already is! if you want to show your gratitude. I'll need it by the morrow" Insania decreed and went outside.