The church

Why are moving again. Ritsuka asked his mates still confused. And why are we going to one the biggest country thatt he church has in control. He asked again

Aozaki sighed, her expression serious as she looked at Ritsuka. "Kid, there are some things you need to know," she began, her voice firm. "The world of magecraft is not just about learning spells and casting magic. There are powers at play beyond our comprehension, and sometimes, it's best to stay on the move to avoid getting tangled in those affairs."

She paused, choosing her words carefully. "As for France, it's not just any country. It's a hub of magical activity, and there are resources there that we need for your training. Plus, it's always good to explore different cultures and learn from them."

Ritsuka nodded slowly, though he still looked uncertain. "But what about the church? Are we in danger from them?"

Aozaki's expression softened slightly. "It's complicated," she admitted. "The church has its own agenda, and sometimes it aligns with ours, and sometimes it doesn't. We'll just have to be cautious and stay one step ahead."

With that, she gathered their belongings, preparing for their next journey to France.

As before they got on the plain Aozaki got a called from the man she meet from the church that told her about everything.

I see you took out offer. The man said from the other side. And don't worry we will accept you.

Yeah shut up I am only doing this to protect my student. She said to the man. And just because I have accepted from to be train by the church doesn't mean I will not stop training him one bit, this is only a temporary stop

The man chuckled softly on the other end of the line. "Of course, Touko. We understand your priorities. The safety and training of your student come first. Just keep us informed of your whereabouts and any developments."

Aozaki nodded, even though the man couldn't see her. "I will," she replied firmly. "And if you try anything funny, you'll regret it."

There was a pause before the man spoke again. "Understood. We'll be in touch."

With that, the call ended, and Aozaki pocketed her phone, a sense of determination in her eyes as she prepared to board the plane to France with Ritsuka by her side.

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Ritsuka couldn't shake off the feeling of unease about their sudden relocation and Aozaki's mysterious conversation.

"Master, why did you agree to work with the church?" Ritsuka finally asked, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

Aozaki glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "It's complicated, kid. Let's just say they made me an offer I couldn't refuse for the sake of our safety."

Ritsuka frowned, but decided not to press further. He trusted Aozaki, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story than she was letting on.

As the plane took off, Ritsuka settled into his seat, his mind swirling with questions about their new destination and the secrets that seemed to follow them wherever they went.

As Ritsuka contemplated the complexities of his situation, memories of past encounters with the church flashed through his mind. From Kotomine Kirei's sinister schemes to Amakusa Shirou's enigmatic presence, the church had always been a source of both fascination and distrust for him.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding his relationship with the church, Ritsuka couldn't deny the irony of his current circumstances. After all, it was through divine intervention that he had been granted the ability to travel through time, a power bestowed upon him by a being he could only describe as a god.

Lost in thought, Ritsuka couldn't shake off the feeling that his journey was far from over, and that the church's involvement in his life was just beginning to unfold.

This maybe a good things. Ritsuka though to him self. I asked Joan about the church and they had a lot of weapon if I can learn how to use those weapon I can get even Stronger when I joined Chaldea. Ritsuka though to himself and even relished not all the people from the church were bad people or enigmatic people. As Ritsuka considered the potential benefits of aligning with the church, he reasoned that delving into their arsenal of weapons could significantly bolster his strength. Recalling his conversation with Joan of Arc, he acknowledged that not all members of the church were nefarious or enigmatic figures.

With this in mind, Ritsuka saw an opportunity to leverage his relationship with the church to enhance his combat skills and gain access to formidable weaponry. The prospect of augmenting his abilities for future challenges, particularly within the ranks of Chaldea, filled him with a renewed sense of determination.

As they arrived in France, a waiting car greeted them, and to their surprise, the occupant was none other than the pope himself, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Ritsuka and Aozaki exchanged bewildered glances before cautiously stepping into the vehicle, unsure of what to expect from this unexpected encounter.

As they settled into the car, Pope Bergoglio greeted them warmly, his demeanor calm and reassuring despite the gravity of the situation. "Welcome to France, my dear guests," he said with a gentle smile. "I apologize for the abruptness of our meeting, but there are matters of great importance that we must discuss."

Ritsuka and Aozaki exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what to make of the pope's unexpected appearance. They had heard rumors of the Church's involvement in their affairs, but to be personally greeted by the pope himself was beyond their expectations.

"We have much to discuss, but first, let us depart to a more private location," the pope continued, gesturing for the driver to start the car. As they began their journey, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.

As the car was driving the pope looked at Ritsuka a smile was on his face as he relies this was the boy god told him and everyone in higher up in the church to protect and train, he was sure the messenger he sent already told his master about the message

The pope's gaze was gentle yet penetrating, as if he could see right through Ritsuka's soul. "You are the one," he murmured, his voice carrying an air of solemnity. "The chosen one, blessed by divine providence."

Ritsuka felt a shiver run down his spine at the intensity of the pope's words. He had never been one to believe in destiny or divine intervention, but the weight of the pope's gaze made him question everything he thought he knew.

"What do you mean?" Ritsuka asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't even begin to imagine.

As the car continued on its journey, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter with the pope was somehow preordained, part of a larger plan set in motion by forces beyond his comprehension. He remembered the cryptic words spoken to him by God before being sent back in time, and now, faced with the pope's presence, it all seemed to fall into place.

