More enemy's

As then they all heard something, more people coming, shouting how they were the United Roman empire, as leading them was someone that made Ritsuka just sigh releasing that the events didn't changes so much, as it was Julius Caeser.

Caligula's what did I say. Julius said coming to the battle. Not to go with the small part of the army

As Julius Caesar arrived on the battlefield, Ritsuka and his allies braced themselves for another wave of enemies. With the United Roman Empire at his command, Caesar posed a formidable threat, his strategic prowess and charismatic leadership rallying his troops to battle with unmatched fervor.

"Looks like we're not out of the woods yet," Ritsuka remarked, his expression grim as he eyed Caesar's approaching forces.

Mash tightened her grip on her shield, determination burning in her eyes. "We can handle this, Senpai," she said, her voice steady despite the mounting odds. "We've faced tough challenges before, and we'll overcome this one too."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve steeling as he prepared to meet their new adversaries head-on. With Edmond, Brynhildr, Tenochtitlan, Marie Alter, and his summoned creatures at their side, they stood ready to defend against the relentless assault of the United Roman Empire.

As the clash of arms reverberated across the battlefield once more, Ritsuka and his companions fought with unwavering determination, their bond as master and servants guiding them through the chaos of battle. Against the might of Caesar's army, they stood as beacons of hope, their spirits unyielding in the face of adversity.

Through the trials and tribulations of war, they remained united, their shared purpose driving them ever forward in their quest to preserve humanity and restore the course of history. With each victory, they drew closer to their ultimate goal, their resolve unshakable even in the darkest of hours.

Everyone. Nero said to everyone. Retrieve.

As Nero called for a retreat, Ritsuka swiftly enacted a plan to cover their escape. Drawing upon his powers, he summoned a wall of black flames, creating a barrier between their group and the advancing forces of the United Roman Empire. With the path momentarily blocked, they had a chance to regroup and retreat to safety.

As the flames rose high, obscuring their movements from their enemies, Ritsuka's shadow dragons sprang into action. With precision and agility, they swooped down, snatching up their allies and carrying them to safety. Amidst the chaos of battle, Ritsuka ensured that everyone, including Nero and her soldiers, was safely lifted away from the impending danger.

Once everyone was securely aboard the shadow dragons, Ritsuka urged the creatures to fly swiftly, carrying them away from the battleground and towards the safety of where ever. With each beat of their powerful wings, they put distance between themselves and the pursuing forces, ensuring their escape from the clutches of the United Roman Empire.

As they soared through the night sky, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the challenges they faced, they had managed to retreat safely, preserving their strength for the battles yet to come. With their allies gathered and their resolve unbroken, they would continue their fight against the forces threatening the fabric of history, united in their quest to protect humanity and restore peace to the world.

We need a place to stay. Ritsuka said looking at Nero. What other city is near by Nero, we need more power then this.

Nero considered Ritsuka's question for a moment before responding. "There is another city not far from here," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "It's called Antium, and while it may not be as grand as Rome, it has its own strengths and resources."

Ritsuka nodded, taking in Nero's suggestion. "Antium it is then," he said decisively. "We'll need to gather our strength and plan our next move carefully. With the forces of the United Roman Empire on the march, we'll need all the allies we can muster."

As they made their way towards Antium, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of urgency weighing on his shoulders. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and every decision they made could tip the scales in their favor or against them. But with Nero and their allies by his side, he knew they stood a fighting chance against whatever challenges awaited them in the days ahead.

As they arrived at Antium, Nero gathering her people, spoke of the United Roman empire, as she spoke that they already took a city, as he solder joined up.

Let see. Ritsuka was looking at what he wrote for this singularty. Nero never told me when she meet boudica or Spartacus, I need to find them, they helped during the original timeline, so i just have to wait for the counter force to summon them. As he called for Edmond. You already read my mind so you know what to do

Edmond nodded, understanding Ritsuka's intentions. "I'll keep an eye out for any signs of their presence," he said, his voice low and determined. "If they're meant to join us in this fight, we'll find them."

