Chapter 34

Lady Emilia turned to face Duke Matheo, her eyes searching his for answers as her voice quivered with worry. "Why does Lady Austine hate me?" she questioned, her voice tinged with fear and perplexity.

Duke Matheo let out a deep breath, his forehead creased in concern as he considered how to respond to Lady Emilia's inquiry. With a regretful tone, he said, "I think Lady Austine's contempt for you is a result of her own insecurities and prejudices." "She sees you as a threat to her ambitions, as someone who could potentially stand in the way of her desires."

A wave of sorrow overcame Lady Emilia as she took in what he had said, realizing that her relationship with Duke Matheo had unintentionally turned into a battlefield between the competing interests of people in their immediate vicinity. She took solace in Duke Matheo's unfailing support despite the hardships they faced, believing that the two of them could conquer any challenge that stood in their way.

Duke Matheo spoke with passion and resolve, his eyes unblinking as he vowed to Lady Emilia in a serious manner. With a steady, determined voice, he pledged, "No one will ever harm you, my love." "I will protect you with all that I am, and I will not let anyone or anything come between us."

His remarks caused Lady Emilia's heart to expand with appreciation and assurance, temporarily allaying her anxieties due to the intensity of his dedication. She knew then that she could rely on Duke Matheo's steadfast determination to protect her and be by her side no matter what challenges they faced. She sank into his arms, comforted by the warmth of his affection and the assurance of his protection, feeling a sense of renewed security.

As few days have gone, and everyone is busy getting ready for tonight's event, Sasha, Lady Emilia's trusty companion, helped her with the finishing touches as she got ready for the engagement party. She put Lady Emilia's gown's buttons on with delicate hands, her touch comforting and soft.

Sasha smiled and said, "You look absolutely stunning, my lady," stepping back to appreciate her creation.

Lady Emilia said, "Thank you, Sasha," with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "I want everything to be perfect tonight."

"It will be, my lady," Sasha gave her the assurance. "You radiate beauty and grace, and no one could possibly resist your charm."

Lady Emilia laughed quietly, but even with Sasha's comforting words, she felt a knot in her gut. "I hope you're right, Sasha. I just want Duke Matheo to be proud of me."

"He will be, my lady," Sasha firmly declared. "He adores you more than words can express."

Lady Emilia grinned, appreciative of Sasha's steadfast assistance. She took a deep breath and gave herself one more look in the mirror before stepping out into the night to enjoy the happiness and celebration that awaited her.

Lady Emilia's heart skipped a beat as the soft knock reverberated across the space, excitement overwhelming her senses. Sasha smiled softly and hurried to open the door, to see Duke Matheo shining in his formal clothing as he stood on the doorway.

"Good evening, Your Grace," Sasha nodded respectfully and moved aside to let him enter.

"Good evening, Sasha," Duke Matheo smiled warmly in response, his eyes falling on Lady Emilia's as she stood composed and sophisticated in her dress.

"Lady Emilia, you look absolutely breathtaking," he murmured as he walked up to her, his voice full of sincere adoration.

Lady Emilia blushed a delicate shade and said, "Thank you, Duke Matheo." "I'm honored to have you here tonight."

"The honor is mine, my love," Duke Matheo murmured, putting a gentle kiss on her knuckles while holding her hand. "Shall we make our grand entrance together?"

Lady Emilia nodded, her heart leaping with anticipation as she stepped into the celebrations holding hands with him. She was filled with confidence knowing that Duke Matheo was at her side and that they could overcome any obstacles that lay ahead.

A silence fell over the gathering guests as Lady Emilia and Duke Matheo left the chamber, their eyes expanding with amazement at the sight of the beautiful couple. Lady Emilia's dress billowed around her like a moonlit waterfall, and Duke Matheo looked dapper in his fitted suit, his grace and confidence radiating from him.

As they moved through the crowd, heads turning and voices resonating through the room, the place seemed to shimmer with expectancy. With her hand firmly in Duke Matheo's, Lady Emilia felt a wave of pride rise inside her breast as they walked with unforced grace.

The guests exploded into cheers as they made their way to the center of the room, their cheers blending with the gentle notes of music filling the air. With her heart overflowing with appreciation for the love and support Duke Matheo had given her, Lady Emilia cast a quick glance up at him.

Couples danced over the polished floor in perfect time to the beautiful tune of the waltz that filled the enormous ballroom. As they entered the dance floor, Lady Emilia and Duke Matheo did so with smooth, practiced steps that demonstrated their strong bond and knowledge of one another.

They moved in unison, their bodies perfectly timed to the beat of the song, with each twist and dip. With her dress billowing in dreamy waves, Lady Emilia was led with unflinching precision by Duke Matheo, whose hand was resting solidly at the small of her back.

Without saying a word, the intensity with which their eyes sparkled as they danced said volumes. It felt like they were the only two people in the world for that little instant, in the middle of the whirling sea of guests and the mesmerizing sounds of the waltz.

As the music reached a climax and filled the room with its magnificent melody, Lady Emilia and Duke Matheo were locked in a loving embrace as the last notes reverberated through the atmosphere. They found strength and comfort in that embrace, knowing that they would overcome any obstacles together because their love had no bounds to time or location.

As the noble visitor approached the great Duke Matheo after their dance, Lady Emilia felt an upsurge of contradictory feelings sweep over her. Although she was truly delighted for Duke Matheo, the memory of Lady Austine's contempt continued to weigh heavily on her, casting a shadow over the happy occasion.

Sitting by herself at the table, she observed the other patrons encircling Duke Matheo, expressing their congratulations and best wishes. Even though their voices mixed into a cacophony of courteous conversation, She oddly detached from it all, as though she were only an observer in her own life.

Lady Emilia stared up at Lady Austine with a mixture of astonishment and caution at her unexpected entrance. Lady Austine's eyes gleamed with disconcerting intensity as she approached Lady Emilia and handed her a glass of wine, her smile being overly sweet.

Lady Austine said, "Here, my dear," in a falsely lovely voice. "You must be tired from all the festivities. A little drink will help you relax and enjoy the rest of the evening."

Lady Emilia wavered, instinct telling her to proceed with caution, but the pressure of social convention pushed her to take the drink. She smiled artificially, lifted the glass from Lady Austine's outstretched palm, brought it to her lips, and took a tiny drink.

She felt a strange lethargy almost instantly, which made it difficult for her to think clearly and made her move slowly. When she discovered that Lady Austine had drugged her drink, panic shot through her veins.

Lady Emilia pushed the glass aside as forcefully as she could, but her limbs felt unresponsive and heavy, like lead. She turned to face Lady Austine, accusing and terrified, but all the elder woman could do was smirk, her true motivations obvious to all.

She lurched towards her chamber, her mind focused on one pressing thought—escape—as her heart raced with dread. She cried out with all of her might for the opportunity to escape her captors' grasp and get back to Duke Matheo.

But just as she was reaching for the door, her strength gave out, and she collapsed to the floor in an exasperated heap.