
The battlefield lay in ruins, a testament to the cataclysmic clash that had just occurred. Ritsuka Fujimaru stood amidst the rubble, his weary gaze sweeping over the desolation that stretched out before him. The final confrontation with the Crypters had ended in victory, but it was a victory tinged with bitter sorrow.

As the last Master of humanity, Ritsuka had journeyed through the seven singularities and seven lost belts, facing unimaginable challenges and sacrificing much along the way. He had fought alongside valiant Servants, forged bonds that transcended time and space, and witnessed both triumph and tragedy in equal measure. But now, as the dust settled on the remnants of a shattered world, he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at his soul.

His faithful companions, Mash Kyrielight and the Servants who had fought by his side, stood silent beside him, their expressions mirroring his own weariness and grief. Mash, ever the stalwart shielder, looked to him with concern etched into her features, her golden eyes reflecting the turmoil that churned within her heart.

"Is it over, Senpai?" she asked softly, her voice barely more than a whisper in the eerie stillness that enveloped them.

Ritsuka nodded slowly, his throat tight with unspoken emotion. "Yes, Mash. It's over. But at what cost?"

The weight of their losses pressed down upon him like a leaden shroud. Countless lives had been lost in the struggle against the forces of incalculable evil, and though they had emerged victorious, the toll on his spirit was immeasurable.

"We did what we had to do," Mash replied, her tone gentle but resolute. "We saved humanity, Ritsuka. That's all that matters."

But Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of regret that gnawed at him from within. He had made choices along the way, choices that had led to this moment, and now he couldn't help but wonder if there had been another path, another way to save both humanity and those he had lost.

A bitter wind swept across the barren landscape, carrying with it the echoes of battles long past. Ritsuka closed his eyes, his mind awash with memories of friends and allies who had given their all in the fight for humanity's future.

"We won," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the mournful keening of the wind. "But at what cost? And is this truly the end?"

With a heavy heart, Ritsuka turned away from the ruins of the battlefield, his gaze fixed on the uncertain horizon that stretched out before him. The journey was far from over, he knew, and though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he would not falter.

For Ritsuka Fujimaru, the last Master of humanity, this was not the end, but merely the beginning of a new chapter in the ongoing saga of Fate.

Your arm. Mash asked looking at Ritsuka. Your arm is gone

Mash's voice pierced through the haze of Ritsuka's thoughts, drawing his attention to the absence he had almost forgotten. He glanced down at his side, where his left arm should have been, only to be met with the sight of empty space where once flesh and bone had resided.

A pang of sorrow lanced through him as he stared at the stump where his arm had been severed in the heat of battle. The pain was dull now, dulled by the rush of adrenaline and the weight of his grief, but the loss remained palpable, a constant reminder of the sacrifices that had been made.

"It's nothing," Ritsuka replied softly, his voice barely audible above the distant rumble of collapsing structures. "Just a casualty of war."

Mash's eyes brimmed with unspoken concern as she reached out to touch the bandaged stump, her gloved fingers tracing the rough edges where flesh met metal. "You shouldn't have to bear this burden alone, Senpai," she murmured, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Ritsuka offered her a wan smile, though the weight of his sorrow lingered heavy upon him. "We've all sacrificed so much," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But we'll carry on, together. That's what heroes do, right?"

Mash nodded, her expression one of quiet determination. "Right," she agreed, her voice firm with resolve. "Together."

And as they stood amidst the ruins of a world reborn, Ritsuka knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, as comrades bound by fate and forged in the fires of adversity.

For Ritsuka Fujimaru, the road ahead was long and uncertain, but with Mash Kyrielight by his side, he knew that anything was possible.

"Plus, this is my price for my actions. So many people dead just because we wanted to keep our world," Ritsuka said to Mash, his voice heavy with guilt and remorse. "After all, this is what I deserved after everything."

Mash regarded him with gentle empathy, her eyes reflecting the weight of their shared burdens. "You can't blame yourself for everything, Senpai," she replied softly. "We did what we had to do to protect humanity. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary."