Meanwhile, Nero continued to rally her forces, bolstering their morale and fortifying their defenses in preparation for the inevitable clash with the United Roman Empire. As the hours passed, tensions rose, and the anticipation of battle hung heavy in the air.

Ritsuka stood at the forefront of their makeshift headquarters, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, he remained determined to see their mission through to the end, whatever the cost.

As night fell over Antium, casting shadows across the city, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The calm before the storm enveloped them, and he knew that when dawn broke, they would face their greatest trial yet. But with Nero and their allies by his side, he was ready to confront whatever destiny had in store for them in the days ahead.

As night fell, the camp of the United Roman Empire was bustling with activity. Julius Caesar, accompanied by Caligula and Cleopatra, stood at the center, surveying their forces with a steely gaze.

"We must strike swiftly and decisively," Julius Caesar declared, his voice resonating with authority. "The time has come to crush our enemies and seize control of this land."

Caligula chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting with malice. "I've been itching for a good fight," he growled, his fists clenched in anticipation. "Let's show them the true power of the United Roman Empire!"

Cleopatra, elegant and composed, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, but let us not underestimate our adversaries," she cautioned, her voice smooth and measured. "They have proven themselves resourceful in the past. We must proceed with caution."

Julius Caesar nodded, his expression grave. "Wise words, Cleopatra. But make no mistake—we will emerge victorious," he declared, his confidence unwavering. "Prepare yourselves. Tomorrow, we march on Antium, and nothing will stand in our way."

With their plans set and their resolve hardened, the leaders of the United Roman Empire retired for the night, knowing that the fate of Septem hung in the balance, awaiting the dawn of a new day filled with bloodshed and glory.

As dawn broke over the ancient city of Antium, Ritsuka and his allies gathered in a war council within the walls of the makeshift fortress. Nero stood at the head of the table, her expression determined as she addressed the assembled group.

"Our situation is dire, but we will not falter," Nero declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "We must rally our forces and prepare to defend Antium with all we have."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the faces of his companions. "Agreed. But we can't rely solely on defense. We need to take the fight to the United Roman Empire," he said, his tone resolute.

Mash stepped forward, her shield at the ready. "We should focus on disrupting their supply lines and weakening their forces before they reach the city," she suggested, her tactical mind at work.

Edmond, ever stoic, nodded in approval. "A sound strategy. We must strike swiftly and decisively, catching them off guard," he added, his voice low and menacing.

Marie Alter cracked her knuckles, a predatory grin on her face. "I'll make sure they regret ever crossing us," she vowed, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Nero smiled grimly, her eyes flashing with determination. "Then it's settled. We fight for the future of Septem and all who call it home," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of leadership.

With their plan in place and their resolve steeled, Ritsuka and his allies prepared for the coming battle, knowing that the fate of Septem would be decided by their actions in the hours to come.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the sound of marching feet echoed across the plains outside Antium. The United Roman Empire approached, their ranks swelling with each passing moment.

Ritsuka and his allies stood ready atop the city walls, their weapons at the ready and their resolve unwavering. The tension in the air was palpable as they awaited the inevitable clash.

Nero raised her sword high, her voice ringing out over the din of the approaching army. "For Rome! For Septem! Charge!"

With a roar, Ritsuka's forces surged forward, meeting the enemy head-on in a clash of steel and magic. Spells crackled through the air, swords clashed, and arrows whistled overhead as the battle raged on.

Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka fought with determination, his command seals blazing as he summoned forth his servants to aid in the fray. Edmond's bullets found their marks with deadly accuracy, Brynhildr's spear pierced through enemy lines, and Marie Alter's shadows danced and twisted, ensnaring foes in their dark embrace.

Mash stood steadfast at Ritsuka's side, her shield deflecting blows and her noble phantasm unleashing devastating attacks upon their enemies. Together, they formed an unbreakable frontline, holding back the tide of invaders with unwavering resolve.

