Black Dragon Immortal Arts

He vividly recalls the moment when his black orb flashed brightly, he lost his consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself reincarnated as a child. However, unlike those typical scenarios described in popular novels on Earth, he didn't occupy the body of the child but rather, he was reincarnated within the fetus and born like any other ordinary child.

The only unfortunate part during that time was that he had lost all of his memory. However, despite this, he possessed amazing intelligence and strength. He began walking just when he was one month old and was speaking by the time he reached three months.

He gained the title of genius among all the clan members, and thanks to his amazing talent, his father Lei Ying effortlessly became patriarch of the clan, despite his reputation as a playboy.

He still recalls the moment when he was just a few days old, he heard his parents' ragged breathing and gasps from the bed. At that time, he didn't understand what they were doing due to his loss of memory, but he still felt extremely embarrassed and annoyed. So, he simply started crying... and his mother swiftly came running toward him to comfort him.

"Hehehe, I don't know how many times he has destroyed the good deeds of his father."

In this world, people refrain from starting cultivation until their spiritual roots have fully matured. Immature spiritual roots can easily get damaged, and repairing them is extremely challenging and expensive. The higher the quality of spiritual roots the more difficult it is to be repaired.

For many people, their spiritual roots typically mature around the age of 12. However, some exceptional geniuses may require additional time to develop their spiritual roots, sometimes their spiritual roots will not reach maturity until the age of 14 or even 15 due to the need for extra nourishment.

Consuming herbs and pills to nourish the spiritual root may accelerate its maturation or even improve its grade, but it requires careful handling. Excessive consumption of pills can easily harm the spiritual roots due to overnourishment, spiritual roots are exceptionally sensitive and fragile until fully matured.

In most cases, people tend to focus only on enhancing the grade of their spiritual roots and do not seek to mature them quickly. After all, with more time available, they can deliver more significant nourishment to their spiritual roots, thus increasing the likelihood of improving the grade of their spiritual roots. Even if the grade of the spiritual root has not increased, a properly nourished spiritual root is stronger and can help individuals cultivate faster.

It was only when he turned 15 that his parents finally allowed him to cultivate. Despite his age, his spiritual roots appeared immature, which was unexpected. However, they proved to be unexpectedly stronger than most fully matured high-grade spiritual roots. Thus, his parents no longer stopped him from cultivating.

Due to his strange spiritual roots, his parents cannot calculate its grade accurately, but most of the tests indicate that he possesses at least a high-grade spiritual root.

The initial cultivation step requires condensing a wisp of Qi within his body through the breathing technique. There are no strict requirements regarding the level of the breathing technique used at this stage because the breathing technique only helps with sensing and consensing the Qi. What truly matters is the cultivation technique used after you have successfully condensed a wisp of Qi.

You can use any breathing technique to condense a wisp of Qi. However, the time it takes varies for each individual. Some can condense the Qi on their first day, while others may require several weeks or even months to accomplish this step.

A general rule of thumb is that people with a high-grade spiritual root can condense a wisp of Qi within three days. For those with a middle-grade spiritual root, this process typically takes between five to fifteen days, whereas those with a low-grade spiritual root require at least twenty days to condense a wisp of Qi or even a month.

The time required to condense a wisp of Qi can be reduced by using certain pills, but most people avoid doing this due to the risk of damaging their spiritual roots. These pills help them in sensing Qi by overstimulating their spiritual roots.

Only after they had condensed their first wisp of Qi did they have the ability to use any cultivation technique and become a 1st level of Qi refining.

He starts his cultivation by using his family's breathing technique. 

*Breath In*


*Breath Out*

*Breath In*


*Breath Out*

After he started using the breathing exercise, he was able to condense a wisp of Qi within the time it takes to make a cup of tea, which shocked him. But he soon found that this wisp of Qi was colliding with something in his body and was getting dissipated.

Since he is still a mortal without any cultivation, he can't locate or see the object at which his Qi is colliding. At first, he panicked because his parents had never told him about this type of situation. He decided to try condensing the Qi again, but the condensed Qi had the same fate as the previous one, and it also collided with something and got dissipated.


After checking the time, he realized that only a quarter of an hour had passed since he started cultivating. Therefore, he decided to try for at least three days. If there is no result by then, he will talk to his parents about this problem.

Finally, after two whole days, his perseverance paid off. As soon as his Qi collided, a book emerged from his chest.


He quickly took off his clothes and checked his chest, but he found that it didn't have any signs of injury.

"How did this book come out of my chest? No, more importantly, how did this book enter my body? Who put this in?"

Even though he was confused, he still picked up the book to take a look. The first thing that caught his attention was the name of the book: "Black Dragon Immortal Arts."

Turning the page, he was drawn to a line containing the words "becoming a eunuch."


He throws the book onto the floor.

"What type of broken Immortal Art is this? Since it was so well-hidden and had the word 'Immortal' in its name, I thought that it was an extraordinary technique. But in the end, it needs a eunuch."


After some time, he decided to take another look at the Black Dragon Immortal Arts. If it really requires him to become a eunuch, then it is impossible for him to cultivate this technique himself. However, he can exchange it for something better in the future.

Upon closer inspection of the entire page, he discovered that things were slightly different The Black Dragon Immortal Arts is divided into many sections. The first section contains the Black Dragon cultivation technique. However, for the other sections, he can't understand them. Although I can read what is written in the other sections, he can't grasp their meaning. It's as if some force is preventing his mind from understanding it. Not only that, he will soon forget what he has just read.

Returning to the first section of the Black Dragon Immortal Arts, which contains the cultivation technique, he can only comprehend the first two pages. The first page contains a warning, while the second page describes the Qi refining chapter of the cultivation technique.

[Warning: This technique can only be cultivated by males and is highly domineering and yang in nature. Those who cultivate it will develop a strong desire for dual cultivation. However, due to its overwhelming power, if you cannot control it, no female cultivator will be able to withstand even a single strike from you, leaving you with a sensation similar to that of becoming a eunuch.]

"....It appears that I have mistakenly blame this cultivation technique. What does a man desire most? It is to become invincible both in the world and within his family—able to defeat his enemies and satisfy his wife in bed."

After carefully reading the Qi refining chapter, he doesn't waste any time and starts using the breathing technique to condense the wisp of Qi. This time, his Qi didn't collide with anything, and he was able to condense the Qi wisp without any problem.

Looking at the strong wisp of Qi condensed by him, he nodded in satisfaction. Perhaps it was due to his special spiritual root, or maybe it was because his Qi had dissipated in his body for hundreds of times due to collisions with the Book, but the wisp of Qi he condensed felt incredibly refined, not weaker than the Qi of those at the 1st level of the Qi refining realm.

After that, he quickly exits the cultivation room and announces that he has successfully condensed the wisp of Qi to his parents and clan elders.