
After Ye Qingqing left, he quickly carried Lei Longwei on his back and took him directly home to see Lei Shilong.

As expected, after hearing about what Lei Longwei had done, Lei Shilong's face turned black. However, upon seeing the unconscious Lei Longwei, he still decided to call the doctor for a checkup first before punishing Lei Longwei.

At this time, Lei Kongming is standing in front of Lei Longwei's room with Lei Shilong, waiting for the doctor to complete Lei Longwei's checkup.

To avoid any troubles and rumors, Lei Shilong had already asked all the maids and servants to leave Lei Longwei's courtyard.


A soft click echoed as the door swung open, revealing an old man who is also the fifth elder of the clan and an alchemist.

"Brother Chen, how is Longwei? Is everything fine?"

Hearing Lei Shilong's question as his voice filled with worry, hesitation flashed through Lei Chen's eyes.

 "Brother Shi..... I'm afraid that ....even if all the prostitutes danced naked in front of nephew Long, he would no longer react." 

"What!!" X2

"How is this possible? Ye QingQing is already engaged to Lei LongWei. Even if she's angry with his behavior, she wouldn't be this heavy-handed."

"I understand, Brother Shi, but based on my years of experience, Nephew Long's condition has been established, and it is not advisable to forcefully intervene."

Soon a strange silence spread among the three of them. Lei Kongming felt a little regretful. He should not have been so engrossed in watching his cousin's drama and should have tried to protect him instead.

"Uncle Chen, is there any way to heal Brother Long?"

"No, forcefully breaking the secret technique will only cause Nice Qing to have a backlash. It is also not advisable, as this is a quarrel between couples."

"Secret technique? Quarrels between couples?" x2

"Don't I just tell you that Nephew Long can no longer get an erection, It is because Niece Qing used a secret technique to seal his sexual desire."

Once again, a strange silence spread between the three of them.

"Lei! Chen! Are you intentionally playing with me, or do you believe it's wrong that I don't have any heart disease preventing you from draining my money?"

At this point, Lei Kongming deeply agrees with Lei Shilong. He also thinks that Uncle Chen is intentionally teasing Uncle Shi.

Upon hearing Lei Shilong's impolite words, Lei Chen frowned and asked in a slightly stern tone.

"Brother Shi, I don't understand. What are you trying to say? I have just clearly explained to you about nephew Long's situation."

"Then what do you mean by 'Nephew Long's condition has been established'?"

"The secret technique known as 'Buddha Mind' has been fully applied to Nephew Long. Unless Niece is willing to remove it, Nephew Long will find it difficult to remove on his own."

At this point, Lei Shilong takes a deep breath to calm down. Without further arguing with Lei Chen, he enters the room to meet his 'eunuch' son, with Lei Kongming following closely behind.

Upon entering the room, Lei Kongming noticed that Lei Longwei was looking at them with a very unnatural expression and he could also understand the reason behind it. After all, Lei Longwei had been knocked unconscious due to a kick to his balls, and his cousin had to carry him back to his parents, which was very embarrassing. 

It doesn't end there, as Lei Shilong had to call the doctor to examine his reproductive organs. Even though he was unconscious at the time, and the doctor is an old man, having one's reproductive organs checked by a doctor is embarrassing for anyone. On top of that, the doctor is actually his uncle.

In the near future, Lei Longwei will likely take a detour if he finds Lei Chen anywhere and will avoid facing him at all costs.

"Dad, how is my....condition?"

"Don't worry, your future is bright. Even if you're unable to pass the Purple Cloud Palace selection, you don't have to worry because you can easily secure a job as a eunuch in the Imperial Palace."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Lei LongWei's expression improved, but upon hearing the complete sentence, his face turned pale.

"Dad, stop joking... Tell me the truth. Otherwise, I will complain to Mom. She will be coming this time to supervise the selection of the Purple Cloud Palace."

"I'm not joking. At least you can consider yourself half a eunuch according. According to your Uncle Chen, Niece Qing has used a secret technique to seal your sexual desire and unless she is willing, it is difficult for you to remove it yourself. Also, the clan will not interfere in this matter between you and Ye Qingqing. As for how to make Niece Qing remove it, think about it yourself."

After hearing that Lei LongWei was going to sue him, Lei Shilong stopped teasing Lei LongWei. After explaining his condition to Lei LongWei, he quickly left, possibly because Lei Chen was still waiting at the door and he needed to attend to the guest and settle the fees.

Lei LongWei's mother is also a very fierce personality. She is a body cultivator, and what she likes most is to punch, whether it is an object or a person—it does not matter. She is also an outer-door elder of Purple Cloud Plane, and from Lei LongWei's conversation just now, it seems that she is responsible for the selection of disciplines from Xiangyun City this time.

Lei Shilong was actually also a disciple of the Purple Cloud Palace, but unlike his wife, he decided to return to his hometown and take care of his family instead of staying and being an outer-door elder.

"Brother Long, are you okay? Your face looks pale. Actually, you should be happy, at least this is just temporary, unlike those unlucky ghosts that have become real eunuchs."

"Temporary?... Brother Kong, how do you think I should convince that volatile maniac to remove this seal? Is it even possible to convince her?"

Lei Longwei's expression continues to remain pale as if the world has collapsed around him.

"Don't worry, I know. Sister Qing told me that if you don't want to sleep during the bridal chamber, you should be able to defeat her."

When Ye QingQing requested him to inform Lei Longwei about this, he initially thought it was mere drama, where parents force their daughter into marriage. Since she is unwilling, she resorts to threatening her future husband of being unable to do anything during the bridal chamber. However, upon observing Lei Longwei's condition now.....

'You can't touch me, and you're also not allowed to touch others.'

"Eh? When did she tell you this?"

"When she knocked you unconscious. Eh? Brother Long, where are you going? Currently, you can't defeat Sister Qing, You are far from being her opponent. Don't be impulsive."

"I am going to the Imperial Palace to apply for a job. Brother Kong, good luck with the Purple Cloud Palace selection."


Lei Kongming was shocked, but he moved to hold Lei LongWei down and tried to motivate him to work harder for a better future, like those teachers in his previous life on Earth who didn't help at all.

"Brother Long, there is still hope. Do you remember the wine given to you by the patriarch? It is actually a second-grade spiritual wine. After you completely digest it, you will at least reach the 9th level of the Qi refining realm."