But the United Roman Empire was relentless, their numbers seemingly endless as they pressed forward with ferocious determination. The battle grew ever more intense, the clash of arms and the cries of the wounded filling the air with a cacophony of sound.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, the outcome of the battle remained uncertain. Ritsuka and his allies fought on, their hearts filled with courage and their spirits unbroken, determined to defend Antium and the future of Septem at any cost.

As then they, all heard something, as they saw lighting hitting thr ground, as chariot as riding it was a muscle bound man with red hair, ans red facel hair, as Ritsuka was shocked suppirese that the timeline change more.

Well shit. Ritsuka said looking at the new servant. Let me gess rider and will fuck iskander.

Hearing this Iskander lapped, as next to his was a man with long black hairs, wearing suit with glasses, many knew this man as waver or lord El-Melloi the second, right know it was him and not him, this was pseudo servant Zhunge liang.

Iskander grinned broadly, his booming voice filling the air. "Ah, it seems I'm quite famous in this era as well! I'm honored to be recognized by such a fine Master," he declared, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Waver, or rather Zhuge Liang, inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Indeed, it seems fate has brought us together once more," he said, his tone calm and measured.

Ritsuka shook his head in disbelief, the implications of their presence sinking in. "I guess some things never change, huh?" he muttered to himself, a mixture of awe and apprehension coursing through him.

As the unexpected allies joined the fray, the tide of battle shifted once more. Iskander's chariot thundered through enemy lines, trampling foes beneath its wheels, while Zhuge Liang's strategic brilliance turned the tide of the conflict in their favor.

With their combined strength, Ritsuka's forces pushed back against the United Roman Empire with renewed vigor. Spells flew, swords clashed, and the ground shook beneath their feet as the battle raged on.

But amidst the chaos, a new threat emerged. A shadowy figure stepped forth from the ranks of the enemy, his eyes gleaming with malice as he surveyed the battlefield.

"Goetia," Ritsuka muttered under his breath, recognizing the source of the disturbance. "We'll need everything we've got to stop him."

With the fate of Septem hanging in the balance, Ritsuka and his allies prepared to face their greatest challenge yet, united in their determination to protect the future from the encroaching darkness.

Hahahahhahaha sorry, about this is not my master. A voice came over the battlefield. This only a clone.

As the head was cut of as then walking into the battle was the same alter ego, as Ritsuka saw him his eyes wident, he recornised it was Senji Muramasa, Ritsuka knew him but, sense thr reset Muramasa didn't know Ritsuka, as then Marie alter came to the side of Ritsuka.

Rember when I told that Solomon, has summons seven servant of one of each extra class, and put them in each Singularty to kill you. Marie alter said as she looked at Muramasa. Will he's one of them class alter ego.

Oh your alive. Muramasa said looking at Marie. Personally speaking I am suppirese, but still no hard felling kid, just following order of my master.

Ritsuka's eyes narrowed as he faced Muramasa, a mixture of surprise and concern swirling within him. "So you're one of Solomon's pawns," he muttered, his grip tightening on his weapon.

Muramasa nodded, his expression unreadable. "Indeed, I am but a tool in his grand design," he admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "But that doesn't mean I won't give you a fight worthy of your skill, Master of Chaldea."

Marie Alter stepped forward, her shadowy form crackling with energy. "Don't underestimate us, Muramasa," she warned, her voice dripping with menace. "We may not be your average opponents, but we'll give you a run for your money."

Ritsuka glanced at Marie Alter, grateful for her unwavering support. "Let's show him what we're made of," he said, determination burning in his eyes.

With a nod of agreement, they charged into battle, their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. Muramasa may have been a formidable foe, but they were determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As blades clashed and spells crackled through the air, Ritsuka and his allies fought with all their strength, pushing themselves to the limit in their struggle against the alter ego servant. With each blow exchanged, they drew closer to victory, their determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.

But as the battle raged on, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of their trials. With Muramasa standing in their path, they would need to be stronger, smarter, and more united than ever before if they hoped to emerge triumphant in the war against Solomon and his sinister machinations.

To be continued