Ten shadow part 2

Ritsuka, sensing the urgency in the white wolf's words, focused his thoughts inward, calling out to his summoned servant. "Edmond," he said silently, his mind reaching out to his faithful companion. "We need your help. We're under attack."

As the chaos unfolded around them, Ritsuka hoped that Edmond would heed his call and lend his strength to their desperate situation.

About time master. Edmond said to him. Let's do this.

As he came out Ritsuka head after so long, as the group just looked at him confused.

No time to explain. Ritsuka he needs to explain a lot. Devin dog. He called out for the whit end black wolf as they came out of his shadow

With Edmond and the divine dogs by his side, Ritsuka felt a surge of determination coursing through him. "We need to fend off these attacks and protect ourselves," he declared to the group, his voice firm with resolve.

As they faced the onslaught of lightning and the menacing creatures, Ritsuka prepared to unleash the power of his newfound allies to defend against the threat.

As the lightning continued to crackle around them, Ritsuka focused his attention on the bird-like creature, Nue, and the winged toad, Toad, that had emerged from the shadows. With a determined look, he signaled to Edmond and the divine dogs to stand ready.

"Let's show them what we're made of," Ritsuka called out, his voice filled with determination.

With a swift motion, Edmond summoned his dark powers, ready to engage the adversaries. The divine dogs, obedient to Ritsuka's command, positioned themselves to attack, their fierce gazes fixed on the looming threats.

Nue, with its electrified feathers crackling with energy, swooped down towards the group, aiming to unleash its lightning strikes. Meanwhile, Toad croaked menacingly as it prepared to unleash its own magical assaults.

Ritsuka braced himself, his mind racing as he prepared to coordinate their defense. With a silent nod to his allies, he unleashed his mystic eyes, ready to perceive the weaknesses of their opponents and formulate a strategy.

After this your explaining. Aozkai said activating her magic crest. Beacuse we need answer

As Ciel, Caren and Ayato were also ready

With their allies poised for battle, Ritsuka focused on analyzing the movements of Nue and Toad, searching for any vulnerabilities or patterns that could be exploited.

As Nue descended with a flurry of lightning strikes, Ritsuka and Edmond swiftly dodged, using their agility to evade the electrified feathers. Meanwhile, the divine dogs lunged forward, their sharp teeth bared as they attempted to disrupt Nue's attack.

Toad, sensing an opportunity, unleashed a barrage of magical projectiles towards the group. Aozaki raised a barrier with her magic crest, deflecting the incoming attacks while Ciel and Caren retaliated with precise counterattacks, aiming to neutralize Toad's offensive capabilities.

In the midst of the chaos, Ritsuka remained focused, his mystic eyes allowing him to identify the weak points of their adversaries. With a calculated move, he directed the divine dogs to target specific areas on Nue and Toad, exploiting their vulnerabilities and gradually wearing them down.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka and his allies fought with unwavering determination, their coordinated efforts pushing back against the relentless assault of the ten shadows. With each passing moment, they inched closer to victory, driven by their resolve to protect each other and uncover the secrets behind the enigmatic adversaries.

Now. As Ritsuka pulled out his Black keys, as he covers them with his black flames. Take this your bird

Ritsuka swung the black keys infused with his Amaterasu flames towards Nue, the divine bird. The blades sliced through the air with blazing intensity, leaving trails of black flames in their wake. Nue attempted to evade the attack, but Ritsuka's precise strikes and the relentless assault of the divine dogs left it with little room to maneuver.

As the black keys made contact with Nue, the flames erupted in a dazzling display of light and heat. The divine bird let out a deafening screech as it struggled to withstand the intense flames engulfing its form. With a final burst of effort, Ritsuka unleashed the full force of his black flames, enveloping Nue in a torrent of searing heat.

The divine bird writhed in agony as the flames consumed it, its once majestic form reduced to ashes in the inferno. As the flames subsided, only smoldering remnants remained, marking the defeat of the second of the ten shadows.

