upgrade sun magic

As Ritsuka delved deeper into the study of sun magic, he found himself captivated by the intricacies of its power. With each passing day, he honed his skills under his father's guidance, learning to channel the radiant energy of the sun into potent spells and enchantments.

"Focus your energy, Ritsuka," his father instructed, his voice steady and encouraging. "Feel the warmth of the sun coursing through your veins, and let it guide your magic."

Ritsuka nodded, closing his eyes and centering himself as he reached out to the sun's energy. He could feel its power humming beneath his skin, vibrant and alive, waiting to be unleashed.

With a deep breath, Ritsuka began to weave the threads of magic, shaping them into intricate patterns and symbols. As he channeled the sun's energy through his fingertips, a dazzling light erupted from his hands, illuminating the room with its brilliance.

His father smiled proudly, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Well done, Ritsuka. You're getting stronger with each passing day."

But Ritsuka knew that his journey was far from over. With each new discovery, he realized the boundless potential of sun magic, and he was determined to unlock its secrets.

As he stood bathed in the warm glow of his newfound abilities, Ritsuka knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the power of the sun at his fingertips.

Yeah even more every sense I got the magic crest. Ritsuka said to his dad. I wonder sometimes if I can use this to heal

Ritsuka's father regarded him with a thoughtful expression, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Healing, you say? It's certainly possible, my son. Sun magic holds within it the power of renewal and vitality. With the right focus and intent, you may indeed be able to channel its energy to heal wounds and mend injuries."

Ritsuka nodded, a spark of determination igniting within him. "I want to explore that possibility further, Father. If I can use my abilities to help others, to ease their suffering, then I must strive to master this aspect of sun magic."

His father smiled, pride evident in his gaze. "That's the spirit, Ritsuka. With dedication and perseverance, there's no limit to what you can achieve."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka delved deeper into his studies, his mind abuzz with the possibilities that lay ahead. Armed with his newfound knowledge and the guidance of his father, he was ready to unlock the full potential of his abilities and become a beacon of hope and healing for those in need.

As then the door to the training room is open as brown blur goes and tackled Ritsuka to the ground, as he has starts in his eyes. As he saw it was Ophelia. Ophelia's exuberant entrance brought a bright smile to Ritsuka's face, even as he found himself pinned to the ground beneath her. Chuckling softly, he gently tried to wriggle free from beneath her, the stars in his eyes reflecting the joy of their reunion.

"Hey there, Ophelia," Ritsuka greeted warmly. "As much as I love your energetic greetings, I think I could use a hand getting up."

With a playful laugh, Ophelia rolled off him, offering him a hand up as they both shared a moment of laughter. It was moments like these that Ritsuka cherished the most, the simple joy of being surrounded by friends who brought light and laughter into his life.

So what are you doing? She asked Ritsuka with her childe like wonder. What have you been doing for the weekend I was gone to visit my grandparents

"Oh, you know, the usual," Ritsuka replied with a grin, brushing himself off as he stood up. "Studying magic, training with my dad, and maybe a little bit of reading."

He paused, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "But enough about me. Tell me all about your trip! Did you have fun with your grandparents? Did you do anything exciting while you were there?"

Ritsuka's genuine curiosity shone through as he listened eagerly to Ophelia's tales, eager to hear about her adventures and share in her excitement.

Ophelia's eyes lit up with excitement as she began to recount her weekend adventures. "Oh, it was amazing! My grandparents took me on a hike through the mountains, and we saw the most beautiful flowers and butterflies. And then we went to this incredible market where they sold all sorts of delicious treats. I even got to help my grandma bake cookies!"

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Ritsuka couldn't help but smile as he listened to her animated storytelling. "Wow, that sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you had such a great time," he replied, genuinely happy for his friend.

As they continued to chat and catch up, Ritsuka felt a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. In Ophelia's presence, even the simplest moments became filled with joy and wonder, and he was grateful for the bond they shared.

As Ritsuka gazed into Ophelia's eyes, a myriad of thoughts swirled through his mind. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for their friendship and the bond they shared. However, beneath the surface, there lingered a nagging question—one that had weighed heavily on his heart since his return to the past.

Could he change Ophelia's fate? Could he prevent the tragedy that had befallen her in the original timeline?

The sight of her mystic eye served as a stark reminder of the danger she faced, and Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility that weighed upon him. He longed to protect her, to shield her from harm and ensure her safety at all costs.

But deep down, he knew that altering fate was no easy feat. The future was uncertain, and despite his newfound powers, there were no guarantees of success.

