Embarrassing Parents

Lei Kongming silently takes a long breath and quickly enters the patriarch hall.


Staring at the empty hall, Lei KongMing was confused and wondered where his cheap father went but he didn't try to think too much and quickly walked out of the hall and asked the guard.

"Why father isn't here? Where did he go?"

"You are early, young master. Normally, the patriarch arrives late. It will take some time before the patriarch arrives."


'If he's on Earth, Father may become a qualified capitalist. He expects everyone to arrive early for work and stay late, yet he himself arrives whenever he feels like it.'

This time Lei Kongming did not waste his time and mobilised his cultivation to reach his parent's courtyard house quickly.

Most of the courtyard houses in the Lei family have a 1st-grade formation covering them but the one in his parent's house is several times stronger.

It has reached the peak of 2nd grade, but fortunately, Lei Kongming doesn't need to notify anyone or wait for someone to open the formation door because he already possesses the entry/exit key of the formation given by his parents.

Entering the house, Lei Kongming found Lei Ying, his cheap father or more accurately, the patriarch of the Lei family, having breakfast.

He possesses a robust physique and handsome appearance and originally his actual age should be around 35-40 years old. However, due to his cultivation, he appears to be only about 25 years old.

Those unaware of the fact that he is his father may mistake him for his older brother.

"Hey Mingming, what brings you here this early in the morning?"


Peeking out the window, he spots the sun already high in the sky, but Lei Kongming doesn't say anything and moves closer to look at the breakfast, pondering thoughtfully.

'Oysters, Sea cucumbers, Ginseng…. all of these are good for sexual health...no wonder his cheap father asked straight up why I'm here!'

"Hahaha, come here, Mingming. Let's have breakfast together. It's been a while since father and son sat down for breakfast."

Lei Ying awkwardly invited Lei Kongming to join him for breakfast.

Those who don't know Lei Ying might think that he is embarrassed because his son caught him having such a 'nourishing' breakfast but the reality is that he doesn't want to share these 'medicines'.

Lei Ying is not someone who keeps everything to himself or denies sharing it with others, including his children. In fact, he is quite generous and always rewards the family children who perform well. Most of Lei Kongming's resources also come from Lei Ying, but when it comes to 'nourishing' things that promote good....sexual....fitness, he can be quite possessive. If there are any high-quality products like these available in the entire city, he ends up hoarding most of them for himself.

"I already have my breakfast, Father."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Even though Lei Ying said this, it cannot be concealed that he is happy that Lei Kongming didn't join him.

Lei Kongming purses his lips but he doesn't continue the topic but quickly talks about why he came.

"Father, why are you still here? You should be at patriarch hall at this time."

"It's not my fault, it's because of your mother that I'm now usually late."


"Don't you know that your mother recently had a breakthrough in cultivation?"

"Yes, but what does this have to do with you being late?"

"It's because your mother is now too fierce, in the past It was me who always won, but now I can only tie with her, if not for my powerful cultivation, I would have been sucked dry by her."




Lei Kongming has a black line on his forehead.

"Lei Ying, is this something that you can talk about with your child?"

Looking over, Lei Kongming finds his mother, Ye Xiaomei coming over, while questioning his father, which quietly resolves the embarrassing situation.

"Besides, when have you ever defeated me? It was always either a tie or I have won."

Once again, Lei Kongming's face turns black, in the past he could act like an innocent child to pass over the situation but now he is already an adult and can no longer act innocent to cover up the embarrassment.

"Mother! Father! I am still here! can you behave more like an elder, at least in front of me?"

Looking at his parent Lei Kongming sighed, sometimes he wondered whether those weird clan rules were placed because of his parents, after all his father was famous for visiting brothels during his youth.

He once attempted to inquire with several elders of the clan as to why the Lei family had these weird rules, but none of them answered. All of them were tight-lipped.

"Besides I want to tell you that I am now already at the 9th level of Qi refining realm."

Lei Kongming doesn't wait for his parents to respond and make some embarrassing remarks. He changed the topic and told them about his breakthrough.

"Although your cultivation speed may be faster than mine, it is important to remain humble. You must keep in mind that your competition is the Purple Cloud Palace, whose members are geniuses with cultivation speeds equal to or even greater than yours. Additionally, their fighting strength is likely to be higher than yours due to their profound inheritance."

"Mingming, take this and focus on your cultivation. We depend on you to support us in our old age."

Lei Kongming quickly accepted a large bag filled with spirit stones and left. Although he disagrees with their opinion that he is weaker than the disciples of Purple Cloud Palace, but he can't tell them about the Immortal cultivation technique so he simply leaves without arguing.

Coming back to his courtyard, Lei Kongming opens the bag of spirit stones. 

There are approximately 100 low-grade spirit stones. For an ordinary Qi-refining cultivator, this should be considered a significant wealth. However, Lei Kongming doesn't think much of it and proceeds to use them to start his cultivation.


After opening his eyes, the first thing Lei Kongming noticed was the dust scattered on the floor. This dust comes from the spirit stone. Such dust forms when all the Qi from the spirit stone is exhausted, causing it to disintegrate.

Then his eyes fall upon the bag given to him by his parents just this morning. It used to contain a large amount of spirit stones, but now it is completely empty.


Even within powerful families in the city, if a younger generation can acquire 100 spirit stones in a few months, it could be considered a significant amount of wealth. However, for Lei Kongming, it only lasts for a single cultivation session, which is around 7 hours.

The main reason for this is that most of the Qi is absorbed by his golden finger, a strange black orb floating within his soul. This leaves him with less than 10% of the Qi obtained from all those spirit stones. Additionally, the Immortal cultivation technique requires extremely pure Qi, requiring him to refine this Qi through hundreds of rounds. This left him with even less Qi that he could use to improve his cultivation.

Speaking of the golden finger, he recalls that in his second life, just before he completely lost control and went crazy, he was looking at a broken pendant. He still can't remember how he found it, but he feels that it was very precious to him.

The structure appears odd with its 'x' shape, yet it seems that the four empty spaces within the 'x' should contain something, yet they are missing.

After his vitality is exhausted and his life comes to an end, that broken pendant transforms into a black orb and absorbs his soul.