
Soon, Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia walked out of the fog. Their hair was still wet, and their clothes clung to their bodies, displaying their proud curves. 

This time, Lei Kongming learned from his previous mistake and looked away after a single glance, just waiting for them to turn their backs so he could admire... cough... investigate if their treasures would really become as big as his head in the future.

"Brother Kong, do you also want to take a bath?"

"No, Sister Meixia. I will wait until we finish building the house."

Lei Kongming kindly refused Lei Meixia and asked, "Sister Meiying, Sister Meixia, I think we should first cut the trees into the required shapes."

Both Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia agreed to Lei Kongming's suggestion, and they all started their work.

As Lei Kongming swung his sword, he couldn't help but sigh, "Sigh, if the ancestor of the Lei family knew that I am using this sword to cut trees and build a house, they might vomit blood in anger."

Although the Lei family is quite rich, second-grade treasures are still very valuable. Even the sword Lei Kongming received from the clan, previously belonged to one of the family ancestors.


Lei Kongming lay on his back, panting. Beside him, Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia were also panting and sweating heavily.

At this point, they had finished building the house, but when Lei Kongming looked at it..... he found three small primitive huts, each the size of a single room. They looked like wooden sticks buried in a round shape with roofs covered with leaves.

"Sister Meiying, Sister Meixia, I think we should find someone to help us build proper houses."

Both of them nodded as Lei Meiying asked, "Brother Kong, who should we look for?"

"Aunt Hu should have returned to Purple Cloud Palace. We can ask for her help, but I don't know how to contact her."

"Brother Kong, I have heard that identity tokens can be used to contact other disciples and elders as long as they are inside the Purple Cloud Palace protection formation."


"Brother Kong?" Seeing Lei Kongming remaining silent, Lei Meiying asked in puzzlement.

"Sister Meiying, I suddenly realized that we have not received our identity tokens."



"Maybe we will receive them tomorrow," said Lei Meixia, who had been silently listening to the conversation between Lei Kongming and Lei Meiying.

"But shouldn't we have received them as soon as we became Purple Cloud Palace disciples?"



Lei Kongming just took a small bath in the lake and entered his newly made house... hut. Inside, it had just one room with a futon, which he got from the Mei sisters and is placed on the floor.

"I don't know how much the dense concentration of Qi here will increase my cultivation speed," he wondered.

Lei Kongming sat on the futon and started his daily cultivation. Soon, he began devouring the Qi from the surroundings. At first, it didn't seem out of the ordinary, but soon a vortex of Qi was created around him.

Previously, when he was at the Lei family mansion, no matter how hard he practiced, it would not create such a phenomenon. But here, at the 8th peak, because of the dense concentration of Qi, Lei Kongming's powerful absorption created a vortex.

"Huh?" Su Zhiyuan suddenly noticed the vortex of Qi and was surprised.

"I nearly forgot that the black orb of Xiao Ming also needs a lot of Qi," Said Su Zhiyuan as she activated the Qi gathering formation. The concentration of Qi near Su Zhiyuan's house soared. Lei Kongming's and the Mei sisters' houses were also inside the Qi gathering formation, so the concentration of Qi there increased as well.

After a long time, the Qi in Lei Kongming's body started to condense into liquid. This was a sign of a breakthrough to the foundation-building realm, which delighted him. However, suddenly, the black orb started spinning, and all the Qi that he had condensed into liquid was absorbed by it.

Seeing this, Lei Kongming got angry and wanted to scold the black orb, but he couldn't afford to get distracted at this critical moment. Otherwise, his breakthrough might fail, potentially injuring him.

Lei Kongming began running the Black Dragon Immortal Arts and continued to condense the Qi into the liquid while the black orb continued to absorb the Qi he was condensing. Inside Lei Kongming's body, it seemed like a battle between him and the black orb, each trying to see who was faster.

Soon because of Qi gathering formation, Lei Kongming began condensing the Qi faster than the black orb could absorb it. After an unknown amount of time, Lei Kongming was finally able to completely condense all the Qi in his body into liquid and then...


Lei Kongming successfully broke through to the foundation-building realm. The breakthrough also started nourishing his body. At this time, Lei Kongming felt as if his body was being gently massaged, which made him very sleepy. A lot of impurities also began to be expelled from his body, making him healthier.

Even his bones started to transform, but this woke Lei Kongming up because it felt like his bones were being replaced by lava. He tried his best not to scream. 

Suddenly, the black orb released a gentle black light, which not only removed the pain he was experiencing but also made him feel like he was taking a hot shower on a cold winter day.

Lei Kongming's body began a new round of transformation. Not only did more impurities start expelling from his body and bones, but his spiritual roots also began transforming. His spiritual roots, which were already of high grade, started improving.

The improvement of his spiritual root was different from that of his body because, unless someone was willing to pay a high price to buy all kinds of spiritual herbs, it was generally impossible to improve their spiritual root.

This amazed Lei Kongming as he discovered that the black orb was more than just a gold-swallowing beast. Just the effect of improving his spiritual root made him realize that all the previous hardships he had encountered because of the black orb were worth it.

Suddenly, new memories started coming into his head as if the wall hiding them had been torn apart.