Familiar Behaviour

"No wonder that outer disciple's attitude was so bad when he heard your name."

"Eh? Bad attitude? Brother Kong, what do you mean?" asked Lei Longwei in puzzlement.

"Brother Long, I asked an outer disciple about the direction of your courtyard, but as soon as he heard your name, his attitude became very unfriendly."

"Oh? He might be a member of another faction. Every time someone tries to start a new faction, they face opposition from every other faction," said Lei Longwei nonchalantly.

"Brother Long, I think you need to do something to establish your reputation," said Lei Kongming with a concerned tone. But from years of dealing with him, Lei Longwei knew that whatever came out of Lei Kongming's mouth next was unlikely to be good.

"Hahaha, Brother Kong, don't worry about it. I'll figure something out," said Lei Longwei, trying to stop Lei Kongming from causing trouble.

"Brother Long, I have a very good idea that will not only help you establish your reputation in the outer door but can also make your faction the most famous one in the outer door."

Although Lei Longwei was on guard, in the end, he still was unable to resist Lei Kongming's bait and asked, "Brother Kong, what method?"

"Duel, Brother Long. Why don't we have a duel? Once you defeat me, an inner disciple, your reputation will definitely spread far and wide. Besides, it should be very easy for you to defeat me; after all, I am as weak as a chicken," said Lei Kongming with a grin.


'I knew it. You, Lei Kongming, don't have any good intentions. How could I be stupid enough to believe you?'

Lei Longwei gave a stiff smile and said, "Brother Kong, I don't think it is necessary to trouble you with this."

"Brother Long, how can this trouble me? We have had such a good relationship since we were kids; there is no need for you to be so reserved." Saying this, Lei Kongming tried to drag Lei Longwei toward the martial arts ground.

"Brother Kong, wait! Listen! Not the martial arts ground. Brother Kong, let's not go to the martial arts ground."

After a long struggle, Lei Kongming finally decided to save some face for Lei Longwei by changing the location of the duel.

Walking into the small forest near the outer door, Lei Kongming finally let go of Lei Longwei and said with a smile, "Brother Long, it's been a while since we exchanged pointers. I wonder how much you have improved."

Knowing there was no way to escape, Lei Longwei directly pulled his sword and rushed towards Lei Kongming.

After a few minutes, Lei Longwei was lying on the ground with a feeling of déjà vu. His face had turned black and blue as he stared blankly at the sky, muttering, "Foundation building realm… How could you become a foundation building cultivator so quickly...?"

Lei Kongming felt that Lei Longwei's reaction was somewhat familiar, but he didn't think too much about it and replied, "Xiao Long, you should cultivate more diligently, otherwise you'll be left behind by your 'chicken' cousin."

Lei Kongming stretched out his hand and pulled Lei Longwei up from the ground.

*Snort* Lei Longwei snorted and asked, "Brother Kong, when did you break through to the foundation building realm?"

"A few days ago. I was lucky enough to have a sudden breakthrough."

"Brother Kong, I need to rent a cultivation room. If you don't have anything else to ask, I will be leaving," said Lei Longwei in a hurry, as if greatly stimulated when he heard 'sudden breakthrough'.

Lei Kongming once again felt that Lei Longwei's current behaviour was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember why.

"Brother Long, can you return my clothes?"

Lei Longwei pulled out a bunch of clothes from his space ring, handed them to Lei Kongming, and said, "Brother Kong, I will be leaving then."

"Wait, Brother Long, don't be in such a hurry. It won't be a problem if you rent a cultivation room after a while. Why don't we go to your courtyard? I have a few more things to ask."

Lei Longwei thought for a moment and then nodded at Lei Kongming's suggestion. As they walked toward Lei Longwei's courtyard, Lei Kongming remembered that Lei Longwei had reacted similarly when he broke through the 9th level of the Qi refining realm.


Walking into Lei Longwei's courtyard, Lei Kongming realizes that this courtyard is much better than expected. Not only does it have complete facilities, such as a bathroom and kitchen, but it also has a formation to keep away intruders.

"Brother Long, I want to build this type of courtyard on the 8th peak. Where can I find people who can do this?"

"Eh? Brother Kong, why do you need to build a courtyard?"

Lei Kongming doesn't reply but stares at Lei Longwei with a slightly annoyed but helpless expression.

"Oh, so the 8th peak is as barren as the rumors say. Besides, Brother Kong, you should meet my mother and tell her how you're doing on the 8th peak."

Lei Longwei's mouth twitched as he added, "When she heard you went to the infamous 8th peak, her first reaction was to beat me up, saying I led my cousin astray."

Lei Kongming tried to suppress his smile but failed. "I already met her before coming here. She doesn't seem to have any issues with the 8th peak."

"That may be because you have become a Foundation Building cultivator, which reassured her," Lei Longwei glanced at Lei Kongming enviously and said. "She even contacted the clan, causing quite a stir. If not for your father stepping forward to calm things down, you would be in deep trouble. Previously, I would have warned you to be careful when returning to the clan, but now I don't think it is necessary."

Lei Kongming never thought that in just a few days, so many things would happen. However, he didn't regret choosing the 8th peak. Even if he was given another chance, he would still choose the 8th peak.