With Nue vanquished, Ritsuka and his allies turned their attention to Toad, the remaining adversary. The battle was far from over, but with their combined strength and determination, they were determined to emerge victorious and uncover the mysteries surrounding the ten shadows.

As just like the Devin dog, Nue body become shadow as it was absorbed by Ritsuka as on top of the Devin dog mark in Ritsuka had was Nue, as Ritsuka Summoned Nue this time the bird was bigger and seemed to be stronger

Ritsuka's command over Nue was undeniable as the majestic divine bird materialized before him in a newfound form, larger and more powerful than before. With its fierce eyes blazing with determination, Nue stood ready to heed Ritsuka's every command, a formidable ally in their battle against the ten shadows.

As Nue spread its wings, crackling with electrical energy, a surge of power coursed through Ritsuka's veins. With a nod of acknowledgment to his newfound companion, Ritsuka prepared to unleash Nue's might upon their remaining adversary, the enigmatic Toad.

With Nue at his side, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of confidence, bolstered by the strength of their bond and the trust they shared. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, confronting the mysteries of the ten shadows and emerging victorious against all odds.

As the frog tryed to run, Edmond saw it.

Master can I use my np. Edmond said to Ritsuka. It is time I finish this

Yes, Edmond. Do it. Ritsuka replied with determination. Put an end to this chaos.

With Ritsuka's permission, Edmond unleashed his Noble Phantasm, the Count of Monte Cristo, a devastating attack that struck the fleeing Toad with unparalleled force. As the dark shadows engulfed their foe, Edmond's NP rendered the Toad powerless, sealing its fate in a torrent of vengeance and justice.

With the threat neutralized, Ritsuka and his companions stood victorious, their unity and resolve prevailing over the darkness that had threatened to consume them. As the echoes of battle faded, they turned their attention to the task ahead, seeking answers to the mysteries that still loomed large in their path.

As just like before Toad becomees a shadow and goes to Ritsuka as frog mark was on his arm with the the wolf and bird

The marks on Ritsuka's arm multiplied, bearing the symbols of the three Ten Shadows he had subdued: the Devin Dogs, Nue, and Toad. With each new seal, Ritsuka's connection to these powerful entities grew stronger, granting him their formidable abilities and unleashing their full potential.

As the group assessed the aftermath of the battle, they realized the gravity of their situation. The Ten Shadows were not merely adversaries to be defeated but enigmatic forces intertwined with Ritsuka's destiny, their presence shaping the course of their journey in ways they were only beginning to comprehend.

With newfound resolve, Ritsuka and his companions prepared to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding the Ten Shadows, knowing that their quest would lead them to confront even greater challenges and revelations in the days to come.

As Edmond went inside it Ritsuka mind he saw Nue, Fog and the Devin dog.

Will shit. Edmond said realising he just got roommates. Just my luck

Edmond found himself in an unexpected situation, confronted with the realization that he now shared a mental space with the Ten Shadows subdued by Ritsuka. Despite the initial shock, Edmond understood the gravity of their connection and the significance it held for their journey ahead. With a wry smile, he resigned himself to his newfound companionship, knowing that together they would navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

Kid you have thing to explain. Ayatos said to Ritsuka. Like who the hell was that man? Ayatos said talking about Edmond.

Ritsuka hesitated for a moment, considering how much to reveal. "Um, well, you see," he began, choosing his words carefully, "Edmond is... sort of a family heirloom. Passed down through generations." He offered a sheepish smile, hoping they would accept the vague explanation without further probing.

Ok. Ayato said. I stop questioning thing when I learn was going teach a descended of Karna

Aozaki nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's quite fascinating," she added, accepting Ritsuka's explanation for now. "But we should focus on our current situation. We've managed to tame two of these Ten Shadows, but who knows what challenges lie ahead."

As the group continued their journey, Ritsuka couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He knew he had to eventually confront the truth and reveal the secrets he was hiding. But for now, he focused on the task at hand, knowing that the challenges ahead would demand his full attention and strength.

