Dragon Blood Grass

Lei Kongming is currently roaming at the market outside the Jade River Mountain. Honestly, he doesn't really have any good plan to get the Azure Dew Flower from the rabbits.

Even though Lei Kongming is confident in his ability to obtain the Azure Dew Flower through brute force, the formation set up by Purple Cloud Mountain presents a challenge. If the formation detects a force as strong as that of foundation building, then they will send guards to check, and if the guards have malicious intentions, he will not only lose the flowers but also likely face fines.

Suddenly, Lei Kongming's eyes fell on Dragon Blood Grass. Although it has 'dragon blood' in its name, it does not have anything to do with dragons. This common herb can be found at the foot of Jade River Mountain and is mainly used as an aphrodisiac by mortals and low-level Qi refining cultivators. Because it is very common and has very little effect on mid-level Qi refining cultivators or above, it can be purchased with mortal silver.

Lei Kongming suddenly feels that it may have an amazing effect on the rabbits, and then he realizes that it is related to intuition like a memory from his second life.

"Fellow Taoist, do you have Dragon Blood Water?"

Dragon Blood Water is extracted from Dragon Blood Grass, making it easy to transport and consume. After all, it is better and quicker to drink a few drops of Dragon Blood Water than to chew grass.

"Young master, you've come to the right place. I have one of the highest quality Dragon Blood Waters. How much do you want?"

"20 bottles," Lei Kongming replied confidently.


"I said 20 bottles"

"Sure, sure, young master. Give me a minute"

After some time, the stall owner handed Lei Kongming a large jute bag containing 20 bottles of Dragon Blood Water while asking with some hesitation, "Young master, I hope you know the side effects of Dragon Blood Water?"

"Side effects? What side effects?" Lei Kongming asked, surprised.

".....After the effects of Dragon Blood Water wear off, you will experience a period of weakness. Consuming too much may even damage your foundation"

After hearing that it would cause "a period of weakness," Lei Kongming's eyes started shining, but he quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Seeing Lei Kongming's eyes shining, the stall owner thought either he had some strange hobbies or he wasn't going to use the Dragon Blood Water for any normal purpose.

After showing his family token and asking the stall owner to send the bill to the Lei family, he left.

What Lei Kongming did not know is that Dragon Blood Grass works by amplifying yang energy, much like dipping water in hot oil. However, after the effects wear off, people will experience a period of weakness. The reason it does not work well on practitioners and beasts with mid-level Qi refining or higher is because they have stronger control over their body and Qi compared to mortals and early-level Qi refining cultivators.

But if a strong cultivator at the peak of the Qi refining realm were to, for some reason, lose control of their yang Qi and consume Dragon Blood Grass, its effects would be no less than that of a foundation-building level aphrodisiac.

As for the rabbits, they are inherently lustful and have little to no control over their yang Qi. This is why Dragon Blood Grass is very suitable to cause chaos among rabbits.

After that, Lei Kongming looked around and purchased a few other items. He asked the stall owner to send the bill to the Lei family before re-entering the Jade Mountain range.

Of course, the family will deduct the money from his next month's resources that he will be allocated. As for the dragon blood water, it was purchased using silver, so it is not a problem. However, for other things, he has to use spirit stones, which are causing him pain.

Soon, Lei Kongming found a small cliff a few meters high some distance away from the burrow, and started digging a big hole just below the cliff.

He pulled out several dozens of quills from his bag. These quills were collected from porcupines with the strength equivalent to early-level Qi refining realm beasts. They are easy to purchase, cheap, and durable. Many high-grade arrows are made from these quills.

After Lei Kongming lays the quills vertically in the hole, he pours 12 to 15 bottles of dragon blood water on them. Then, he covers the hole with large grasses.

Lei Kongming plans to get rid of the leader rabbit by using a smaller exit hole from the burrow, preferably one used by adult rabbits so that there is enough space for him to run. After that, he intends to lure the remaining pursuers to the cliff and jump down while avoiding his trap.

Although the quills he laid can only inflict slight injuries on adult rabbits, his goal is to inject a large amount of dragon blood water through those injuries. If any adult rabbits continue to pursue him after this point, he plans to hunt them down to get his investment back.

Although plans can be good, sometimes they can't keep up with changes. As Lei Kongming approached the burrow, he could feel powerful fluctuations of fighting from a distance. 

Judging from the intensity, he could feel that it was a fight at the foundation-building level. One aura belonged to the leader rabbit, and as for the other, it was probably a disciple of the Purple Cloud Palace, as he could see flashes of sword light.

Lei Kongming didn't bother to watch the excitement and quickly entered the burrow, silently praying that the Purple Cloud disciple hadn't obtained the Azure Dew Flower yet.

As Lei Kongming approached the exit, he slowed down and cautiously peeked his head out.

What came into his view was 10 adult rabbits and 50 young rabbits thrashing... I mean fighting 3 Qi-Refining cultivators of the Purple Cloud Palace.

As for the Azure Dew Fruit, it was guarded by just some young rabbits. It could be said that as long as he wanted, he could acquire all the Azure Dew Flowers. But the problem was that... he was wearing his clan uniform.

Wearing his clan uniform usually helps him deter some robbers, but now that he wants to take the Azure Dew Flower under the nose of the Purple Cloud Palace, it has the opposite effect.

If he snatched the Azure Dew Flower today while wearing his clan uniform, then tomorrow they would come to his house to ask for an explanation.

After hesitating for a moment, Lei Kongming gritted his teeth and pulled out all the remaining bottles of dragon blood water from the bag. Then, taking a deep breath and gritting his teeth once more, he began to remove his clothes. He carefully rolled up his clothes along with his sword and then placed them inside the bag.

Finally, he wore the bag over his face, making sure there were holes for his eyes to see through.

At this point, he was completely naked, with only his face covered with a bag.

'Wealth and danger coexist together. If I can obtain all the azure dew flowers, then I will take a step closer to the foundation-building stage. However, if I get caught, I will face complete social death.'