Butcher Shop

"Brother Kong, I asked you to kill the wild boars outside the city, and I will keep the corpses in my storage ring. But you didn't listen, and now you are taking me to roam around the city on these boars."

"Brother Long, why are you so impatient? I am trying to find a place to get rid of them."

"Get rid of them?" Hearing this, Lei Longwei's mood became even more annoyed.

"Brother Kong, why don't we just find a deserted alley and dispose of them?"

"Found it? Brother Long, let's go and get rid of these boars."


Lei Longwei looks up at the shop signboard, which reads "butcher shop," and becomes annoyed once again.

"Brother Kong, even if you want to sell them, we can just sell the corpses. Why bother bringing them alive and attracting strange glances from everywhere?"

Lei Kongming sighed and said, "Brother Long, you don't understand. Most butcher shops have friendly relations with animal farms, so they purchase living animals that are not locally available for a higher price."

"Brother Kong, they are just some wild boars."

"But these types of boars are not commonly found around here," replied Lei Kongming with a smile.

"Brother Kong, our Lei family is not short of money. Those horses lost by us may cost several dozen times more than these wild boars."

Lei Kongming looked at Lei Longwei with a look that conveyed his disappointment, akin to hating iron for not becoming steel.

"Brother Long, you should understand the difference between the clan's money and our own money. Otherwise, you will become one of those corrupted elders who only know how to exploit the younger generation."

Of course, Lei Kongming doesn't tell him that he is very poor now. Aside from the sword and armor given by the clan, he only has three mind-calming pills, and even the Black Dragon Immortal Arts were taken back by Su Zhiyuan.

Now, if we exclude the sword, armor, and the pills he is saving for his breakthrough, then he is even poorer than the beggars in the city because at least they have some broken spirit stones.

"Shopkeeper, how much will you buy these two wild boars for?" asked Lei Kongming as he looked at the plain-looking shop.

"Given that both boars are at the 4th level of the Qi Refining Realm, we can offer 20 spirit stones for the male boar and around 23 spirit stones for the female."

Lei Kongming frowned and said, "Shopkeeper, these are not some farmed-raised boars; we have captured them directly from the wild forest. Catching them alive is not easy."

"Hm, we can offer you 30 spirit stones for the male and 33 spirit stones for the female, making a total of 63 spirit stones."

"75 spirit stones."

"No, 65 spirit stones. That's our final price."

Lei Kongming thought for a moment and finally agreed to 65 spirit stones.

"Brother Long, here are 15 spirit stones, which is your share."

Lei Longwei looks at the 15 spirit stones in his hand and then at Lei Kongming, who happily pockets 50 spirit stones.

"Brother Kong, why do I only get 15 spirit stones even though it was me who discovered the boars first?"

"Because it was me who negotiated with the shopkeeper to sell them, so it is considered a middleman profit," answered Lei Kongming, sounding like a qualified capitalist.

Lei Longwei fell silent and said, "Then, since Brother Kong has made a huge profit, you will be paying for the inn and food."

Hearing this, Lei Kongming froze and then suggested with great enthusiasm, "Brother Long, I think you have also contributed a lot in capturing these boars. Why don't we split it equally?"

"No, Brother Kong, you should keep it. After all, you have to pay for the inn and food," said Lei Longwei as he ran towards a nearby deserted alley to change his black clothes and mask.

"Brother Long, wait, listen to me."


At this time, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei are having their breakfast. After selling the boars, they start searching for an inn, but due to the Purple Cloud Palace selection, most of them are already fully booked.

After much searching, they finally found an inn with available rooms, only to discover that it was actually a den for robbers, not a proper inn.

Normally, it would only cost around 1 spirit stone to book a room in this type of inn for a day. However, this inn owner is asking for 5 spirit stones, claiming that it is the normal price.

Finally, Lei Kongming gritted his teeth and paid 15 spirit stones to book the room for three days. Otherwise, they would have to sleep on the streets, using the earth as a mattress and the sky as a quilt. It would be great if there were a beauty to accompany him in a wild forest, but who would want to accompany Lei Longwei on the streets like this?

What's even more infuriating is that the innkeeper said that breakfast and dinner would be included, but what they got for breakfast was a few buns and a glass of water. Even the servants in their Lei family don't eat such a bland breakfast. Lei Kongming even wonders whether the innkeeper's ancestors used to be slave dealers.

"Brother Long, why don't we investigate the innkeeper and see if he is related to slave dealers?"

"Brother Kong, buying and selling slaves is a capital crime in the Wei Empire. If the innkeeper is really related, then the Purple Cloud Palace must have already cleaned him up. So, stop trying to cause trouble, and let's look for information related to the selection process."

After eating the bun, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei walk out of the inn and start looking for information separately.


Lei Kongming is walking through the market when he found a stall that said "weight loss pill," and there is a big line in front of the stall. What is even more strange is that all the customers had a normal build and didn't seem to need any weight loss pills. However, his attention was soon attracted by the owner of the stall.

Then he looked at the signboard and carefully read it, confirming that it said "weight loss pill."

Then he once again looked at the stall owner. After doing this three or four times, Lei Kongming finally walked up to the stall owner and asked, "Boss, do your pills really work?"

"Don't worry, young master. I can guarantee that they not only work but work very well."

"But looking at your size and weight, it doesn't seem like it has had any effect. You are as fat as a balloon, and from a distance, you look no different from a wild boar."

"Young Master! You can insult me, but not my pills. All these pills are made through the hard work of my master, and their efficiency is guaranteed," shouted the stall owner angrily.

Lei Kongming had a suspicious expression as he looked at the fat stall owner and asked, "Then why is the boss still like this?"

The stall owner's face turned red as he said, "I don't meet the requirements to take the pills."

Lei Kongming looked surprised and thought, 'Does this pill have a cultivation level requirement?'

Lei Kongming carefully looked at the bottle containing pills and found a tiny label at the bottom of the bottle that said,

[Warning: Never take these pills without your Taoist companion nearby! They're potent medicines that can make you as strong as a bull. Side effects may include sudden weight loss!]

'Good guy, so you are actually selling aphrodisiac.'

Lei Kongming silently put the bottle back and left. His 'crotch cannon' was already very strong, and he didn't need these pills which could cause it to malfunction and shoot without control.