As they were seem to set up camp Ciel and Caren were seem to grabu fire wood as Ritsuka just looked at the marks in his hand

As Ritsuka examined the marks on his hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on him. The presence of the divine beasts within him was a constant reminder of the dangers they faced and the mysteries that awaited them. Deep in thought, he joined Ciel and Caren in gathering firewood, hoping to find some solace in the simplicity of the task.

As then Ritsuka summon each of the the ten shadows he had, as the Devin dog, Nue and Toad came out.

I wanna ask you. Ritsuka said looking at each of the shadow. What can you guys do exactly

The ten shadows emerged at Ritsuka's summons, each bearing unique abilities and powers. The Devin dog, Nue, and Toad stood before him, ready to answer his question.

The Devin dog spoke first, its voice resonating with an air of wisdom. "I am a guardian of divine essence, capable of sensing and neutralizing threats to your well-being. My presence ensures your protection from malevolent forces."

Nue, the majestic bird, spread its wings and spoke next. "I possess the power of thunder and lightning, able to command storms and unleash devastating bolts of electricity upon your enemies. With me by your side, you wield the fury of the heavens."

Toad, the winged frog, croaked in response. "I am master of illusions and deception, adept at confounding foes with my illusions and manipulating their perceptions. My tricks can befuddle even the most cunning adversaries, granting you an advantage in battle."

As Ritsuka listened to their explanations, he realized the potential of his newfound allies and the importance of mastering their abilities for the challenges ahead. With the ten shadows at his command, he felt a renewed sense of determination to face whatever trials awaited him.

Anything more I needed to know? Ritsuka said to them. Like the power of them other shadows

The shadows exchanged knowing glances before responding to Ritsuka's inquiry about their companions.

The Devin dog spoke first, its voice resonating with solemnity. "The other shadows possess unique abilities tailored to their nature and purpose. They are manifestations of ancient powers, each with strengths and weaknesses that complement one another. Together, we form a formidable force to aid you in your endeavors."

Nue, the thunderbird, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the shadows you command represent a diverse array of talents and skills. From the cunning of the fox to the swiftness of the wind, each shadow brings something valuable to our collective."

Toad, the trickster, croaked softly. "While we may not possess the raw power of some heroic spirits, our abilities are subtle and versatile. With cleverness and strategy, we can outwit even the most formidable adversaries."

As Ritsuka absorbed their words, he realized the depth of the power he now wielded. With the ten shadows at his command, he had an arsenal of abilities at his disposal, each waiting to be unleashed in the battles to come.

You guys know about heroic spirits. Ritsuka said shocked that they knew. How

The Devin dog, with its piercing gaze, replied, "We have existed since ancient times, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations, the deeds of heroes, and the struggles of mankind. Our knowledge spans the ages, and we have observed the manifestations of humanity's greatest champions."

Nue, crackling with electricity, added, "Our connection to the world transcends mortal understanding. We have borne witness to the summoning of heroic spirits throughout history, their battles, triumphs, and sacrifices etched into the fabric of time."

Toad, with a mischievous glint in its eyes, chimed in, "We may not fully comprehend the intricacies of your world, but we have gleaned much from our observations. The summoning of heroic spirits is but one aspect of the grand tapestry of existence, a phenomenon that resonates with the very essence of humanity."

As Ritsuka listened to their words, he realized that the ten shadows possessed knowledge far beyond his own, offering insights into the mysteries of the world and the forces that shaped it.

As then Edmond comes next them as he had a smile as he whisper to Ritsuka

They seem to be similar to shadow servent. Edmond said to Ritsuka. Very fitting your ability to summon shadow servants is on the top master

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging Edmond's observation. "It seems that way. Perhaps there's a deeper connection between the ten shadows and the concept of shadow servants than we realize. Regardless, having them by my side will be invaluable in the battles to come."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones ok, and out army will just keep growing