Perhaps this was another manifestation of God's will, another step in the path that had been laid out for him. And if that were the case, Ritsuka was determined to embrace it wholeheartedly, trusting in the guidance of a higher power to lead him toward his destiny.

With a sense of resolve, Ritsuka decided to accept this unexpected turn of events as part of his journey. He would heed the guidance of the pope and the church, knowing that they were now intertwined with his fate. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he would face them with courage and determination, trusting in the unseen forces that seemed to be guiding his steps.

As the car approached their destination, Ritsuka braced himself for the trials and lessons that awaited him in France. Whatever lessons the church had to offer, he was ready to embrace them, knowing that each step forward brought him closer to fulfilling his purpose in this world.

As they arrived to a house everyone in car got out and looked at it.

This is safe house. The pope said looking at both master and student. It is also made on top of a magic ley line

As they entered the safe house, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at its hidden magnificence. The architecture blended seamlessly with its surroundings, concealing its true purpose from prying eyes. He sensed the subtle hum of magical energy coursing through the ley line beneath them, amplifying his own magical senses.

"This place is incredible," Ritsuka remarked, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "And to think it's built on top of a ley line... It must be incredibly fortified against any external threats."

The pope nodded, a look of approval in his eyes. "Indeed, young one. This safe house has been a sanctuary for many throughout the ages. It will serve as your training grounds as you continue your journey under our guidance."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. He was ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he had the support of the church and the guidance of his mentor, Toko Aozaki.

Now I must ask you boy. The pope said to Ritsuka. Would like to be train by us, we will not take away from your master or anything we will be sending someone to train you defending on which brance you want to be train by the decision is your do you want us to train you or not

Ritsuka paused, considering the pope's offer carefully. It was an opportunity unlike any other, to receive training from one of the most influential institutions in the world. However, he also knew that his loyalty lay with his current mentor, Toko Aozaki, who had been guiding him on his journey thus far.

"Thank you for the offer, Your Holiness," Ritsuka began respectfully. "I am honored by the opportunity, but I must remain loyal to my current mentor, Toko Aozaki. She has been instrumental in my development, and I wish to continue learning from her."

The pope nodded understandingly, his expression reflecting respect for Ritsuka's decision. "I see. Loyalty is a virtue valued greatly by the church. Should you ever change your mind, know that our doors are always open to you."

You passed the test. The pope said looking at Aozaki. I will sending a list of all the fractions and what they do to you and after you will train by one, your raise and good student miss Aozaki. The pope said to Aozaki as he left

Aozaki nodded in acknowledgment, her expression betraying a hint of satisfaction at the recognition. "Thank you, Your Holiness. I will ensure that Ritsuka continues to receive the best guidance and training under my tutelage."

As the pope departed, Aozaki turned to Ritsuka, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Looks like we're in for some interesting times ahead, kid. But don't worry, I've got your back every step of the way."

Ritsuka returned her smile with a nod, feeling a mixture of apprehension and excitement about the training that lay ahead. "Thanks, Master. I'm ready for whatever comes our way."

With a sense of determination, they entered the safe house, prepared to embark on the next phase of their journey, with the support of the Church behind them and the mysteries of magecraft awaiting their exploration.

As then one of the people in the car gave Ritsuka a list of the fraction in the church

Pick wisely kid. The man said as he also went away. And good luck

Ritsuka took the list, feeling the weight of the decision ahead of him. He knew this choice could shape his future, influencing not only his own abilities but also his role in the ongoing conflicts and mysteries surrounding magecraft and the Church.

Turning to Aozaki, he said, "Master, I think we should discuss this together. Your guidance has brought me this far, and I trust your judgment." Together, they began to review the options laid out before them, considering each faction's specialties, philosophies, and potential implications for their journey ahead.

Meanwhile back at Greece Berly was looking at the room Aozaki and Ritsuka said at his he pulled out his phone before calling the person that hired him for this job

Beryl dialed the number, his expression unreadable as he waited for the call to connect. After a few moments, the line picked up, and a voice on the other end greeted him.

"Report," the voice demanded, wasting no time.

Beryl leaned against the wall, his mind already formulating the details he would provide. "I've tracked down Aozaki and Ritsuka to a safe house in Greece," he began, his tone casual despite the gravity of his words. "They seem to have the protection of the Church. It might complicate things, but I'll proceed as planned."

So where are they. The voice said. They are not in Greece so we're did they go

"They've moved on to France," Beryl replied, his voice steady. "I'll be following them there. They won't escape my sight."

"I expect results, Beryl," the voice on the other end warned. "Don't disappoint us."

"Don't worry," Beryl chuckled darkly. "I never disappoint." With that, he ended the call and began making arrangements to track down Aozaki and Ritsuka in France.

Also I need plain tickets. Beryl said to voice. And it going to take me a while I don't even know where the hell in french they went

"I'll arrange for the tickets," the voice replied. "Just focus on finding them. We can't afford to let them slip away."

Why are you after the boy. Beryl asked. Not complaining just asking

"The reasons are not for you to know," the voice responded cryptically. "Just ensure you complete the task."

The voice on the other end hesitated for a moment before replying, "You'll get your payment once the job is done. Just make sure it's done right, Beryl."

To be continued

Army grows by the day and we keep on getting stronger so let the power stop es come and so um for the people that didn't notice or didn't get the notification this Ch was realising in April 6 at 6 Am and 6 minutes Both of the Ch