Electrophorus Eel

Lei Kongming was walking around the shore of the lake, trying to find a good location for fishing. He was looking for a place where he could catch fish without going too deep into the lake, but also not too far from the shore in case he needed to retreat.

After some time, he reached a rocky area along the shore. The big rocks extended into the lake, creating narrow spaces for fish to hide. Most of the fish hiding there were probably small, but he could use them to attract larger fish.

Lei Kongming climbed on the rocks, trying to move inward toward the rock furthest from the shore into the lake. Soon, he found a good spot but then was struck by a dilemma... he didn't know how to fish and had come here without even preparing any bait.

'Wait a minute! I am now a foundation-building cultivator and can use my divine consciousness,' thought Lei Kongming as he lightly slapped his forehead in realization.

Lei Kongming mobilized his divine consciousness and found hundreds of small fish hiding in the narrow spaces between the rocks. Suddenly, he dodged to the side. A foundation-building fish was hiding nearby and attacked him because his divine consciousness scan provoked it.

The fish was about a meter long with greyish-yellow scales, but what was surprising was its very narrow body, it is not wrong to say that this fish is just a little wider than a snake. As its attack failed to land on him, the fish slipped back into the rocks and hid itself.

Lei Kongming looked in the direction where the fish had hidden itself and released his divine consciousness to scan the area. He found that the fish had disappeared from there but suddenly felt an attack coming from behind. He leaped forward onto another rock, barely avoiding it.

By this time, the fish had already hidden itself again. This time, instead of looking for the fish, he remained alert and prepared for a counterattack. Soon, the fish jumped from his side to attack him, but this time he punched it instead of dodging.

Like the previous fish, Lei Kongming expected this fish's head to also explode from the impact, but the fish twisted itself mid-air like a snake and wrapped around his hand, pulling him into the water.

At this moment, Lei Kongming realized that... he was in deep trouble because the fish opened its mouth and bit his hand. In desperation, he smashed his hand on the nearby rock, which helped him as the fish loosened its grip and tried to escape but was swept away by the broken rock pieces that scattered around.

Lei Kongming took the opportunity and tightly held the gills of the fish and sent a wisp of his Qi into them. As expected, they exploded, and the water was dyed red. He breathed a sigh of relief when the fish died as he thanked the special ability of Black Dragon Immortal Arts. But then he realized...

'I should have sent the wisp of Qi as soon as the fish wrapped around my hand. Why did I wait until now...? Probably because I wanted to train my fighting instinct.'

At first, Lei Kongming thought he was stupid, but then he shamelessly found a reasonable excuse.

Walking out of the lake, Lei Kongming carefully looked at the fish and discovered that it was a kind of eel-like fish but what puzzled him was that this eel didn't give any electrical shock. He knew not all eels could generate shocks, but he recognized this type from his second life. It was famous for its electric shock, which was strong enough to kill a 5th-level foundation-building cultivator.

'If I remember correctly then this eel's name should be Electrophorus eel'

Although Lei Kongming is puzzled and a little scared by his recklessness but he does not dwell on it and walks towards his hut. Upon reaching it, he cut some nearby wood and picked a stone slab to grill the fish.

Lei Kongming then picked up the Electrophorus eel to cut and clean its internal organs. However, he found that the eel's teeth were extremely sharp, sharp enough to pierce his soft armor with just light pressure. His soft armor was second-grade and had high resistance to this type of attack, but the sharpness of the teeth made him break into a cold sweat.

'If this Electrophorus eel had successfully bitten my hand then I would have probably lost it,' he thought, shuddering.

"What is going on here? This Electrophorus eel has sharp teeth instead of electricity. What kind of weird mutation happened here?"

Lei Kongming thought for a long time but couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation, so he stopped thinking about it and continued to prepare the eel for cooking. He then lit the fire and heated the stone slab, but then he remembered that he didn't have any seasoning or oil.

"Well, I can replace the oil with the natural fat found in the eel's body, but for seasonings... Let's ask Elder Sister for it."

Lei Kongming's initial thought was to ask Sister Mei for the seasoning, but then he remembered that they might not have any since they had also just arrived at the 8th peak with him. He walked over to Su Zhiyuan's courtyard and knocked on the door.

"Eh? Xiao Ming, what happened? Why are you soaked in water? Or..."

After this, Su Zhiyuan put her hand over her mouth, and with a shocked expression she said, "Xiao Ming, did you get caught peeping at them and get kicked into the lake? Xiao Ming, you have to take responsibility for yourself. I will not help you."

Lei Kongming's eye twitched as he tried to force himself to calm down and not make the big mistake of trying to spank Su Zhiyuan with his tiny cultivation.

"Well, Elder Sister, it's not impossible to take responsibility for the Mei sisters, but I am afraid they would not agree because I have not peeped at them... at least I have not seen them naked."