Su Zhiyuan

Lei Kongming is currently seated in a carriage with Lei Longwei, pulled by two strong horses. These are not ordinary horses, but Qi-refining beasts typically reserved for elders. However, due to their selection for the Purple Cloud Palace, the clan has permitted them to use these horses.

After bidding farewell to his parents and the elders of the clan, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei departed the next morning. There were also a few other members of the clan heading to the Purple Cloud Palace to participate in the next step of selection, but they had already left early. Thus, at this time, only Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei were using the carriage.

At this time, he is wearing a second-grade full-body soft leather armor that attracts envious glances from Lei Longwei from time to time. Lei Kongming specifically asked his parents for this armor after hearing about the previous year's test, where the Purple Cloud Palace used Sword Qi Wind.

There were mainly two reasons for this. Firstly, due to the Black Dragon Immortal Arts, he is still unable to use a space ring. If, by any chance, his clothes are destroyed during the test, the Black Dragon Immortal Arts will be exposed, which would be very dangerous for him. In his opinion, if the Purple Cloud Palace were to discover the Black Dragon Immortal Arts, it would not be him going to the Purple Cloud Palace, but rather the Purple Cloud Palace coming after him.

The second reason is that whenever he thinks of his clothes being destroyed or removed, he remembers what happened at Rabbit Burrow in Jade River Mountain, which left him with a psychological shadow. Now, he will not remove his underwear even when taking a bath.

"Brother Kong, your parents really treat you very well. You already had a second-grade sword, and now they've even given you a second-grade armor."

"Brother Long, although I am using this sword and armor, they still belong to the clan. They were not given to me for free, the clan expects me to obtain resources to support the clan once I have enough strength."

"Why did I only receive a sword from the clan while you have received both a sword and armor?"

"Oh? That's because I am stronger than you," replied Lei Kongming with his signature teasing smile.

"Lei! Kong! Ming! Why don't we compete? It will become clear who is stronger and who is weaker."

"Alright, alright, it's little Long who is stronger," said Lei Kongming while waving his hand.

"Lei Kongming! The Patriarch already held a Guan Li ceremony in the morning on the day you exited your seclusion. In fact, the ceremony had just ended an hour before you came to my father's courtyard. So, now I am also considered an adult according to the clan rules."


"Brother Kong, why haven't we encountered any bandits...?"

"Eh? Why do you want to encounter bandits?"

"I was just thinking about those stories that the storyteller at the tea shop tells, where a beauty is chased by bandits, and a hero comes to defeat the bandits and win the heart of the beauty," said Lei Longwei with a longing expression.

"?" Lei Kongming looked confused as he looked at Lei Longwei's expression.

"Brother Long, I never realized you were into those 'hero saves the beauty' stories. How about this: after we meet Sister Qing at the Purple Cloud Palace, I'll ask her to pretend she's being attacked by bandits, and you can play the hero and save her?"

However, upon hearing Lei Kongming mention Ye QingQing, Lei Longwei's expression soured. He remembered that although his crime tool is still with him, it is already been sealed, and now he was not much different from a eunuch.


"What was that?"



At first, Lei Kongming thought that the carriage had crashed into something, but soon he realized that the trees, road, and even the mountain were shaking as if an earthquake were happening.

Lei Kongming was not puzzled for long because as he exited the carriage, he found the reason for this. He sensed two extremely powerful auras colliding with each other, which were probably caused by a fight between powerful cultivators.

Looking at the damage caused by them, Lei Kongming realized that they were at least Golden Core realm cultivators, and more importantly, they were not far away from him.

At this distance, any cultivator of the 7th level or higher in the Foundation Building realm can sense them, let alone these two Golden Core cultivators.

"Su Zhiyuan! How dare you attack me? Do you think you can get away with this?"

"Sect Master Duan, it was you who provoked me. Why are you trying to make excuses now?"

"Snort. Su Zhiyuan, don't force me to call for reinforcements, otherwise, you will regret it soon."

"Jiejiejie, it seems Sect Master Duan thinks he can avoid my fist."

Lei Kongming could still hear their conversation, but he didn't bother to listen any further. Instead, he pulled Lei Longwei while running away from the two Golden Core cultivators. He also abandoned the carriage because it, along with the horses, was very big and easy to locate from a distance.

"Brother Kong, I can run by myself. Stop carrying me."

"You're too slow," said Lei Kongming.


Suddenly, the small mountain in front of them crumbled, showering them with rocks and soil.

*Cough* *Cough*

Lei Longwei crawled out from a small pile of rocks as he dusted off his clothes. He is slightly injured, but most of the injuries are just superficial. He was able to survive because only some mud and small rocks came in his direction. He also wore first-grade armor, although it is not as good as Lei Kongming's, it can still provide good protection.

"Brother Kong, where are you?"

Lei Longwei waved away the thick dust floating in the air as he searched for Lei Kongming.

"Brother KONG!!!" Lei Longwei screamed.

Lei Longwei was shocked as he discovered Lei Kongming lying under a bunch of big rocks, covered in blood.

Lei Longwei rushes toward Lei Kongming while shouting, "Brother Kong! You can't die, Brother Kong!"

"Brother Kong, wake up. If you die, then who will compete with me?"

"Brother Kong, wake up. I will stop spreading the rumor about you practicing a cultivation technique that requires you to be a eunuch."[1]

"So, it was you who was spreading those rumors," said Lei Kongming as he opened his eyes, covered with blood, and glared fiercely at Lei Longwei.

"Brother Kong, you are still alive. Take these healing pills."

Lei Longwei gives a bottle of pills as he tries to pull Lei Kongming out from under the rocks.

"Who's dead, you idiot... wait, stop pulling! I'm faking my death."

"Faking it?"

Lei LongWei was bewildered when he heard this. Golden core cultivators were fighting nearby, and instead of running away, you're trying to fake your death.

"Brother Long, this whole area is covered by a formation, and we cannot escape. It is better to fake our deaths and make the Golden Core cultivators think that we are dead, so they leave without checking on us."


Lei Longwei was dumbfounded as he heard this. Silently, he lay beside Lei Kongming and covered himself with rocks. He also forcefully reopened his wounds to bleed and covered himself in blood.