Chapter 36

Princess Ashley let out a triumphant, satisfied laugh as the knock reverberated throughout the room. Her eyes brightened with delight, "Ah, it seems our plan is unfolding perfectly," she pleaded. "Lady Austine, do come in and witness the culmination of our efforts."

Lady Austine strode into the room, her arrogant smile reflecting that of Princess Ashley. "Well, it seems like our plan is working as intended," she said, a hint of pride in her voice. "Once Duke Matheo falls into our trap, Lady Emilia will be out of the picture for good."

They seemed to have won, and their laughing mixed with the air, a dark symphony of deception and ambition.

Princess Ashley and Lady Austine were ready to fulfill their ambitions and take the places they had always wanted by Duke Matheo's side, now that Lady Emilia appeared to be out of the way.

Princess Ashley chuckled and asked Lady Austine if they might have some alone time to make love.

At Princess Ashley's request, Lady Austine giggled gently, her amusement and anticipation glistening in her eyes. With a sarcastic reply, "Of course, my dear. Privacy is paramount in matters such as these," she answered. "We wouldn't want any interruptions while you and Duke Matheo... reconnect."

Princess Ashley carefully unbuttoned Duke Matheo's suit as she leaned in closer, her touch lingering in a premeditated dance of seduction. The room appeared to become more tense as each button was undone.

Furious and betrayed, Duke Matheo suddenly grabbed Princess Ashley's hands, stopping her in her tracks. As he faced her with the reality of her lying, his hold remained strong and his eyes blazed with a mixture of rage and incredulity.

He hissed, "Enough, Ashley," his voice filled with a steely resolve that would not be broken. "Your games end here."

At his remarks, Princess Ashley flinched, her confident facade disintegrating before his justifiable outrage. She tried to object, to claim innocence, but Duke Matheo's resolute stare hushed her, making her shudder in humiliation and terror.

With a steely determination, Duke Matheo pulled Princess Ashley out the chamber and dragged her into the center of the crowd, his resentment angry beneath the surface as he turned to face the visitors. They watched him closely, their expressions showing a mixture of worry and curiosity as they awaited an explanation.

Duke Matheo broke the silence in the throng with, "Listen everyone," his voice cutting through the murmurs that had started to spread. "It seems there has been a grave misunderstanding."

Princess Ashley writhed in his grasp, her attempts to escape being ineffective against his unbreakable hold.

She looked around anxiously, knowing now that her deception had been discovered and there was no turning back from the fallout from her deeds.

Duke Matheo said, "I regret to inform you all that Lady Emilia is missing," in a solemn and serious tone. "And it appears that Princess Ashley here may have some answers as to her whereabouts."

Shock and dismay overcame the gathering, causing everyone to gasp and whisper in unison as they realized how serious the situation was.

Princess Ashley was the center of attention as she stood in front of them, her deceptive exterior collapsing beneath the weight of Duke Matheo's allegations.

Lady Austine tried to get away, but Joseph and the guards were there to stop her, their faces grim and unyielding as they closed off all possible paths.

Her well-laid plans had fallen apart right before her eyes, trapping her in a web of her own design, and panic flashed across her eyes.

With a voice full of despair, Lady Austine cried out, "Release me at once!" as she fought against the guards' hard grip.

However, her cries went unanswered, and before long she was confined and everyone around her was keeping a close check on her every move.

As Duke Matheo and the others started piecing together the circumstances behind Lady Emilia's disappearance, Lady Austine could only watch helplessly, with nowhere else to escape and her machinations exposed for public scrutiny.

She felt the weight of her deeds firmly pressing down on her, and she knew that her betrayal would have to pay a price.

"Duke Matheo, it's too late; the bandits will destroy and molest her," Lady Austine laughed.

The sound of Lady Austine's heartless laughing reverberated throughout the space, serving as a terrifying reminder of her wickedness and heartlessness.

With a venomous satisfaction that dripped from every sentence, her comments slashed through the air like a knife, reveling in the agony and suffering she had created.

As he spoke to Lady Austine, Duke Matheo's voice was strained with emotion, his words bearing the weight of his desperation and rage. "How could you?" he said, his rage burning in his eyes. "How could you stoop so low as to harm an innocent woman, let alone one who is to be my wife?"

With a twisted sneer on her lips, Lady Austine met his icy, calculating gaze. With a tone full of contempt, she shot out, "Do you really think I would let some insignificant girl stand in the way of what I want?" "She was nothing but a nuisance, a pawn to be discarded in my pursuit of power and influence."

Duke Matheo was so furious that his hands were clinched at his sides and his jaw was set in a cruel line. "I may have underestimated her, but I won't," he promised with a strong sense of resolve.

"Lady Emilia is stronger than you could ever imagine, and I will stop at nothing to ensure her safety and well-being."

The loud sound echoed around the room when Duchess Philippa slapped Lady Austine across the face, her hand shaking with rage. She yelled, "Where is my daughter?" in a desperate and enraged tone.

As the door opened. All eyes shifted to the entryway, where Lady Emilia stood, her clothing ripped and dirty but her determination burning in her face, and the room fell silent.

She had come back, proving her strength and perseverance by overcoming all the dangers she had encountered and defying the odds.

Duke Matheo hurried up to her side, seeming worried but also relieved. "Emilia," he exclaimed, his voice brimming with passion as he observed her unkempt appearance. "Are you alright?"

Lady Emilia gave a nod, her expression resolute. She answered, "I'm fine," her voice firm despite the internal commotion she was experiencing. "But we need to stop Lady Austine and Princess Ashley before they can do any more harm."