Twilight Blossom Embrace

Slowly, a stiff smile appears on Lei Meiying's face as she looks at Su Zhiyuan, who has been digging through her space rings for a long time.

"Where did I keep it... it should be in one of these space rings?" mutter Su Zhiyuan

"Elder Su, how about I come back later?"

"No! Wait a minute, I have them somewhere in these space rings... found it!"

Lei Meiying breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Su Zhiyuan taking a bunch of purple tokens out of her space ring. Su Zhiyuan then uses some unknown technique to engrave their names on the tokens.

"Here, drop some blood on it."

Lei Meiying follows Su Zhiyuan's instructions and discovers that she now has an inexplicable connection with her identity token.

"Go and send Lei Meixia here."

Lei Meiying runs towards the door with hurried steps, feeling that Su Zhiyuan is not in a good mood.

"Wait! Why are you running away?" asks Su Zhiyuan with a smile that was not a smile.

"Uh? Elder Su… I was going to call Lei Meixia so as not to delay you."

"Oh? By the way, Lei Meiying, this burned hall is quite dirty, right?"

"Burned? Dirty? Elder Su, how could this magnificent hall be considered burned?"

Lei Meiying wisely decided to forget about the burned hall she saw, and this really did help her escape a beating as Su Zhiyuan's expression improved.

Lei Meiying walks out of Su Zhiyuan's courtyard and asks Lei Meixia to get her identity token. After both of them got their tokens, they returned to the hut to study 'Heavenly Petals Unison.'

While returning, Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia looked at the vortex of Qi above Lei Kongming's hut and sighed in amazement.

In their hut, they sit next to each other and calm their breath before opening 'Heavenly Petals Unison.' What appears in front of them are two similar-looking naked women hugging each other.



Lei Meixia slams 'Heavenly Petals Unison' closed.

"Sister Meiying, was I hallucinating?"

"…...I don't know, let's check it again."

Lei Meixia nodded as she opened 'Heavenly Petals Unison' again.



Both Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia read the details of the picture on the first page and learned that this posture is called 'Twilight Blossom Embrace.' For this posture, both of them need to completely remove all their clothes and hug each other face to face.

They also need to ensure that the cherry pits on their hills are rubbing against each other's. Then they have to wrap their legs around each other's waist and then lie on top of each other while making sure that the one sending her Qi is on top and the one receiving her Qi is on the bottom.

The reason explained for doing all of this is that a lot of meridians merge in sensitive areas, which makes it easier to send Qi into each other's bodies.

Lei Meiying and Lei Meixia's whole bodies turn red in embarrassment as they throw the cultivation technique into the corner of the room.

"Sister Meiying, is this what Elder Su meant when she said we could cultivate without a Taoist companion?"

".... probably..." replied Lei Meiying in deep embarrassment.

"Sister Meixia, can we change this cultivation technique?"



A deep silence of shame, embarrassment, and a little regret spread between them.


As his previous life memories started returning, Lei Kongming recalled that in his second life, he was the son of a farmer in a small village. His biggest dream at that time was to inherit his father's farm and marry Jin Yi, his neighbor's daughter who was also his childhood sweetheart.

They used to play together all day long, and their families even discussed marriage between them. However, everything changed when he was 15 years old. A cultivator came to their village searching for talented disciples for his sect, and in the end, only he and Jin Yi were selected.

After reaching the sect, he found that Jin Yi was very talented and was directly accepted as a disciple by a sect elder, while he had just above-average talent and had to become an outer sect disciple. Although they were separated and he could not enter the inner sect to meet her, Jin Yi did not disappoint him as she came to the outer sect from time to time to meet him. 

Years passed by, and he reached the peak of the Qi refining realm, while Jin Yi had already become a Golden Core realm cultivator. This significant gap in cultivation also attracted a lot of dissatisfaction from the sect as they tried to prevent Jin Yi from having any contact with him.

Soon, the intervals at which Jin Yi came to meet him became longer and longer. Finally, he decided to enter seclusion to break through to the Foundation Building realm, and then his memory ended there.

Lei Kongming woke up from his daze. The first thing he noticed was that his body felt very comfortable as if he had recovered from a serious illness. However, he also smelled a very strong, unpleasant odor.

Looking around, he discovered that he was covered in a dark, black, mud-like substance, which was the impurities removed from his body and also the source of the unpleasant smell.

Lei Kongming then ran directly to the lake and took an hour-long bath, but then he was caught he a dilemma. Previously, he had given his clothes to Lei Longwei to keep in the space ring but after the trials ended, he and Lei Longwei got separated, and he forgot to ask for his clothes back.

He only has a Taoist robe left, which he previously wore and is now covered with impurities, making it totally unusable. He also forgot to bring his soft armor because he took it off yesterday before starting his cultivation since it's really uncomfortable to wear it while cultivating.

Now, he only had two choices: either to wear that dirty, unpleasant-smelling robe or go back naked.