You fifteen, follow me


After a long silence, Peak Master Chu sighed as he could already see his bleak future. He finally understood why former Peak Master Lu had abruptly decided to retire. By tomorrow, his reputation and that of the First Peak, which was already not very good, would likely become even worse. What was even worse was that he didn't want to become the Peak Master.

"Let's go, let's go and finish this unlucky trial quickly," Peak Master Chu said, waving his hand to gesture to the elder to bring the list of the trialists who were qualified to become Purple Cloud Palace disciples.



"I will be announcing the names. Please go and stand behind these disciples," Peak Master Chu gestured towards the empty space where a few Purple Cloud Palace disciples were standing.

"Brother Long, do you know why Purple Cloud Palace has such a strange trial that checks the character of the disciple? Other sects don't do this. As long as you have enough talent, you can enter. But here at Purple Cloud Palace, you also need to have good character along with talent," Lei Kongming asked while glancing at Lei Longwei from the corner of his eyes.

Lei Longwei now had two panda-like eyes, which looked very hilarious. 'I don't know which technique Sister Qing used to prevent Brother Long from healing his face, but it suits him very much. Hahaha,' he thought.

"I have heard that this rule was proposed by the current Palace Master a few years ago. It is said that he suffered a lot at the hands of some disciples during his younger years and now believes that people with bad character can bring disaster to Purple Cloud Palace sooner or later, so they should not be accepted....."

Lei Longwei suddenly stopped talking, noticing Lei Kongming shaking as he tried to suppress his smile. Anger flared in Lei Longwei's eyes as he stared at Lei Kongming, grinding his teeth.



At this point, Lei Kongming was finally unable to control himself. Lei Longwei's face had turned red with anger, but the area around his eyes was still black, making him look even funnier. Even Ye Qingqing and the Mei sisters, who were standing beside him, were also trying to suppress their smiles.

"Brother Long, haha, sorry… hahaha, I'm not laughing at you, I… hahaha, I just remembered something funny."

It would have been fine if he hadn't said anything, but now, hearing his lame excuse, Lei Longwei directly drew his sword.

"Lei! Kong! Ming! It's one thing for Sister Qing to beat me; after all, she is my future wife, and even my father usually gets beaten by my mother, but how can you..."

Lei Kongming didn't hear the rest of Lei Longwei's words. His mind was racing, realizing he might have uncovered the dark history of his Uncle Shi. Now, he even suspected that Uncle Shi had left Purple Cloud Palace to manage the Lei family out of fear of being beaten by Aunt Hu.

Suddenly, Lei Kongming, Lei Longwei, and even Ye Qingqing and the Mei sisters, who were shocked to hear the dark history of Uncle Shi, were enveloped by a very powerful aura.

"What is going on there? Have you forgotten that a solemn entrance ceremony is in progress?"

Peak master chu look at the Lei Kongming group in annoyance and ask in very displeased tone. He is already in a bad mood because of all the unlucky events happen during the trials but now even a group of brats don't pay attention to him starts laughing and fighting while he was announcing the results.

"Why are they making such a commotion?" asked Peak Master Lu while signaling to a person standing nearby to speak. Normally, he would ignore this type of thing, but now he wanted to punish these brats to calm his anger. Of course, in full view of the public, he needed a proper reason to punish them.

"Senior, they are discussing the family tradition of being beaten by their wives."



At this point, not only did Lei Kongming and his group feel extremely embarrassed, but even Peak Master Chu felt that he should not target these helpless men who get beaten by their wives, so he quietly ignored the incident and continued announcing the names.

Lei Kongming silently looked at the person who said this. He decided to remember his face and later let him know the consequence of talking too much.

Not long after Peak Master Chu finished announcing, he addressed the people standing behind the Purple Cloud Palace disciple, "Now all of you are qualified to become the handyman disciples of Purple Cloud Palace. Each handyman disciple can stay a maximum of 20 years in Purple Cloud Palace and will be given 5 chances to be promoted to the outer door. If you don't have any problem becoming a handyman disciple, then follow the Purple Cloud Palace disciple in front of you; otherwise, you can leave."

Peak Master Chu waited for some time, and then the Purple Cloud Palace disciple led the new handyman disciples to their designated quarters.

Afterward, Peak Master Chu started announcing names once again. This time, Lei Longwei's name was announced. However, neither Ye Qingqing, Lei Kongming, nor the Mei sisters were called.

Lei Longwei had anticipated that Ye Qingqing and Lei Kongming might directly enter the inner door, but what truly baffled him was that Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia were not called, despite their performance being better than most 8th-level Qi Refining realm cultivators.

At first, Lei Longwei thought they were rejected by the Purple Cloud Palace because their performance in the last trial might not have been very good. However, when he looked at their confident smiles, he realized that they might be selected for the inner door.

Lei Longwei smiled bitterly when he thought that these 7th-level Qi Refining Realm sisters would enter the inner door earlier than him. But then he quickly cheered himself up, filled with fighting spirit, thinking, 'Lei Longwei, Lei Longwei, get ready. It's not the time to be depressed. You have to defeat the egg-smashing witch and get your manhood back. Cheer up!'

"These people are selected for the outer door. If you don't have any objections, you can follow the Purple Cloud Palace disciple. If you have any questions, you can ask them. They will also distribute your identity token and uniform."

Peak Master Chu took a calming breath before speaking. "There are a total of fifteen people selected for the inner door. If your name is called, please stand behind me."

He began calling the names, starting with the five Foundation Building cultivators, including Ye QingQing, which was not surprising. He then called the remaining ten names, which included Lei Kongming, Lei Meiying, and Lei Meixia.

Peak Master Chu raised an eyebrow in mild surprise, noting that Lei Kongming and his friends had made it directly into the inner door.

'No wonder these brats were laughing and arguing without a hint of nervousness.' 

"The rest of you can leave and try again next time. You fifteen, follow me."