Nevertheless, Ritsuka vowed to do everything in his power to change Ophelia's destiny. He would stand by her side, support her, and do whatever it took to keep her safe.

With determination burning in his heart, Ritsuka made a silent promise to himself—to defy fate and rewrite the future, no matter the cost.

Um, Ritsuka. Ophelia said with a blush. Why are you looking at me like that. In her mind she was thinking something else. Does he like more then a friend, like I like her.

Ophelia, didn't know but she was feeling what many people would call puppy love

Caught off guard by Ophelia's question, Ritsuka blinked in surprise before quickly composing himself. "Oh, um, sorry if I was staring," he stammered, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I guess I was just lost in thought for a moment."

He offered her a sheepish smile, hoping to brush off any suspicions about his true feelings. "Anyway, you were saying about your weekend with your grandparents. It sounds like you had a lot of fun!"

Internally, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about the nature of his feelings for Ophelia. Was it merely friendship, or was there something more blossoming between them? He pushed aside his uncertainties for now, content to enjoy their time together as friends.

Ritsuka's father couldn't help but shake his head in bemusement as he watched his son interact with Ophelia. It was clear to him that there was more than just friendship between the two, yet Ritsuka seemed oblivious to Ophelia's feelings.

"Ah, to be young and oblivious," he mused to himself, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I suppose it's all part of growing up."

With a knowing glance at his wife, Ritsuka's father couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Looks like our son is following in our footsteps, dear. It might take him a while to figure it out, but he'll get there eventually."

He watched as Ritsuka and Ophelia continued their conversation, a sense of warmth and nostalgia filling his heart. Whatever the future held for them, he knew that they would always have each other's backs.

What is that. Ritsuka said as he looked at scratch at Ophelia's leg. Here let me try something. As he passed the sun magic trying to heal it

Ritsuka's brow furrowed in concern as he noticed the scratch on Ophelia's leg. Without hesitation, he reached out with his newfound knowledge of sun magic, channeling its healing energy into his fingertips.

As he gently pressed his hand against the scratch, a warm, golden light enveloped the wound, soothing away the pain and promoting rapid healing. Ophelia watched in awe as the scratch faded away before her eyes, leaving behind only a faint trace of its former presence.

"Wow, Ritsuka, that's amazing!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. "I didn't know you could do that with your magic."

Ritsuka smiled modestly, a hint of pride shining in his eyes. "Yeah, it's just a little trick I picked up. Sun magic has some incredible healing properties, and I'm still learning how to harness its full potential."

With a grateful nod, Ophelia reached out to touch her healed leg, marveling at the sensation of renewed vitality coursing through her veins. "Thank you, Ritsuka," she said softly. "You always know how to make everything better."

Ritsuka's heart swelled with warmth at her words, grateful for the opportunity to use his abilities to help his friend. As they continued their conversation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had made a difference in her life.

Mage craft. Ritsuka father said looking at the kids. You should learn the difference this not real magic for the we need to reach the root

Ritsuka's father's words hung in the air, casting a momentary shadow over the jovial atmosphere. The children exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what he meant by "real magic" and "reaching the root."

"What do you mean, Dad?" Ritsuka asked, furrowing his brow in confusion. "Isn't sun magic a type of magecraft? I thought we were learning how to use it to help people."

His father nodded solemnly, his expression grave. "Yes, sun magic is indeed a form of magecraft, but it's important to understand that there are different schools of magic, each with its own origins and purposes. While sun magic may possess healing properties, true magecraft seeks to delve deeper—to unlock the secrets of the root and manipulate the very fabric of reality."

He paused, choosing his words carefully as he continued to address the children. "The pursuit of true magecraft is a noble but perilous endeavor. It requires great discipline, knowledge, and understanding of the mystical arts. Only those who possess the utmost dedication and determination can hope to reach the root and unravel its mysteries."

Ritsuka and Ophelia listened intently, absorbing their father's words with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. The notion of delving into the depths of magic to uncover its ultimate truths filled them with a sense of awe and reverence.

As they pondered the implications of their father's teachings, Ritsuka and Ophelia realized that their journey into the world of magecraft was only just beginning a journey that would test their resolve and lead them to confront the mysteries of the universe itself.

I already know this. Ritsuka thought to him self. 100 different of caster servent had drill that into me, but that does ntk matter to me, wait should I reach the root and get one of the 5 through magic. Ritsuka though to him self

As Ritsuka contemplated the idea of reaching the Root, a surge of excitement and apprehension coursed through him. The Root—a legendary source of unimaginable power and knowledge, said to grant the wishes of those who could reach it. It was a concept that had fascinated mages for centuries, yet few had ever come close to unlocking its secrets.

