Trials of Perseverance

Currently, Peak Master Lu is trembling with anger. He doesn't know when was the last time he was so unlucky. Not only did the Purple Cloud Palace selection, for which he paid a high price to organize, get messed up but he was also scammed by Alchemy Peak. 

Previously, due to anxiety and impatience, he did not notice this, but now that the disciple has reminded him, he feels like razing Alchemy Peak to the ground.

He can also guess who is behind all of this. Now, he does not believe that the corrosive effect of melted metal was unintentionally caused by the Alchemy Peak. Despite the dissatisfaction of the Alchemy Peak elders with him, he knows that they wouldn't have dared to go as far as messing up the Purple Cloud Palace selection without the silent agreement of someone higher up

Few people in the Purple Cloud Palace have the strength and status to cause this much trouble without facing serious consequences. The only person he can think of, with both the motive and status to do this, is...the Peak Master of the Alchemy Peak

The more Peak Master Lu thinks about it, the angrier he becomes. Not only has the Peak Master of the Alchemy Peak taken advantage of him, but they have also dared to cause trouble and disrupt his important event.

The reason for the Alchemy Peak Master to do this is also easy to guess. During their younger years, the Alchemy Peak Master was known as the best alchemist of their generation, while Peak Master Lu was recognized as the strongest cultivator of their generation.

They once had a conflict in a brothel because they both chose the same woman. Since both of them were filled with their own arrogance, neither was willing to back down.

In the end, it was Peak Master Lu who kicked the Alchemy Peak Master, sending him flying through the wall. By coincidence, the Alchemy Peak Master landed in the backyard of a butcher shop where several sows were placed.

Since then, a rumor started circulating that Peak Master Lu had forced the Alchemy Peak Master to sleep with sows. Although most of their peers knew it was just a rumor, it didn't stop them from making fun of the Alchemy Peak Master.

Afterward, the Alchemy Peak Master tried to take revenge on him many times but never succeeded. However, he never imagined that after so many years, he would get his feet wet. Now, not only is the reputation of the 1st peak going to worse but his reputation will also be damaged.


Lei Kongming is now already at the top 100 stairs mark, with only 10 stairs remaining before reaching the peak. These last 10 stairs are different from the others because previously as soon as Lei Kongming steps on them, he receives a divine consciousness attack that throws him hundreds of stairs down.

It also makes him realize that it is impossible for anyone to cross the last 10 stairs without foundation-building cultivation. However, Lei Kongming is not an ordinary cultivator. He possesses a mysterious black orb. Although he cannot currently use it at his cultivation level, he still remembers that this black orb protected his soul from any damage during reincarnation.

Divine consciousness attack is also a kind of attack on the soul, so Lei Kongming is thinking that if he somehow directs the attack to the black orb, then maybe the black orb will passively defend itself, hence also protecting him because the orb has already merged with his soul.

Lei Kongming looks back and finds Lei Longwei, two 7th-level Qi refining cultivators, and an 8th-level Qi refining cultivator of the Lei Family have successfully entered the top 100 stairs mark, but the other two are not so lucky. The other 8th-level Qi refining cultivator slipped to the bottom and is still trying to catch up, while the other 7th-level Qi refining cultivator of the Lei Family seems to be stuck at the top 180 to 200 stairs and has given up.

Lei Kongming then looked toward the top and found that all five foundation-building cultivators, including Ye QingQing, had already reached the peak and are standing behind the old man.

Lei Kongming took a deep breath and decided to try the Divine consciousness attack a few times to understand how to direct it towards the black orb. But as soon as he lifted his leg…

"Stop! Time's up! Everyone, stay still and don't move!"


'You didn't tell us about this at the beginning.'

Lei Kongming has the urge to curse, but looking at the powerful aura of the old man, he wisely decides to keep his mouth shut. At this time, the rain also stops, which allows everyone to relax as they sit down directly due to fatigue.

Lei Kongming can control his mouth, but that doesn't mean others can do the same. Soon, Lei Kongming can hear angry complaints from all over.

"You are blaming me for not telling you about the time limit? Then let me remind you of the basic rule of the world of immortal cultivation: life is always unpredictable here. You should not assume anything but carefully take precautions against it."

The old man then releases his powerful aura, making it difficult for everyone to breathe, and says,

"Our Purple Cloud Palace needs elites, not some brats who only know how to complain. So, if any of you still have a problem with this, then you can roll out of here directly!"

The old man waited for a few minutes but didn't see anyone leave, so he started announcing the results.

"Those in the top 150 stairs have passed and can participate in the next selection stage."

Once again, a commotion began because previously the old man had told them that only those in the top 100 stairs step would proceed further, but now he changed it to the top 150 stairs. The only difference this time is that no one dared to question the old man anymore.

"I know that quite a lot of you are feeling regretful now because you were not far from the top 150 stairs mark, but instead of trying further, you decided to give up. This shows that you have thoroughly failed this trials because you have failed to persevere and have given up halfway."

Many people are regretting giving up halfway, but now they can't do anything about it. Even the 7th-level Qi cultivator of the Lei family was very regretful because he could have struggled at that time and reached the top 150 stairs, but he gave up halfway.

"Now, for those below the top 150 steps but still within the top 500 steps, you still have a chance to proceed to the next selection stage. However, even if you pass the next stage, you can only become a handyman disciple of the Purple Cloud Palace. If you want to proceed further, then stay in your place; otherwise, you can leave directly."