Chapter 39

With anticipation for the doctor's next words, Duke Matheo felt his heart skip a beat and his breath catch in his throat. His voice was hardly audible above a whisper when he inquired, "What is it, Doctor?"

The physician paused for a moment before speaking again in a serious tone. With his words hanging heavily in the air, he finally disclosed, "Looks like Lady Emilia is... with child."

Duke Matheo's thoughts reeled at the enormity of the news as his eyes widened in shock. He experienced a wide range of feelings, including happiness, shock, and a strong sense of duty, all of which swirled together in an intense tornado.

Duke Matheo's conflicted feelings were acknowledged with a sympathetic yet comforting nod from the doctor. "Your Grace, Lady Emilia's condition is delicate, but with proper care and rest, she should recover in due time," he gently stated.

Duke Matheo sighed with relief, appreciating the physician's reassurance. With a worried tone, he asked, "What do we need to do to ensure her well-being?"

The physician gave a slight, comforting grin. His tone was stern yet gentle as he said, "First and foremost, Lady Emilia will need plenty of rest and relaxation." "I will prescribe some medications to alleviate her symptoms and promote her recovery. Additionally, I recommend that she avoid any strenuous activity and take things easy for the time being."

Duke Matheo gave a somber nod, his thoughts already buzzing with strategies to guarantee Lady Emilia's well-being. He said, "Thank you, Doctor," with sincerity and gratitude in his voice.

Duke Matheo stayed by Lady Emilia's side, his eyes never leaving her serene face as the doctor disappeared to get her prescription ready. He silently promised himself then and there that no matter what obstacles they had to encounter, he would stop at nothing to protect her and their unborn child's health.

Lady Emilia's surroundings gradually came into focus as she began to regain consciousness. With the warm glow of dawn light coming through the curtains, she found herself lying in bed. Seated next to her, Duke Matheo looked over her with a mixture of relief and worry on his face.

Duke Matheo gently said, "Good morning, my love," his voice full of tenderness. "How are you feeling?"

Blinking, Lady Emilia continued to feel somewhat dazed from her spell of fainting. She answered, "Better, I think. What happened?". "Please take care always of your health and our baby, need us" he said with a gentle smile. With a meek smile,

Lady Emilia experienced a wave of emotions when hearing about the baby. With an instinctive grasp for her stomach, she felt a surge of love and astonishment at the idea of life growing inside her.

She whispered, "We're going to be parents," her eyes overflowing with happy tears.

Duke Matheo smiled more broadly, his joyful eyes gleaming. "Yes, we are," he said, his voice brimming with love and unflinching conviction. "And I promise to do everything in my power to take care of both of you."

Lady Emilia felt calmness sweep over her with Duke Matheo's comforting presence at her side. Looking into one other's eyes, they knew that no matter what obstacles were in their way, they would overcome them as a couple, bound by their shared love and commitment.

Upon hearing of their daughter's pregnancy, Lady Emilia's parents' expressions burst with happiness and pleasure as they entered the room. Duchess Philippa hurried up and threw a warm arms around Lady Emilia, her eyes sparkling with joyous tears.

Duchess Philippa said, "Oh, my dear Emilia," her voice brimming with sorrow. "To think that soon we'll have a grandchild to dote upon! We couldn't be happier for you and Duke Matheo."

With a mixture of affection and pride on his face, Duke Hudson stood next to his wife and lovingly patted Lady Emilia's hand. "I'm so happy for you, my love," he said. "You've made us so proud."

As Lady Emilia embraced her parents and felt their unwavering love and support flood over her, her heart grew larger with love. She mumbled, "Thank you, Mother, Father," her voice stifled with emotion. "Your love means everything to me."

Their hearts were joined in anticipation of the new member of their family as they shared a moment of love and happiness typical of a family. With the knowledge that her parents would always be there for her, no matter what, Lady Emilia felt a great sense of gratitude for their unwavering love and support during that embrace.