But for Ritsuka, the prospect of attaining such power was both thrilling and daunting. He knew the risks involved in delving into the mysteries of the Root, as well as the temptations that awaited those who dared to seek its depths. And yet, the possibility of obtaining the means to alter fate and save those he cared about was a tantalizing prospect—one that he couldn't easily dismiss.

With determination burning in his heart, Ritsuka resolved to continue his studies of magecraft and hone his skills to their fullest potential. He knew that the path to reaching the Root would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but he was willing to face them head-on in pursuit of his goals.

As he looked towards the future, Ritsuka's mind buzzed with possibilities, each one offering a glimpse of the incredible journey that lay ahead. Whatever trials awaited him on his quest, he was prepared to face them with courage and resolve, knowing that the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.

Normal I would need a holy grail, maybe I can use one of the ones from the singularty or lost belt. Ritsuka though to him self. No doing that means, deleting to summon the servent from those singularity or lost belt

As Ritsuka weighed the possibility of using a Holy Grail from the singularities or Lostbelts to aid him in his quest to reach the Root, a sense of conflict gnawed at him. On one hand, the power of a Holy Grail could potentially grant him the means to achieve his goals and alter fate. But on the other hand, he knew that such actions would come at a steep cost.

Using a Holy Grail meant tampering with the fabric of reality, potentially erasing entire timelines and the lives within them. It was a decision that Ritsuka did not take lightly, knowing the consequences of his actions could have far-reaching implications.

Yet, as he weighed the risks and rewards, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that time was of the essence. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and every moment wasted brought them one step closer to destruction. If there was even a chance that he could make a difference, Ritsuka knew he had to seize it, no matter the cost.

With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Ritsuka resolved to tread carefully on the path ahead. He would explore every possibility, exhaust every avenue of inquiry, and do whatever it took to achieve his goals without sacrificing the lives of innocents in the process.

As he delved deeper into his studies of magecraft and contemplated the mysteries of the Root, Ritsuka knew that the road ahead would be fraught with peril. But with courage in his heart and the support of his friends by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay in store.

Plsuh I don't want more blood on my hand as I already have. Ritsuka thought to him self. If I have to use a grail I will even do I will probably go to hell for that. He through to him self more

As Ritsuka grappled with the moral dilemma of potentially using a Holy Grail to achieve his goals, a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy shroud. The thought of further staining his hands with blood, even in the pursuit of saving humanity, weighed heavily on his conscience.

With each passing moment, the weight of his decision bore down on him, casting a shadow over his thoughts and clouding his judgment. The temptation to take drastic measures, to sacrifice everything for the chance to alter fate, gnawed at the edges of his resolve.

But deep down, Ritsuka knew that there were lines he could not cross, boundaries that he could not afford to violate. The cost of using a Holy Grail was too high, the consequences too dire to justify such actions. No matter how desperate the situation, he could not allow himself to become a pawn in the game of fate, trading one form of destruction for another.

With a heavy heart and a troubled mind, Ritsuka resolved to find another way—a path that would not lead to further bloodshed or damnation. He knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, but he was determined to stay true to his principles, no matter the cost.

As he gazed into the uncertain future, Ritsuka found solace in the knowledge that he was not alone. With the support of his friends and allies, he would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination, holding fast to the belief that even in the darkest of times, there was still hope.

Hey, let's go play. Ophelia said dragging Ritsuka out of the study room.

Ritsuka offered a small smile as Ophelia pulled him away from his thoughts and back into the present moment. Despite the weight of his worries and uncertainties, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her presence.

"Sure, Ophelia," he replied, allowing himself to be led by her enthusiasm. "A little break sounds like a good idea."

As they ventured outside to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, Ritsuka felt a fleeting sense of peace wash over him. In Ophelia's company, even the darkest of thoughts seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the simple joy of friendship and camaraderie.

For a moment, Ritsuka allowed himself to forget about the weight of the world and simply revel in the warmth of the sun and the laughter of his friend. In that brief respite from his worries, he found a glimmer of hope—a reminder that no matter how dire the circumstances, there was still light to be found in the darkness.

With Ophelia by his side, Ritsuka knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the strength of their bond and the unwavering resolve to protect those they held dear.

To be continued

Hope everyone likes this and anyway don't forget my power stones, as our army grows so do we