Ritsuka nodded, though the weight of his guilt still pressed heavily upon him. "I know," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "But that doesn't make it any easier to bear."

Mash reached out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering silent solace in the face of their shared sorrow. "We'll find a way to make things right, Senpai," she said, her voice filled with quiet determination. "Together."

And as they stood amidst the ruins of a shattered world, Ritsuka knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would face them with Mash by his side. For in her unwavering support, he found the strength to carry on, to continue fighting for a future where hope could flourish once more.

"I understand what you're going through, Ritsuka," came Da Vinci's voice. "Come to the Shadow Border. We need to leave before this world is deleted along with us."

Ritsuka's gaze shifted to the direction of the Shadow Border, a sense of urgency gripping his heart. He knew that their time in this world was limited, that they needed to depart before it was too late.

"We have to go," Ritsuka said, his voice tinged with resignation. "There's nothing left for us here."

Mash nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting the somber reality of their situation. "Let's go, Senpai," she said, her voice steady despite the uncertainty that lay ahead. "We'll find a way to make things right, no matter what."

With a heavy heart, Ritsuka turned away from the ruins of the battlefield, his resolve firm and unwavering. Together with Mash and Da Vinci, they would embark on a new journey, one fraught with danger and uncertainty, but filled with the promise of hope and redemption.

For Ritsuka Fujimaru, the road ahead was fraught with challenges, but with his companions by his side, he knew that they would overcome whatever obstacles lay in their path.

A few months later, the solemn voice of the Mages Association echoed through the chamber, announcing Ritsuka Fujimaru's verdict.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru, you are found guilty by the Mages Association," the voice intoned. "Do you have anything to say, or do you accept your end?"

Ritsuka stood before the council, his expression calm but resolute. Despite the gravity of the situation, he refused to let fear or despair cloud his resolve.

"I have nothing to say to the Mages Association," Ritsuka replied, his voice steady and unwavering. "But I will not accept my end. Not until I have fulfilled my duty to protect humanity, no matter the cost."

The council murmured amongst themselves, their expressions a mix of surprise and disdain at Ritsuka's defiance. But he remained steadfast, his determination unshakeable in the face of their judgment.

"Very well," the voice of the council speaker said, a note of resignation in his tone. "You leave us no choice. Prepare yourself, Ritsuka Fujimaru, for your fate awaits."

But Ritsuka did not flinch. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he would face it head-on, just as he always had.

As Ritsuka resigned himself to his fate within the confines of his cell, prepared to endure whatever punishment the Mages Association deemed fit, a sudden disturbance shattered the quiet solitude of his imprisonment. The walls of his cell trembled and groaned, before finally giving way to an unseen force, leaving Ritsuka standing in stunned disbelief amidst the rubble.

Before him, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a figure of incomprehensible majesty and power. It was an entity unlike anything Ritsuka had ever seen before, a being so ancient and vast that it seemed to transcend mortal understanding.

"Who are you?" Ritsuka asked, his voice barely more than a whisper as he gazed upon the enigmatic presence before him.

The entity regarded him with an inscrutable expression, its gaze piercing through Ritsuka's very soul. "I am that which you mortals call god," it replied, its voice resonating with the weight of countless eons. "And I have come to offer you a chance at redemption."

Ritsuka's heart raced with a mixture of awe and apprehension at the entity's words. Redemption? What could a being such as this possibly want with him, a mere human caught in the tangled web of fate?

"What do you mean?" Ritsuka asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

The entity's gaze softened, a hint of compassion shining within its otherworldly eyes. "You have been chosen, Ritsuka Fujimaru," it said, its voice echoing with solemn purpose. "Chosen to embark on a journey that will determine the fate of not just your world, but countless others beyond."

Ritsuka's mind reeled at the enormity of the entity's words. A journey? But how could he, a mere human, possibly hope to undertake such a monumental task?

"You possess a power that few mortals can comprehend," the entity continued, its voice a gentle caress against Ritsuka's senses. "A power born of courage, compassion, and the unyielding will to defy fate itself. It is this power that will guide you on your path, and it is this power that will ultimately shape the destiny of all existence."

Are you sure does a sinner like me desver this. Ritsuka said as he looked at god. I mean why should I a killer like me want this let me just pay for my sins

Ritsuka's words hung heavy in the air, his voice tinged with doubt and self-condemnation. He struggled to reconcile the weight of his past actions with the possibility of redemption offered by the divine entity before him.

The entity regarded Ritsuka with a gaze filled with infinite compassion and understanding. "My child," it spoke, its voice a soothing balm to Ritsuka's troubled soul. "None are without sin, and none are beyond forgiveness. Your past does not define you, Ritsuka Fujimaru. It is your choices in the present, your determination to right the wrongs of the past, that shape your destiny."

Ritsuka's heart ached with the weight of the entity's words, the burden of his guilt and remorse threatening to overwhelm him. "But how can I ever atone for the lives I've taken, the pain I've caused?" he asked, his voice filled with anguish.

The entity reached out, a gentle hand resting upon Ritsuka's shoulder, its touch a comfort beyond words. "Redemption is not earned through suffering alone," it said, its voice soft but firm. "It is earned through the courage to face your sins, the humility to seek forgiveness, and the strength to strive for a better tomorrow."

Ritsuka bowed his head, tears streaming down his cheeks as he wrestled with the tumult of emotions raging within him. "I don't know if I have that strength," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

"You have already shown great strength, Ritsuka Fujimaru," the entity replied, its words imbued with unwavering faith. "In the face of unimaginable adversity, you have persevered. In the darkest of moments, you have found the light within yourself to keep going. That, my child, is the mark of a true hero."

Ritsuka lifted his gaze to meet the entity's, his heart heavy but resolute. "I will try," he said, his voice trembling but determined. "For the sake of those I have lost, for the sake of those I have yet to save, I will try."

And as he spoke the words, a sense of peace washed over Ritsuka, his doubts and fears giving way to a newfound sense of purpose. With the entity's guidance, he knew that he would find the strength to face whatever trials lay ahead, to confront his past, and to forge a brighter future for all.

How about this why don't you get a second chance to fix a reset? God said to Ritsuka. With your future knowledge, how can you change everything in the events of thr lost belt and singularity

Ritsuka's gaze narrowed as he faced the entity, a glimmer of defiance flickering in his eyes. "A second chance? To fix a reset?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with bitter cynicism. "What makes you think I'm worthy of such a gift? After all the lives I've taken, all the blood on my hands?"

The entity regarded him with a knowing gaze, its expression unreadable. "Worthy or not, the choice is yours to make," it replied, its voice echoing with the weight of untold eons. "But know this, Ritsuka Fujimaru: redemption is not a gift freely given. It must be earned through sacrifice, through blood and sweat and tears."

Ritsuka's jaw clenched as he digested the entity's words, his mind swirling with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. "And what if I don't want redemption?" he muttered, his tone laced with bitterness. "What if I'm content to wallow in my own guilt, to drown in the sea of my sins?"

The entity's gaze softened, a trace of sadness flickering across its features. "Then so be it," it said, its voice a solemn whisper. "But know that the path of darkness leads only to despair and oblivion. If you truly wish to change the course of fate, you must be willing to confront the darkness within yourself, to embrace the light that still flickers within your shattered soul."

Ritsuka's fists clenched at his sides, the weight of his guilt and self-loathing pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. "Fine," he spat, his voice tinged with defiance. "I'll do it. Not for redemption, not for salvation, but for the chance to rewrite the sins of my past. And if that means embracing the darkness within me, then so be it."

And with those words, Ritsuka stepped forward into the unknown, his heart heavy with the burden of his choices. For he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, but he would face it with grim determination, for better or for worse.

To be continued

So yeah hope you like this new fanfic and don't forget my power stones